I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 203 We can hold on until we die of old age


As a sign of death, Lily hung up the phone, waved her hand, and asked her men to leave with the phone bug.

Marika said with a smile: "It's only three days, it's really fast."

They are all prepared to wait here for a month or even longer, and are preparing to sail back and forth in the nearby waters and surrounding islands.

Unexpectedly, within three days, Sage called and arrived at the Royal City.

How did you cross over?


Lily thought for a while and said, "Only this miracle can do it."

All unknowns and miracles on the sea can be explained by ability.

In such a fast time, he also crossed the sea and reached the royal city directly, with nothing but his ability.

The phone bug didn't say it clearly, but you can guess it.

"Follow Sarge's plan."

Lily looked around and said: "Marika, you land from the north and go to the Royal City. Anyway, Sag arrived here from Impel Down City and must not have eaten anything. He needs food. You, the chef, can go there. Play a role."

"No problem." Marika said with a smile.

"Hawkins, you should go too, Sag may need your divination ability. Letty stay on the ship, I need your motivation."

Lily glanced at Renedia who was eager to try, but decided to let her stay on the ship.

With her, this ship can have the fastest speed.

"I'm OK."

Hawkins drew a few tarot cards and said calmly.

The success rate of the operation was so high that he didn't want to talk about it. This was a plan that could definitely be completed.

"Bellamy, you go with them, the rest of the people stay on the ship, we go to the southern port city of Selfbrae, rob there, and wait for Sag to arrive."

This is Sargar's plan.

After knowing where they were and basic information about the country, Sage gave the order.

He is in the royal city, so there is no reason to rob the enemy. Since he is here, he doesn't have to grab a few more places.

The Death Omen moved to a landing point instead of landing at Novbray. Since the destination was the royal city, there was no need to tangle with the guards who had regrouped in that city.

"Use this, use this!"

Renedia asked her men to move the motorcycles out of the cabin and said, "I built ten of them, use them all!"

The area of ​​Ssomia is slightly smaller than that of Alabasta. Those of them who take boats will not be too slow to go around the island. They can definitely go from north to south in a day or two, but it is hard to say if they are on land. .

Of course you need tools to travel, otherwise you won’t be able to get there just by walking.

Regardless of whether you are traveling from the north or the south, reaching the royal city in the center and back again is equivalent to walking through the entire kingdom. Walking is too time-consuming.

This motorcycle, which Renedia calls 'Yuan Mo', can seat nine people. Ten motorcycles means ninety, which is enough.

Lily ordered a group of demons, got on the motorcycle, and headed straight for the royal city with streaks of smoke and dust on the ground.

The black ship, the Omen of Death, is also preparing to circle this big island and head towards the southern city.

Within the palace.

In the half-collapsed hall, a large amount of food was delivered by chefs on dining carts.

A dining table was moved to the main hall, and the food was placed on it by the trembling soldiers acting as waiters for Sage, who was sitting at the top, to eat.

"Why are you putting it so far away? My hands are not that long, so put it closer!"

Sage took the knife and fork, unceremoniously picked up the piece of meat in front of him, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and shouted at the soldiers.

The soldier trembled all over, and moved the plate with food forward tremblingly, but only a little closer, as if there was some ferocious beast in front of him, making people afraid to approach it rashly.

Sagar rolled his eyes, simply leaned up, moved the plate with fried vegetables over, ate it in two or three bites, then suddenly had another meal, and said calmly:

"I haven't learned enough lessons yet."


A group of chefs behind him who had finished delivering the food and wanted to take the opportunity to drag away their unconscious king were shaken, rolled their eyes and fainted to the ground.

At this time, about ten people were lying next to the fainted king.

They are all clever guys who want to save the king.

At this time, directly in front of him, at the entrance of the hall, there were a large number of soldiers lying down.

These soldiers were the same people who just wanted to rush into the hall and kill Sage.

There were also many people gathered at the entrance of the main hall, but they did not dare to approach at all. They just stood outside the door. There were so many people that they could not be counted.

Sarge didn't care and continued eating like a whirlwind until all the food on the table became empty plates. Then he picked up the rum, poured a glass and drank it in one gulp.

“It tastes okay.”

He touched his mouth and said: "Being a chef here is too wasteful. Do you want to come on the ship with me? Being a pirate is very fun."

But just after he finished speaking, he shook his head again, and the chef behind him seemed to be stunned by him.

"What on earth do you want to do, natural disaster!"

In the main hall, in addition to the soldiers acting as waiters, there was also a guard captain still standing there.

His name was Sphinx, and it was he who told Sager his current location.

"There are fifty thousand soldiers in the royal city, you can't escape!"

Sphink shouted: "I know you are very powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you will never be the opponent of so many people. If you release the king, I can negotiate with the outside world. If you release the king, we will let you out." How about it?"

"let me out?"

Sage chuckled and picked up the rum in one hand and the wine glass in the other. He stood up and walked to the throne. Under Sphink's angry eyes, he sat back on the throne with the gold velvet lion's head armrest.

"Impossible City doesn't dare to say 'let' me out, how qualified are you to say let me out?"

Sagar poured another glass of wine, put one foot on the armrest, assumed a comfortable and lazy posture, and said:

"I'll give you a chance, two billion Baileys. As long as you have this much money, I will give up robbery and leave from here."


Sphink gritted his teeth and said: "You are the only one, we will definitely win!"

"So you don't accept my conditions?" Sage asked.

"Only you and we will guard this place until we die of old age!"

Sphink said: "And we are a member of the World Government. The World Government will not let you go!"

"Hahahaha! Yes, that's why I came out of Impel Down City!"

Sage laughed loudly, "If you don't agree, then the negotiation has broken down!"

He drank another glass of wine and continued to pour rum into the glass, one glass after another, until the rum was completely drunk. Then he threw the glass down and smashed the empty glass directly at the unconscious king.

"Ten times·Nandou fights with an empty bottle!"


The wine bottle appeared in front of the king at a speed that was almost invisible. At that moment, it suddenly magnified and with heavy force, when the bottle exploded, it also shattered the king's head.

There was a gleam in Sagar's eyes, and he said with a ferocious smile: "If you can't negotiate, forget it, I'll grab it myself!"


Just as Sphink's eyes widened, he didn't even have time to scream out in surprise at the king's death. His eyes rolled back, and an unspeakable coercion descended on his body, causing his legs to weaken and he knelt down. land.



From behind, there were a lot of sounds of falling to the ground.

Sphink turned around with difficulty and saw that all the soldiers waiting outside the palace fell to the ground. Just like the soldiers who broke into the palace just now, there were no more than twenty guys who could stand. .

Although the soldiers gathered outside the palace were not all the soldiers in the royal city, they were definitely a large number, but now, they were all unable to resist!

"Look, it's that simple!"

Sage laughed and said: "I gave you a chance, but you didn't agree, just because of these support? But the king is gone, the soldiers are gone, what else do you have?"

He looked down at the kneeling Sphinx, and his smile turned into a ferocious one, "I negotiate terms with you because I am willing. In fact, you have no right to refuse. This is the truth of the sea. Only those with big enough fists are qualified. Talk about conditions!”

Because he is strong enough, he can ask the palace to prepare food without any care, even if some food is poisonous, he can tell at a glance.

But so what?

He can force out Magellan's poison. Even if the food is poisoned, he doesn't care, he just eats it as seasoning.

People on the sea have strong enough constitutions to ignore poison.

He was willing to negotiate conditions, mainly because he was too lazy to wait here, because his subordinates had to fight when they came over, so if he had time, he might as well let them come up with the money.

But if you don’t want to, then you can only grab it!

"You killed the king. You, you're crazy! That's the king!" Sphink gritted his teeth tightly, stood up and shouted in disbelief.


The king with blood and legal principles!

The masters of this country, who have been served for generations, are just gone?

"Don't you know who I am?"

Sage asked strangely: "I killed the king. Is it worth being so surprised?"

At least half of his bounty had this factor.

Sphink looked stunned. He had heard of the reputation of natural disasters and knew how they behaved. According to rumors, as long as he arrived at a place, there would be a large number of casualties there.

Citizens died tragically, cities were turned into ruins, and all the wealth they had worked so hard to accumulate was plundered.

He is an extremely dangerous person.

But there is a difference between hearing something and seeing it with your own eyes.

The king is dead. Logically speaking, he should withdraw now, then gather his soldiers to kill this dangerous pirate.


Sphink looked back at the few people outside the palace who were still holding on and did not fall. In addition to feeling painful in his heart, he felt dizzy.

Not an opponent

Quantity means nothing to this guy.

"You will definitely die!"

Sphink's eyes were red and he said sadly: "You will definitely die!"

"No human being can live forever, so don't say such childish words, but"

The corner of Sage's lips curled up, "You should be there before me."


Sphink paused and looked down at his chest. He saw a straw that suddenly penetrated his chest. Blood condensed from the chest along the straw to the tip, and then dripped down.

He slowly turned around and saw that the bodies of the guard captains who were also holding on had straws pierced through them.

An expressionless blond man, holding a sword that turned into straw, appeared behind the palace.

"You have the look of death today."

As soon as Hawkins moved his arm, the straw was pulled out of these people, condensed into the hilt of the sword, and turned into a sword blade.

He stepped over the fainted people and corpses, walked into the palace, flicked the sword blade, and put it into its sheath.

"I haven't seen the captain for a week."

Hawkins stood still in the main hall, looked up at Sager sitting on the throne, and said calmly: "You don't look like you have been in jail at all."

From behind him, the sound of motorcycles starting up sounded. Ten motorcycles carrying demons rushed into the palace and appeared outside.

Sage gradually bared his teeth, "What should it be like to have been in prison?"

"At least, it should be a little sluggish."

Hawkins said: "You will only make us more confident."

Sage raised his head and laughed: "Hahahahaha, Hawkins, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you have become able to talk!"

Marika got off the motorcycle, glanced at the dining table with empty plates, and said with a smile, "Ah, it seems I don't need to cook anymore."

"No, Marika, you came just in time."

Sage said: "The cooks here always want to poison me. They are so good at cooking that they faint. I'm not full yet. You go make something to eat. I have several of your dishes." I haven’t had enough to eat.”

"The long-lost captain's order, then I'll borrow the kitchen." Marika walked into the kitchen of the palace with a gentle smile.

"Lord Sarge!"

Bellamy rushed in with the demons and said excitedly: "We are here!"

"Oh! Bellamy! Great, let's start from here."

Sage stood up from the throne and laughed: "Search carefully for me. Don't let go of valuable things. After robbing the palace, rob the city."

"Yes! Lord Sager!"

Bellamy quickly waved his hand and led these demons to start searching the half-collapsed palace.

Although there are not many people, the motorcycles driven are much higher than the human load. In this royal city, Sage does not need supplies, gold and silver treasures are enough.

"Sag, the country"

"Needless to say."

Hawkins was about to tell Sager some information about this country, but Sager waved his hand, "I'm too lazy to listen to those things."

"You know?" Hawkins was stunned.

"What do I know?"

Sage smiled and said: "I don't know anything, and I don't bother to know. We are pirates. There is no need to care so much about a robbery target. It's all robbery anyway. I'm not interested in how these rich people got their treasures." ”

When he came over, he took a glance at the whole city. The most prosperous place was around the palace, the second circle was civilian buildings, and the third circle was slums, with the largest area and the largest number.

But this has little to do with Sager, but rather allows him to lock in his target.

The rich people did not disperse, but gathered together in one place

This is a great thing!

As for the humanistic history of this country, whether it is tragic or bloody,

Sagar wasn't even interested.

This is not the territory that I rule, so why do I care so much?

The sea is so big and the world is so vast. If everyone listens patiently, how much time will be wasted.

After grabbing it, just leave the venue.

As for what the consequences will be after the robbery, whether the people from the slums take over these wealthy areas, or whether the aristocrats and rich people regain the upper hand, that is also their business.

When it comes to robbery, Sage only has a few rules, so just follow them.

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