I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 217 How to settle this account?


The huge diamond-shaped pencil column smashed down suddenly, stirring up a huge cloud of dust on the ground. In the dust, a figure appeared under the pencil column, with two hands pressed on it. Except for a hole in the ground, the figure in the dust did not even bend under this heavy force.

The dust dissipated, revealing Marika's figure. She slowly walked out of the hole, holding the diamond-shaped pencil column without a tip. Under her steps, the heavy and huge pencil gradually moved up.

Urki took back the pencil column and showed a look of surprise, but the smile did not change. Whether it was surprise or anger, it would smile so strangely.

"Is the power so huge? What a terrible woman." Urki smiled.

Marika opened her hands and said with a smile: "If you don't apologize for the food, it won't work."

"Food is just food, not life. People eat food without will and soul, and they won't encounter any difficulties. I won't apologize to food." Urki changed the posture of the pencil column.

"Alas, it seems that reason is incomprehensible."

Marika stood there, her waterfall-like black hair floated up, dancing like a snake.

"Our captain said that there is always one thing that makes people understand, reason or physics."


Urouge was stunned, but still kept a smile on his face: "Is it a natural disaster? He seems to have been captured. In the absence of the captain, you arrived in Shampoo Land. Have you established an independent pirate group, Ru Ya!"

As one of the supernovas, Marika would certainly be recognized.

As he said that, Urouge pushed the pencil column forward suddenly, and the diamond column hit Marika directly.


The same huge force was caught by Marika with both hands, and at the same time of contact, a wave of air was stimulated, making a muffled sound.

Even Kira couldn't completely resist the huge force, and could only attack by moving. Not only was the force blocked by Marika, but he couldn't even retreat a step.

"I see, wasn't it an illusion just now?"

Urki smiled and said, "This donor, it seems that your power is extraordinary."

"It's not just power."

Marika smiled slightly, and her flying hair moved like a snake, rushing to Urki along the pencil column at a very fast speed, piercing the surface of his body.

Compared with Urki's slow speed, the speed of the hair was so fast that it had already touched his body before he reacted.

"Such a weak thing"

He looked down, but didn't care, but continued to wrestle with the woman in front of him.

One was nearly four meters tall, and the other was only two meters, and she was a woman. He didn't understand why this woman was so powerful, and he didn't want to lose to this woman!

As for these hairs, his body could even block ordinary lead bullets, just hair


The tip of the hair pierced Urki's flesh, and blood flowed down instantly, which made him look stagnant and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

Bang! !

But just at this moment of relaxation, Marika, who was wrestling with him, pushed forward suddenly, pressed the pencil pole against him and threw Ulki to the ground fiercely, and her huge force smashed a hole in the ground at the root of the tree.

Marika pushed the pencil pole with both hands, jumped into the air, pressed Ulki's hair harder, and stabbed it straight at Ulki's head.

Normal hair, even with the finger gun, may not cause damage to the sturdy body, but with the addition of armed color, it is different.

No matter how strong that body is, it is still a flesh body. With the destructive power of the hair finger gun itself, plus the power of armed color, it can be broken!


But just when those hairs gathered into a bunch, with the tip like a sword, were about to pierce the head, a muffled groan came from Ulki's mouth, and the pencil pole that was pressing him was forcibly pushed away, and Marika in the air lost her support and fell to the ground.


This moment of transfer also allowed Ulki to break free from the restraint of being pressed by the pencil column, and quickly dodged to the side. The hair that should have hit his head rubbed past his shoulder, spurting out a stream of blood and stabbing into the ground.

Ulki rolled over, grabbed the pencil column, and was about to hold down the hair, but just as he did it, the hair quickly broke away from the ground and gathered behind Marika's head, showing a flying momentum.


Marika smiled and said, "It seems to have grown taller just now."

Ulki just now seemed to have grown a lot taller at that moment, and burst out with great strength.

"What a terrible woman."

Ulki turned his head to look at the gap on his shoulder. Even if it was just rubbed, it felt like being rubbed by an extremely sharp blade and was hurt.

Even so, the strange smile on his face never stopped.

Whether it was sadness or anger, he never stopped smiling.

Marika still had a smile on her face, her hair flying, and she suddenly opened her arms, "You're not very fast, shave." As soon as she finished speaking, her figure turned into a shadow, and she quickly appeared in front of Ulki, with her index finger covered in a layer of black, stabbing straight into his heart.

Ulki only had time to take a step back before his chest was penetrated by his fingertips, causing blood to flow out. At this moment, he quickly swung the pencil column and hit Marika's position. While the pencil column was moving, it was like writing in the air, blocking all the directions of Marika's movement.

"Immerse in understanding!"

The pencil column drew a word "sky" in the air and hit Marika's front with a fierce attack, but she pulled her hand back in time to block the attack.


The huge force made Marika retreat backwards, and the arm that was hit degenerated into a layer of black. The retreating footsteps just stuck to the ground and turned into a residual image, gradually in the opposite direction of Ulki's swing, while the hair was dancing, it attacked Ulki's side together with the fingers.

"Hair Binding·Group of Snakes!"


The finger gun with domineering aura and the finger gun made of hair, which was also covered with domineering aura, all pierced into Ulki's side, and his fingers were halfway into the body, leaving more than a dozen holes and scars on the side, and blood gushed out.

Ulki's speed could not keep up with Marika's attack.

This guy's body is very strong and powerful, but if he can't hit, it will be meaningless.

Marika's smile on her face did not change. While stabbing Ulki, her figure flashed away again, avoiding the pencil column that he continued to swing, and circled around him at high speed. Her hair was like a waving spike, attacking Ulki in all directions.

Hair is very soft. If it is not pressed down, the pencil column can't press her hair at all, and can only let these hair bundles, which are very powerful in Ulki's eyes, pierce his body.

In desperation, he had to give up the pencil column, hold his head with both hands, curl up slightly, protect his head and heart, and holes began to appear in various parts of his body under the attack of hair, instantly turning him into a bloody man.

"That is"

At this time, Luo, who was sitting on the wooden box, shrank his pupils and showed shock.

At first, he thought he had seen it wrong, but after so many attacks, he saw it clearly.



This is just the first half of the "paradise". "Wet Crow" Marika was born in the East China Sea and had never been exposed to the new world. Why did she comprehend the domineering?

"No wonder she dared to appear in Shampoo Land. It turns out that she has something to rely on," Luo muttered to himself.

With the power of domineering, even if the "natural disaster" is caught, she is qualified to land here and enter the new world.

This woman is a strong hand.

It's just that Marika, who Luo thinks is a strong hand, is using "shaving" to move at high speed, and her smile also pauses.

Although the physical defense was pierced, even the armed color and finger gun skills seemed to only penetrate into the guy's body, and could not reach the internal organs.

This physical defense is a bit too high.

As expected of a supernova with a bounty of over 100 million, it should not be underestimated.

Marika's domineering amount is not that sufficient, and it will not produce any effect if it continues like this.

The black hair that pierced into Ulki's body withdrew its domineering at this moment, and its power was immediately reduced, only making a very shallow dent on Ulki's body. At the same time, a large amount of domineering began to gather on her palm. The figure rotating around Ulki took a heavy step at this moment and was about to thrust forward.

At this time, the strange smile on Ulki's face, who was hugging his head, became more and more intense.

"Stop it!"

Just as she was about to thrust, a figure quickly smashed towards the center of the two.

Drake jumped in the air, holding a sword in his left hand and an axe in his right hand, heading towards the center of them, just about to separate the two, but just as he was about to chop down, the weapon in his hand suddenly moved, and it was about to fall out of his hand uncontrollably.

"Don't delay me from watching the show!"

A wild and arrogant laugh suddenly sounded beside him.

And this sudden change made Drake land quickly and look in the direction of the sound.

A red-haired guy, with a grim smile at this moment, was walking from not far away.

'Captain' Eustace Kidd.

And next to the building not far from him, a guy from the long-handed tribe also jumped from the roof with a dancing rhythm.

"Oh! There's a good show!" He laughed with a bad taste.

'Sea Ming' Skullachiman Apu.

At this moment, it was too late to stop it. Marika rushed straight to Ulki's front, and a lot of her domineering energy gathered in her palm, forming a hand knife to stab Ulki's heart.

"Enough damage, let you taste it too. Karma!"


Ulki's monk's robe was suddenly torn apart, and his nearly four-meter-tall body suddenly grew into a sturdy body of seven or eight meters, like a small giant. His muscles swelled up, and his arms were full of veins.

His fruit ability is to transform all the damage he suffered into physical enhancement. The higher the damage he endured, the higher the physical enhancement.

Ulki pulled back his fist and laughed at Marika who was rushing towards him: "Break the obsession!!"


The huge fist just moved forward a little, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded. The more it moved forward, the more it was in a panic. If the force hit him, it would definitely be uncomfortable.

Of course, Marika saw it, and her smiling eyes opened a little.

Should I dodge?

As soon as she had this thought, a majestic image of a crazy laugh appeared in her mind.


They are not opponents yet. If they dodge now, it will be a bit inconsistent with the style of their pirate group!

Let's see

"Who is stronger!"

Marika smiled again, thrusting her palm forward, about to collide with the incoming fist.

"Power bombardment!"

But at this moment, a cannonball rushed from a distance and blasted towards Urouge.

"Don't miss this good show, Killer!"

Kid smiled grimly at the front, and Killer, who had already arrived beside him, rushed out quickly. After rotating the sickle in his hand, he jumped into the air and cut the cannonball flying forward with one knife. It exploded on both sides of the air, stirring up two clouds of smoke.

And right in front, Renetia was holding a long hammer, and there was a hole at the hammer head, and gunpowder smoke came out.

"Damn you, are you looking for trouble?" She yelled, "I'll smash your mask with a hammer!"

"Smash it, I'm also unhappy!"

Not far from her, Qiao Aili Bonnie appeared there with an unhappy face and also yelled.

Bang! !

At this moment, under the smoke, Marika's hand knife and the huge fist collided fiercely, triggering a loud bang. Marika flew back and plowed a trace on the ground until she stopped at the back.

She glanced at her bent fingers, and the smile on her face remained unchanged. She smiled and said, "It seems that I can't cook for the time being."

In terms of strength, the gap is a bit far.

Urouge, who was opposite her, did not move. He just looked at the blood flowing from his fist, maintained a strange smile, and continued to attack, "Karma!"

"Straw hand, prepare the knife!"

Hawkins also appeared beside Renetia. Seeing that Urouge was going to continue attacking, the long sword in his hand turned into a straw whip and quickly wrapped around Urouge.

But as soon as those straw whips were stretched out, two rotating sickles chopped over and cut the straw whips apart.

He rotated the sickle and went straight to Hawkins. Behind him, Kid smiled at him and said, "Why do you do boring things? Let's have some fun!"

In the restaurant, Renetia and Bonnie did not fight, but just quarreled there. Hawkins and Becky fought in the restaurant, and the fight went outside, and then it was over.

Because Becky couldn't do anything to Hawkins, and only his men were injured, Hawkins wanted to continue, but when he got outside, he heard a noise from another island and saw Marika who was flying above.

When he came to support, he saw this scene.

"Killing warriors?"

Hawkins restored the long sword to its original shape and pointed it directly at Kira who was running over, and behind him, Ulki had already rushed to Marika and was about to punch her.


At this moment, Kira suddenly turned around, and two sickles blocked a cold light.

And Ulki who rushed over was hit hard and fell backwards.

"This is so fucking interesting. My chef actually got his hand injured."

A figure appeared in the position before Ulki and made a somewhat cold voice, "How do you settle this account?"

"That guy."

Drake opened his eyes wide, "Impossible!"

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