The many supernovas gathered in the Sabaody Archipelago basically lived their own lives. The occasional conflicts were just because they were dissatisfied with each other and fought each other.

In essence, they all knew their own goals. As pirates before entering the New World, they were not qualified to conflict.

Targeting the strong men in the New World is what they should do.

Even if it was Sager who didn't know how to get out, he should follow the tacit understanding of Sabaody at this time.

But what is this?

Want to rob them?


The weapons in the hands of the subordinates following the supernovas shook violently, and even Lily's sword at her waist could not stop. She frowned slightly, pressed down on the hilt with her left hand, and suppressed the sword at her waist.


Hawkins held the long sword tightly, looked around, and frowned slightly.

"My hammer!"

Renetia grabbed the tool hammer tightly, and sparks flew from her fingers, shrinking the extended hammer to a size that could be held in one hand again, so that it would not tremble.

"Eh? Eh? No, this is my shield!"

Palu was unable to suppress it. The iron shield worn in front and behind his body suddenly broke away, as if someone had taken off his clothes in the air. Like the weapons of the supernovas, they all gathered in Kidd's outstretched left hand.

In the nearby buildings, the iron nails used to fix the buildings, the iron pots and kitchen knives flying out from them, and the knives collected by the owner of the house. As long as it was metal, they all flew out and continued to condense and form in the growing metal mass, turning into a huge arm made of metal accumulation.

Palu's iron shield even became the center of his palm.

"I am a magnetic man who ate the magnetic fruit!"

Kid raised his head slightly, his eyes full of bloodshot, "You guy, you robbed me, go to hell!"

The huge mechanical arm, like a giant's hand, swung towards Sage. The area of ​​the palm even covered the people and buildings around Sage. He didn't care whether it would affect anyone.

What navy or not, he is Kidd!

"This kind of power."

Drake looked at Kidd deeply.

The second-ranked bounty was indeed not set casually, and it was also very threatening.

It was just right, and we could see clearly how powerful the guy with a bounty of 600 million was.


Just as he had this thought, the huge mechanical arm shattered, as if it was pierced from the center by something, quickly breaking the entire arm, and then Kidd's head was hit hard and fell to the ground.

At this time, the metal objects in the air fell like rain, blocking everyone's sight.

In the falling metal, everyone saw that in front of the fallen Kidd, the white-haired figure had arrived there and stepped on Kidd's head with one foot.

"Magnetism? Even if I'm illiterate, I know that magnetism doesn't work that way. You might as well change your name to Iron Man. Those weak external objects can't change the essence no matter how they are combined."

Sage looked down at him and shook his head, "You seem to be more illiterate than me. How much is the reward?"

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at Lily.

"Three hundred and fifteen million." Lily met Sager's eyes and immediately understood.

"The winner is the king among pirates. If I win, I am right. But I am fair. I will not rob more. I will rob according to your bounty. Is that okay? I don't care whether you sell scrap metal or anything else. You have to give me 315 million."

Sage looked at Kidd under his feet and said, "But since we are both pirates, I allow you to owe me money. But because I am robbing, the deadline is one day. After this day, the interest rate will be 50%. If you pay within three months, it will be 100%, within six months, it will be 200%, within one year, it will be 300%, and if you still don't pay after one year, then your flag will be gone. If you don't even have a flag in the New World, you are not a pirate."

Killing people?

There is no need for that. He just robbed.

Buying money for life, after all, you have to see the money to buy life. Simply killing is meaningless.

Whether it was pirates or the navy, he was too lazy to take action unless necessary, especially those pirates who could obviously make money for him.

He knew the huge profits of pirates, and no matter how much they made, it was a business without capital.

Why was Sager so generous and gave 50% of the spoils to his subordinates? Because this money itself had no capital, and it was all in vain no matter how much they made. Except for the slightly difficult time when he started, when Sager had to do it himself, he rarely took action until now, and usually his subordinates did it themselves.

Arriving in a town, eating delicious food and drinking wine, he could make tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of wealth in a few hours, and what he paid was just the hard work and sweat of his subordinates who went out to run around.

If this industry is not profitable, what industry is profitable?

Pirates can become poor ghosts. He has seen a pirate group now, and he hasn't met them yet. If he meets them, he is too lazy to rob them.

Sager doesn't rob poor ghosts.

Especially since he gave some of them away.

But the other pirates can't all be poor, right?

This guy looks so arrogant, he must have some capital.

He is not worried that these people will escape. If they can gather here, they must go to the New World. They are all pirates, so they can't hide on the sea like a sewer rat, right?

If you want to be famous, you will definitely reveal your whereabouts. The longer you delay, the more money Sager can rob.

"You damn guy!"

Kidd, who was stepped on, roared angrily. Just as he was about to move his arm, he saw Sager sneer and stepped on his foot harder, embedding his head halfway into the ground at the root of the tree.


The air wave surged out from Sager's feet, and Kidd's body stiffened at this moment, and the hand that was about to be raised just now loosened again.

Buzz buzz buzz!

There was a sound of air breaking from behind, and Kira quickly approached behind Sage, with two special sickles with handles spinning in his hands, like propellers, attacking Sage's neck from behind.

"Decapitation whirlwind!"


But just as he approached, a knife appeared from the side, hitting his arm directly, and the huge force hit his neck and head together with his arm, knocking Kira out and falling to the ground.

Sage didn't move, just retracted his arm, and then turned his head to look over, "A sneak attack has no effect on me, oh, your weapon is very special, the same as Ajin, but one is a stick and the other is a sickle, are you a swordsman?"

"One hundred and sixty-two million, from a pirate group." Lily reported the number in time.

"Huh? It's actually two million higher than yours, for this kind of stuff?"

Sage raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the point of the navy's evaluation? Not only did my bounty not increase, but the bounties of my subordinates didn't increase either. As a result, the bounty of this kind of person is actually quite high. How much is the total bounty for a pirate group?"

"Four hundred and seventy-seven million." Lily said.

"Count it as five hundred million."

Sage waved his hand, "Take out five hundred million to buy your lives, and calculate it at the same interest rate. If you don't have money, just owe it first. I also like others to owe me money."

As a landlord, how can he not have a few debtors on his hands?

Landlords can lend money at high interest, and pirates can rob. So combined, that is lending money out of nothing.

It's just that Sager follows the rules. After all, if he really wants to receive the money, he can't offer a number that others can't complete.

"Hey! You are too domineering. We didn't do anything!" Bonnie shouted as she got up from the ground.

"One hundred and forty million." Lily said.

"Among pirates, do we still care about whether to do it or not? If you have to give a reason, you see, my chef's hand is injured. I think all of you are responsible, but as for compensation, it has nothing to do with pirates, so just rob it."

Sage smiled and said, "You are the same. I didn't say that I would miss you."

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

"Castle Machine Gun!"

Capone Becky had tiny holes all over his body, and a large number of gun barrels stretched out from it, emitting a series of sparks. The bullets like shuttles quickly enlarged into a barrage after leaving his body, and went straight to Sager.

He is a fortress man who ate the fortress fruit. His whole body is a fortress. He can shrink anything into his fortress body, and he can mobilize the weapons inside and the people stationed in his body at any time!

This guy can't dodge in this range.

Sager didn't even try to dodge. He stepped hard again and stomped Kidd's head into the ground. He turned around and sneered at him: "Magnify? You're playing this in front of me? Five times the speed."


He couldn't even see the speed. He only saw Sager's hands disappear, and the bullets gathered in front of him disappeared in a row, as if they had entered a different space.

It was not until then that Becky saw that Sager had stretched out his hands. When his five fingers were open, a large number of bullets fell from his palms.

Caught them all? !

Those were bullets!

Becky's pupils shrank, and sweat fell from her forehead.

Drake was even more shocked. He didn't see Sager use domineering. This guy's body is so strong? Can it even resist bullets? !

"Five fingers vacuum."

Sager smiled, and suddenly reached out and caught a falling bullet with two fingers.

Of course, he is not yet at the stage where he can take bullets with his body, but he still has the skills to catch flying objects.

However, if it is just the speed of the body, it may not be enough, but with a little acceleration, the speed can catch so many.

"One hundred and thirty-eight million." Lily continued to say the bounty.

"Only one? Count it as two hundred million."

Sag held the bullet with his backhand, pointed it at the dwarf, and said: "Let me show you what is true magnification, ten times larger."


When the thumb flicked, the shuttle-shaped bullet turned into a residual image and suddenly expanded from a volume of about six millimeters to about six centimeters in the middle of the flight, hitting Becky's abdomen hard, sending him flying backwards with one blow, bringing a ball of blood in the air, and plowing the ground for more than ten meters before falling to the ground.

But on the abdomen that should have been pierced, there was now a broken stone-like skin, and some traces of construction, like a destroyed fortress.

"Ability users"

Sage glanced at the others, "Well, I won't count it either. Those over 100 million will count as 200 million, and those over 200 million will count as 300 million. You"


Drake's eyes blurred, and he saw Sage appear in front of him. He didn't even have time to fight back with a weapon. A big hand pressed his head and threw it to the ground with a huge force that he couldn't resist at all.

But at this moment, the head caught by Sage suddenly grew larger and longer as a whole, turning into a dinosaur!

Animal system·Ancient species, Allosaurus form!


The dinosaur opened its fangs, stretched its neck, and bit back at Sager's body.


Sag clenched his five fingers, and before the dinosaur, which seemed to be eight or nine meters tall, could stand up straight, his fingers were embedded in its neck, and he continued to throw it to the ground.


The huge dinosaur was thrown into the ground by him, making a dent.

"Two hundred and twenty-two million." Lily said.

"Can this thing be used to perform for three hundred million Baileys? The cycle is so long that it will never be able to make back the cost."

"Scrape the plate and explode!"


As Sager was talking, his whole body suddenly exploded, making a loud bang and stirring up smoke.

Apu stopped one fist on his chest, and with the other hand, he extended an index finger towards the center of the smoke, showing a provocative look, "You deserve it! You were attacked!"

It was just the sudden explosion that made none of the members of the Natural Disaster Pirates present look surprised.

Renetia was still checking the mechanical hammer to see if it was affected by the magnetic force just now. After all, there are many sophisticated structures inside, and it would be difficult to use if there was a problem.

Marika stretched out her hand and asked the men who came over to make a splint and bandage, and her expression was normal.

Hawkins even found a protruding tree root to sit down, stretched out a few straws from his legs, and pasted tarot cards there, saying lightly: "These people are not dead today."

Lily just glanced at the long-handed tribe and said: "One hundred and ninety-eight million, very close to two hundred million."

"Then let's call it three hundred million!"

The smoke was suddenly blown away, and then Sager's voice came into Apu's ears. As soon as his body reacted and his steps back, the terrifying white-haired figure had arrived in front of him and smashed his neck with a knife.

Apu's head tilted involuntarily in the direction of the attack, blood spurted out of his clenched teeth, and his eyes were full of horror.

This power.

It's too big!


He flew out and knocked a hole in a building.

Sager patted his clothes on his chest, and the domineering aura covering it had long faded. "The extra 100 million is the price for you to dirty my shirt worth 2 million Baileys. Although it is only worth 2 million, it is worn by me after all, so of course it will be overpriced."

As he said, he looked at Luo who had stood up, "You are different, a little familiar. What's your name?"

"Trafalgar Law, 200 million Baileys." Lily continued to add.


Luo clenched one hand at this time, and a round sphere condensed in his hand and quickly opened, covering Sager and his own figure.

He pulled out the extremely long sword and slashed it fiercely in the air, "Slaughterhouse!"


He looked at Sager, who was unharmed and even looked puzzled, and cold sweat ran down his face.

That feeling

was resisted by domineering aura!

The strong domineering aura contained in this guy made it impossible for him to use this ability to control him!

"Oh? I remember, it's you"

Sage was stunned for a moment, and suddenly bared his teeth, "Then you should owe me 5.2 billion!"

I remember that this guy has a deep impression.

Operation Fruit!

The fruit worth 5 billion

It is rumored that it can make people immortal!

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