The person who was forced to reveal himself by Sage from the air was none other than Kizaru!

The cadres all stood up at this moment and got into fighting postures, but they also spontaneously surrounded the Tianlong people.


When Rozwald saw the people in the sky, he shouted: "Kill them, kill these untouchables who dare to insult us!"


The clear blade of the sword hit his mouth hard, knocking out one of his teeth and splattering a few drops of blood.

Lily pushed Bai Lei across his neck and said, "If you talk more, I will kill you."

"Bitch, bitch"

Under the threat of death, Roswaard murmured twice, but could not say the next words.

The Celestial Dragons are not fools, they are just arrogant and mistreat others, which does not mean they are stupid. At least not all Celestial Dragons are stupid.

With the sword on his neck, there is no point in saying harsh words, and he will die instead.


Urki smiled strangely, and his body tensed, "I didn't expect that the first battle after joining the Natural Disaster Pirates would be to fight the Admiral. This is so intense. Is this the number one Natural Disaster Pirates?!"

"If you think too much, even if we are tied together, we will not be his opponent."

Hawkins stood on the other side, pulled out a tarot card, looked at it and said calmly: "The only one who can fight the general is Sager. Well, the defeat probability is 12%, and the evacuation probability is 98%. We won't have it this time. Danger."

The obvious one, the Draco. makes a good hostage.

There is no danger whatsoever.


The sound in the air was louder again, and the two figures that collided quickly disappeared. In the eyes of everyone, they could only see a group of light appearing on the other side, and then they were caught up by a figure, and then their figure was revealed.

Sage kicked Kizaru's head, but was caught by a longer leg. Sage showed a cruel smile, waved his arm at an invisible speed, and threw a domineering bomb, which only hit Kizaru's body. At that time, it could only hit a ball of light that dispersed quickly.


The two bodies appeared again in another corner of the venue and quickly collided.

Every time he appeared, Sage would use both hands and feet, either attacking with fists or kicking with legs and feet. However, no matter what, Kizaru only used one leg to attack. As for other attacks, he quickly turned into light to cancel them out. Lose.

It's just that it's so fast that even the afterimages can't be seen. For everyone who can only see the moment when their figures appear, they can't see the movement at all.

No matter how Lily moved her eyes, she couldn't catch the speed, which made her subconsciously tighten her grip on the hilt of the sword.

The gap is too big.

This speed alone has left them powerless.


Bang bang bang!

The bodies of the two people flashed everywhere in the venue. After colliding several times, Kizaru quickly ducked under the ceiling and crossed his hands in an 'OK' gesture.

"Yatajo Magatama!"

A large number of laser bullets burst out from his hands like rain.

Sage below bared his white teeth, and a ball of domineering energy flowed like black fire in his hands, "Heavenly Breaking Kill·Meteor Swarm!"

A hundred times faster!

The extremely fast speed caused Sag's arm to disappear, and what appeared was a large number of domineering bombs, no less powerful than the laser rain. They collided with the laser rain one after another, creating waves of air.

"Oh~ It's strange that the number has increased. Did you really get something? A natural disaster." Kizaru pursed his lips and shouted at Sage.

The intensity of the domineering energy has not changed, but the amount has become too much. He could not reach this level before. This is also an improvement.

Quantitative changes can also cause qualitative changes.

boom! !

The domineering bombs and laser rain concentrated and blasted away, bombing continuously in the air, creating a huge air wave, blowing away the surrounding seats, hitting the surrounding walls, and making the center of the venue become a The flat ground also stirred up a huge cloud of dust around it.

In this dust mist, Kizaru, in his body of light, was about to run towards the Celestial Dragon on the stage.

"You think I don't know what you think?! Moon Step Shun Kong!"

But as soon as the light moved, a figure appeared in front of the light that was about to disperse. His legs and feet were wrapped with domineering force, and he kicked it violently. Kizaru, who dispersed into light spots, showed a look of surprise, and accelerated at this moment. The speed only allowed Sage to penetrate the light with his kick and miss him.

At the same time, his body suddenly appeared on the legs and feet, put his hands in his pockets, and kicked Sag hard on the head.

boom! !

Sager's body rushed backwards like a cannonball, but when he reached the position in front of the stage, he suddenly slammed down and hit the ground in front of the stage, making a dent.

Sage crossed his hands on his face, his domineering attitude wrapped around him, but bursts of gunpowder smoke also appeared at this moment.

He looked up from his crossed hands, his face full of ferocity and provocation.

Kizaru floated in the air and said with a smile: "Can you keep up with my speed now? You can't be considered a newcomer anymore. It's really scary."

"Stop joking, no matter how fast you go, you won't be able to finish faster."

Sage let go of his hand, shook it out, and said ferociously: "But it's not a problem to keep up with you. You alone can't stop me, Kizaru!"

In terms of speed, no one can exceed the speed of light, and no one on the sea can do such a thing.

But in such a narrow space, with Sager's base speed increased a hundred times, it is not a problem to keep up with Kizaru.

He is now qualified to give the general a headache!

"You are so confident. What did you get in Impel Down? Natural Disaster. The Navy wants your information. Can you tell me directly?" Kizaru said with a smile.


Sage laughed and pulled out the gun from his waist, aiming at Kizaru's position, "See for yourself, isn't it more accurate? Nandou gun shot!"


The moment the lead bullet was fired from the barrel, it turned into a residual image and rushed straight up, and its volume quickly enlarged, from a small lead bullet to a few points larger than the cannonball. Without slowing down, it quickly rushed into Kizaru's body.

Kizaru showed a look of surprise in his eyes and his body turned into a ray of light, and quickly moved to the side in the air, allowing the cannonball to hit the ceiling.

Boom! !

The cannonball rose into the air and exploded into a huge black firework.

"Wow, what wonderful fireworks, Lily-san, Hawkins-san!"

Sage laughed loudly while holding the gun: "Monkey, this thing can let you get the job done, but I am very dissatisfied. Why did you suppress the news that I attacked Impel Down? Do you know how much of an obstacle this has caused to my plan? I can't go to the New World to develop like this!"

Solo Impel Down, such a big news, but he didn't see a single word in the newspaper. At that time, he thought it was not big enough, and punched Impel Down in the air, causing it to collapse halfway.

Even so, it was still suppressed.

"The World Government wants to save face, and the Navy also wants to save face."

Kizaru looked at Sage and said slowly: "It's really the 'World Destroyer'. You have obtained an incredible ability. So, let's talk about the conditions. What do you want after you capture the Celestial Dragons?"


There is no need.

What he wants to ensure is the safety of the Celestial Dragons, and the rest can be discussed, especially for this natural disaster that has already been completely difficult to deal with.

This guy's ability can completely destroy the Sabaody Archipelago.

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