I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 231 How much does it cost to buy shampoo?

It’s not that Lucci and the others are not strong.

It can only be said that the Pacifists are really good.

In the first half of the Grand Line when Haki is not obvious, the competition is nothing more than physical skills, swordsmanship, ability development, and physical quality.

This machine is very strong in both strength and hardness, and its attack also has a powerful laser beam. For pirates who have not mastered Haki, it is basically crushing.

In a one-on-one battle, these so-called supernovas may only win two or three, and the price they pay is still very high.

According to Sage, if they continue, Hawkins and the others will have to suffer more injuries before they can completely defeat the Pacifists.

If Lily and the others had fought from the beginning, the result would not have been different.

It’s just that because of Haki, the injuries might have been lighter.

Lily simply took advantage of the long battle, using the realm of the Breath of All Things to find the weakness of the already damaged Pacifist, and combined with the flaws created by Marica and Letty, and then with the Haki strength that was enough to break the Pacifist’s defense, she was able to cut off his head with one sword.

But no matter what, the realm of 'Breath of All Things' has indeed deepened a lot, and Lily has begun to walk on her own path.

Now she has the charm of not moving, but killing.

"Good stuff!"

With shining eyes, Renetia turned the horn hammer over, hooked it in the groove of the pacifist's chest, picked up the pacifist's head, and dragged the huge body back.

Such a high-tech structure is a good thing. If you analyze it carefully, you may be able to analyze some good technology.

The pacifist's blocking the road is just for the big cadres to test the current combat power. Sage is quite satisfied. It is qualified in the first half. Next, as long as you understand the domineering, you can also be a role in the new world.

Next, it is constant tempering. This should be impossible in the Grand Line. Those who can reach here have basically overcome most of the hardships in the first half. If the will is not tempered when arriving here, it will not be a waste of time.


Lu Qi made a sound, and he turned into a human form with a face full of dissatisfaction.

The power is totally wrong

Forget about the Sword Princess woman, he knows she is qualified, but the chef seems to have a greater power than him using the Six Styles Secret.

Is that the effect of domineering?

Shouldn't we master it as soon as possible?

"Well done."

Sag blew out a puff of smoke, changed his posture comfortably, glanced at them, and said: "But if you want to go further, you can't do it in such a leisurely place. Enjoy it now. This is your last leisure time. After arriving in the new world, you must be prepared to face cruelty."

"I only ask you one thing. Defeat is not terrible, but you must not lose the will you should have when facing a strong enemy now. If you are scared and confused, then you will be completely useless. Of course, after all, you are my subordinates. At that time, I will choose a way for you to retire. As long as you don't die, you won't be like Rayleigh, the old man who retired and fell into desolation, hahahaha!"

"I won't fall to that point!"

Lucci clenched his fists and said coldly: "Never!"

Others were also shocked and entered the venue without saying a word.

Sag smiled but said nothing.

This is hard to say.

He knew that Lucci would re-enter the World Government for some reason in the future, but isn't this a means of self-help?

If the World Government doesn't want them, a group of agents who can only kill people, will they honestly become shipwright secretaries?

What's the difference between that and being down and out?

Sager doesn't care about the casualties of his subordinates, as long as the basic situation is not in trouble. At present, Lily is the least likely to be lost, Marika is also tough enough, and Renidia is still young. She will get used to entering the new world so early.

As long as these basic situations are not in trouble, he can make a comeback.

As for the other guys, even if their will is lost, they can still do something in the territory when they have a territory. After all, no matter how no will, they have only lost their domineering aura, and their own strength will not change. It is no problem to deal with some ordinary guys.

Even if they are really defeated and all dead, Sager has the courage to start over.

Entrepreneurship is like this, ups and downs.

This is also the biggest difference between him and Moria.

He will be depressed because of the death of his companions, unable to recover, and wasted more than ten or twenty years.

Sarge wouldn't, he himself had gone through too many setbacks to get to this point.

The senior cadres entered the venue and waited, and there was another senior cadre, Ajin, who did not think he was a senior cadre, who led people to start robbing in the Sabaody Archipelago.

He himself was in the middle, leading his men to rob the most important places, and the other junior cadres each led a team, and robbed other places under the information of CP9 members.

The first is the human trafficking store. There is one in each archipelago from the first to the twenty-ninth illegal zone. There is a lot of cash here. Although some have guards, it is obviously not enough for the Natural Disaster Pirates.

Archipelago No. 3.

Bellamy squatted on the ground and finished his strength. The springs of his legs and feet bounced up, rushed over and punched the wall near the entrance of the human trafficking store, smashing a hole, and kept bouncing in the narrow room. Every time he jumped, he knocked down a guard in the building with a punch, and also made the inner wall bumpy.

After a while, he stepped on a fallen guard and smiled grimly.

Although the other subordinates didn't understand why Lord Bellamy had to break the wall, they still rushed in and started to move the money and goods into the inner room.

In addition to the human trafficking shop, there was also the big head of the weapons dealer. In addition to the money and goods, they also robbed the weapons and supplies they needed.

Then there were the rich people living in the Sabaody Archipelago. As an archipelago under the nose of the headquarters, it was safer than anywhere else except that the Celestial Dragons would "go down to the world" from time to time. Even pirates dared not make trouble here, so there were many rich people living here for safety.

The pirates broke into these vast manors, killed the guards who resisted, and rushed in to rob.

Gold, jewelry, Bailey, these are the big ones, and other small things, such as silver plates and gilded lamps, which they know the captain doesn't like, were collected by them, or if they saw some nice jewelry strings and bracelets, they took them first, as their own trophies, and laughed at each other.

This is the rule of the Natural Disaster Pirates. As long as it is not something that is very valuable at first glance, they have the priority to distribute other ordinary goods. They can take one for themselves first, and then take another one when the spoils are divided.

Everything is allowed by the generous and heroic Captain Sag.

"Hey, what's wrong with them!"

In a certain archipelago, Bonnie sat on the top of a building, watching Miot leading a group of men to rush around, and then looked at the group of navy officers who seemed to be selectively blind and said unhappily:

"The people of the Scourge Pirates are robbing, why don't you catch them, but come to catch me?"

The navy said nothing, some young navy officers wanted to chase them, but were quickly stopped by the older navy officers with their eyes.

The leading navy lieutenant shouted at Bonnie as if he didn't hear Bonnie's words: "'Big Stomach King' Joelle Bonnie, you have been surrounded, surrender quickly!"

That's because they don't want to catch them, but there's no way to catch them.

The navy officers just received an order not to conflict with the Scourge Pirates, not at all.

Although some people don't understand, they know that the Celestial Dragons are in the hands of their captains and can only watch.

"Tsk! Damn navy, someone is robbing, but you don't catch them, but you prioritize me. This is discriminatory treatment!" Bonnie stretched out a hand, "Okay, let's turn you all into old men!"


Two hours later.

At this time, Ulki brought a long table from somewhere and placed it where Sager was sitting. Marika came over with several large plates of cakes and meat, put them on the long table, and smiled:

"Come and eat something."

This kind of building still has a kitchen. Everyone was a little bored staying here, so Marika walked around, found the kitchen and the corresponding ingredients, and made afternoon tea.

After she put the tea and snacks in place, she smiled at the giant Statham sitting there and said, "Sorry, you are too big to move. The kitchen has made fried food for you. Can you take it yourself?"

"No problem."

Statham nodded, without moving much, his head stuck out of the back door, stretched out a hand and hooked into the kitchen, and took out a piece of fried food that was as big as his palm, fried with some unknown meat, and sprinkled with sauce.

This thing is bigger than a normal human being. If you use it to hit someone, they can crush them to death.

Statham sniffed it first, opened his eyes slightly, and took a bite, making a crisp sound.


"Of course, this is the cook I personally selected!" Sager laughed: "How can it taste bad!"

"I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time." Statham nodded repeatedly, and ate half of the fried food as big as his palm in three or two bites.

"Hey, what do giants eat every day?" Renedia asked curiously.

"Same as humans, but the size requirement is a little bigger."

Statham said: "We used to go to sea, and we also had chefs, but they were special for giants, and the food was generally sea kings and giant beasts, which humans eat too small."

"Ah, I don't know if you have a big appetite, but with this size, it seems that the amount of cooking will increase in the future. It's really a happy trouble." Marika smiled.

"Are all the giants in the kingdom of pirates? I've heard of you, you are the most powerful pirates on the sea." Renedia said.

"Warriors of Elbaf will go to sea to prove their bravery. I don't know about compatriots from other countries. Some of them are also navy." Statham said in a deep voice.

Sage smiled when he heard this: "Elbaf, that's a good place, the most powerful place for soldiers. If you have a chance in the future, find more of your compatriots. My pirate group will not refuse anyone!"

Titans are good fighters. As natural fighters, they start as vice admirals in the navy. This kind of fighter is rare on the sea. To deal with them, you must be a famous strong man on the sea.

Supernovas are of course famous, but it is hard to say who can defeat the Titans without relying on their abilities.

When a guy of nearly 20 meters shows his power, no matter how strong or weak he is among his kind, he is unstoppable on the human side anyway.

So, the value of the third brother has been increasing

Hmm? Which one is the third brother?

Sage was stunned, shook his head, and shook off this sudden idea.

Statham finished eating the piece of fried food, licked his fingers and said:

"We don't serve humans easily. If you hadn't saved me, I wouldn't have joined your pirate group. Neither the Pirate King nor the Emperor of the Sea let us serve. To get our recognition, it's not just about strength. "

Being deceived into performing services, or performing services out of a certain kindness, are all subjective actions of the giant, and they can leave at any time.

This is different from having a giant recognize him and actually accept him as his captain.

Sage laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha, if there is one, there will be another. It doesn't matter. I am very generous to my own people. As long as I have it, I will share it with you!"

"I'm not surprised by this. You seem to be a heroic captain."

Statham paused for a moment and said: "I just saw the demon. I have only heard of this group, but I didn't expect it to be on your ship."

The lifespan of the giants is three times that of humans, and they can generally live to be more than 300 years old. Statham is relatively young, he is only 61 years old this year.

When he was young, there was no trace of the Demon Clan, but after all, he had spent sixty years, and he still remembered the characteristics of the Demon Clan.

They were a group of mixed-race humans with the blood of ancient giants.

To a certain extent, they are blood relatives.

"Those are my private property."

Sage picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth, smiling proudly: "Compared to my subordinates, they are my retainers and will be of great use in the future."

Not to mention that the demons are all very qualified guys. Once they are trained, they will be the best of the best and can serve as the backbone of the pirate group.

Now Gabra is training with Lars, and after Lars is trained, he will hand over the methods to the compatriots of the Demon Tribe. These guys are not lacking in endurance and tenacity. After a while, we should see someone learn it. One of the six postures.

By the time all members reach the sixth form, Sage will have 300 CP9-level combat power, and he can conquer anywhere on the sea!

Of course a big landowner must have servants and private soldiers!


While Sage was thinking about it, Lily reminded: "Someone is coming."

From the gate, a group of guys in black clothes with expressionless faces suddenly appeared one by one and walked into the venue.

"Agent." Lu Qi said.

He felt the same kind of atmosphere.

But it's not CP9, it should be organizations from CP1 to CP8.

There were ten men in black who came, each carrying a huge suitcase, one of which could hold ten ordinary suitcases. They put the suitcases down, and one of them opened the suitcase, revealing a pile full of bags. Stacked Pele.

"One suitcase is worth one billion Baileys, a total of 10 billion Baileys. It's natural disaster. It's time for you to let him go. Also, ask your men to stop robbing the Chambord Land." A man in black said calmly.

"Oh? Isn't it Kizaru?"

Sage snapped his fingers, "Lucci, give him the man."

Lu Qi was stunned and picked up the iron chain around Xia Lulia's neck. There was a slight shock in his eyes. He led Xia Lulia to the front like a dog and handed the chain forward.

"Take it!" Even he himself didn't notice that his smile was a little morbidly joyful at the moment.

"Rob Lucci."

The agent called out and stared at him for a while under his sunglasses, but he didn't say anything or take the chain. Instead, he raised his head and signaled, and several other agents quickly arrived at Shalulia's side and took the chain. The iron chain was pulled open a little, allowing Shalulia to get out of the gap in the iron chain. Two of them hugged her and retreated.

"Untouchable! Untouchable!"

Shalulia finally shouted: "Kill them and save my father and brother!"

"I'm sorry, Charuliya Palace. Our mission is to safely transport you to Marigio. Please forgive me for being disrespectful to the Holy Eucharist." An agent said quickly and quickly took Charuliya away.

"The barking of a bereaved dog is quite interesting."

Sage smiled and said: "As for the shampoo land, we don't have any business in this area. Of course, we can talk about it now. When it comes to business, pirates don't care about the target. They can do whatever business needs, and the world government can also trade."

He looked at these agents and said with a ferocious smile: "How much are you going to spend to buy the shampoo field?"

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