I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 307 The Man with Seven Scars (5k)

The huge mushroom cloud rising in the sky also brought up a circle of vacuum air that was visible to the naked eye. Under the rapid agitation, everything in its path was turned into powder. Under the huge vibration, the entire island collapsed and cracked from the center outward. .

The waves continued to rise from the cracked land, submerging most of the islands, and formed a tsunami to push towards the remaining islands. With just a casual collision, the edges of the remaining islands collapsed first.

This island is sinking

Under the huge air wave, two figures flew far out of the sky and crashed into the port city that was half destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

Tsk tsk tsk!

When one of the figures flew down, it brought out several rays of cold light, splitting open the house it was about to crash into. After landing heavily, it stirred up cold light again, completely cutting off the surrounding ruins.

With blood flowing from the corner of Lily's mouth, she walked out of the ruins carrying Sliman, who had already passed out. She glanced around, dropped Sliman, and looked up at the mushroom cloud stirring in the sky.

It is impossible to evacuate the entire island in two days!

After the beating there, she could barely resist the overpowering overflow and protect the men around her. However, as the intensity became higher and higher, its fluctuations and air waves became stronger and stronger, not only making it difficult for her to move, but also making it difficult for her to move. The violent aftermath that erupted was so strong that all his subordinates were shocked to death!

Let alone rescuing people, it would be troublesome for them to be able to stand here alive.

Lily was originally hesitant to retreat, but with the aftermath, there was no need to hesitate. If she didn't leave, no one would be alive except for a few people.

But before she could retreat to the port city, the aftermath of the larger battle began, forming a double mushroom cloud!

The degree of the rise does not seem to be as great as that caused by Sage's cannonball explosion, but the aftermath is not the same thing at all. Even the aftermath has a domineering and domineering impact!

That was the aftermath of being condensed to the extreme and then exploding!

Under this shock, Lily took the lead in defending, but it was useless. People who were touched were knocked away, and those who were still alive were completely destroyed by the aftermath.

If it wasn't for her quick eyesight and quick hands that finally grabbed Slyman's collar, she might have been the only one left out of the city this time.


On the Death Star docked at the port, Marika no longer had the smile she had before. Her eyes were solemn and a little distracted. She held on to the fender railing to stop her body from shaking.

"We couldn't hold on anymore, they all fell down!"

"Where's Letty!" Lily exclaimed in surprise.

"Still awake, but not in a good state," Marika shouted.


Lily said: "Let Leti hold on for a while, we must get the boat started."

boom! ! !

Before the last word 'go' could be said, a meteor fell from the sky and exploded not far away from Lily, completely shattering the remaining half of the port city and sending up smoke and dust.

Lily put one hand in front of her face to resist the impact. She subconsciously looked forward and her pupils shrank. A bolt of lightning shot out of her body and flew straight over. It also blew away the surrounding smoke and dust. In the thunder light, there was a sound. Her panicked voice:


A huge depression was formed at the landing place, and a human figure was printed inside the depression. Sage's whole body was embedded in it, forming a reclining posture, still in the same form covered with black and red domineering skin. The gesture made Lily hesitate at first, but it soon became more solemn.

Because his whole body seemed to be bleeding profusely, the blood stained his entire chest red, and the area above his abdomen seemed to have exploded, with one big hole after another.

"Cough, cough!"

Sagar opened his mouth and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. Just as Lily rushed forward, he staggered to his feet. His body gradually stood still while shaking. His eyes were staring at the sky in the distance, as if to see through the storm. Like seeing through the clouds.

"Sarge, how are you?!" Lily asked anxiously.

"How long have you been alive?" Sag said hoarsely.

"long time."

Lily said: "It's hopeless now. The islands are gone. Sage, let's retreat first, Kaido."

"can not come."

The red light in Sagar's eyes never stopped. He stared at the sky for a while and then said: "I knocked him away."

The last move, 'Fist of Heaven', was his full strength.

Because I don’t have enough physical strength.

This form consumes more physical energy and cannot last long. If you continue to fight for a long time, failure will happen sooner or later.

That's why Sage used the "Ba Tian Bao Fist" move, using all the power of his body, combined with the power of the overlord color, to blast out the new "Fist of the Sky".

It worked, but Kaido's stick was also very powerful.

If it comes again, Sager will prepare to activate Kong Krypton's life.

However, I haven’t sensed Kaido’s aura yet.

Did it fly too far?


Sagar spat out a mouthful of blood again, and the burning white flame hair dissipated at this moment, falling down and turning into ordinary white hair. The spiral burning flame eyebrows on his brow also stretched out and turned into ordinary black eyebrows.

Dressed in black and red, the fur-like domineering aura had completely dissipated at this moment and became the norm.

Completely exhausted.

"Sage, we can only retreat now, Sage? Sage!"

Just as Lily was saying this, she suddenly saw Sage hadn't moved. She screamed anxiously. With her body trembling, she felt his nose with her hand, and then she relaxed and let out a long sigh of relief.

She didn't die, she just fainted while standing.

If she calmed down, she could also find out the condition of Sager, but in this rush, she instinctively used the most primitive method.

Lily carried Sager on her back with her backhand, dodged to Sleman first, kicked Sleman into the boat, and was taken by Marika, who threw him on the deck, stepped on the moon step, and rushed to the boat, shouting:

"Letty, can you still drive the boat?!"


Renitia, who was sitting limply under the impact of the domineering aftermath of the battle, gritted her teeth and stood up, jumped to the rudder on the rear deck and pressed the button, and the whole ship began to move under the start of the power meter.

With the power meter, no ability is needed to make the ship sail. Although people fainted and could not completely start the ship, which would slow down the speed, at least it can sail. Next, leave it to the sea.


Marika, who was acting as an observer temporarily, soon found something wrong. The red dot representing the color of observation flashed in her pupils, and she subconsciously looked towards the front of the ship.


A row of dense shells flew from the sky.

"Iron block, spider web!"

Marika's hair danced rapidly, extending outward and interweaving into a dense black spider web in the sky, blocking the flying shells.

Boom boom boom!

The shells exploded from the air, stirring up clouds of black smoke, and also breaking some hair and drifting away.

In front of the Death Star, the outlines of several ships appeared.

"It's the navy!"

Renetia covered her eyes with the windshield on her head. The windshield with telescopic function saw the true face of those outlines at a glance.

"Four warships! One large warship, three ordinary ships! Damn navy, what are you doing here at this time!" Renetia shouted.

"Of course, they are here to pick up the leak."

Lily carefully put down Sag, took out Bai Lei, and looked directly at the warships approaching slowly in front.

"Half a day, they should have reacted. It's the nearby support. No, it's not support. They don't dare to fight us. Did they see the fight between Sager and Kaido and think there's an opportunity?"

Lily narrowed her eyes slightly and held Bai Lei tightly, "You underestimate me!"

There are no personnel to fire shells, and no subordinates to fight. Just because of this, you think you can attack?



"Pull the boat over!" Lily shouted, with a gleam in her eyes.

"Power brake!"

Renidia's little hand was a little flowery at this moment, and she grabbed the rudder fiercely, "Speed ​​up for me!"

The huge Death Star was the first to separate the waves, and rushed to the warship in front at high speed.

In the largest of the four warships, a vice admiral said to Den Den Mushi in a deep voice: "Can't all the shells be fired?"

"Yes, yes, vice admiral, the storm is too strong, the rainproof cloth covering the cannons has been blown away, and a lot of gunpowder is wet."

The voice of a navy soldier sounded in the Den Den Mushi.

"Forget it, be prepared for a boarding battle, and make sure to catch the 'natural disaster' and his cadres!"

The vice admiral hung up the Den Den Mushi, looked at the huge black ship that was coming quickly, and clenched his fists, "This is a rare opportunity. In the name of justice, we must arrest these criminals!"

As Lily guessed, these people had arrived long ago.

It was not when Sager arrived at Tias, but earlier, when Sager came out of Gareth, they received the news.

Although he is not yet a [Four Emperors], as a popular candidate for [Four Emperors], Sager was targeted by the navy after he defeated Gareth.

This guy was the culprit who killed the Celestial Dragons and destroyed Marinford. He blew up the seabed foundation and left it alone. Although he was rebuilding the fortress, destruction is destruction.

Especially after that, he didn't stop. He directly captured Gareth, occupied the City of World Desire, and killed a large number of Gareth's nobles.

Although it is a non-member country and has no human rights, it is because they are unwilling to join the World Government, not because the World Government doesn't want it.

And according to insider information, before Sage captured it, some nobles had contacted the World Government and were ready to join them.

So those nobles were real nobles in the eyes of the Navy.

In the end, they were all killed by Sage.

How could such a big criminal not attract attention when he went out?

But because he was a candidate for the [Four Emperors], although he was not ordered not to fight them directly, he acquiesced.

They belonged to the "surveillance ship", which was specifically responsible for monitoring the movements of the natural disaster, and at least knew where he was going.

However, when Sage arrived at Tias, they had not yet arrived. They only knew the approximate range of activities. As a result, when they arrived, the local naval base had disappeared. They did not dare to go forward and could only watch.

Then Kaido came

They saw Kaido and Sage fighting fiercely with their own eyes, and one was beaten and the other was seriously injured.

Now is the opportunity!

An opportunity to catch this big criminal!

The storm was more violent, and the rain and wildness hit the body of the navy vice admiral, wet his hair, and blew away his righteous cloak.

The Death Star was getting closer and closer, he pulled out the blade at his waist, raised it up, and shouted:

"For justice!"


A thunder exploded from the sky, as if it had turned into substance, and the thunder quickly fell on the head of the navy vice admiral.

No, the thunder did not fall, it was


Lily, who was flashing in the air at high speed, appeared above the big warship along with the thunder. The sword wrapped in domineering force in her hand was like a black thunder, falling down with the thunder in the sky.


The pressure of the overlord's color spread rapidly as the thunder landed, leaving the vice admiral with a moment of lag and neutrality.

Sometimes a little flaw can last a lifetime.

"Extreme thunder!"


Thunder flew across the Vice Admiral's neck, and in just a moment, the Vice Admiral's head soared into the sky, and before the blood could even spurt out, Lily, who fell behind the Vice Admiral, moved in time.


The movement of the black sword blade was like streaks of thunder wandering among the crowd, instantly covering the entire deck of the large warship, shrouding the navy who were so frightened by the overlord's color that they just rolled their eyes before they even had time to collapse and faint. .

As the sword light flashed repeatedly, its thunder shrank to the center, revealing Lily's figure holding the sword.

Tsk tsk tsk!

After the navy on the deck stood still for a moment, either their heads flew up or their chests were chopped open. Along with the headless vice-admiral, a large amount of blood splashed out, like countless fountains.

Lily didn't even sheath her sword. She chopped off everyone and then quickly jumped away, her sword blade grazing towards the deck.

"Birds plunder!"

The domineering energy came out through the blade, forming a half-moon-shaped white slash, which split the entire large warship with a bang. Although it had not been completely split, the sudden split also caused the bow and stern to be lost. Balanced, tilted upward, revealing the navy in the cabin.

"Power bombardment!"

Renedia, who had already reached the bow of the ship, raised the mechanical hammer and twisted the handle of the hammer hard. Under the agitation of kinetic energy, she fired a special cannonball, which hit half of the hull when Lily jumped into the air.


The explosion damaged a large hole in the bow of the ship, and the vibration caused the ship to completely separate and fall to the sea.


At this moment, Marika, who was using her moon steps to step on the air, and Lily, who was bouncing in the sky, passed by each other. They grabbed the half of the ship that was hit by the shell with both hands. With the blessing of the unique strange power, during the bounce of the moon steps, He just lifted the huge hull and smashed it towards the other half.

boom! !

The other half of the large warship was hit hard by this heavy impact and completely sank into the sea water, covered by waves.

Renedia twisted the mechanical hammer and aimed it at the remaining ordinary warship.

Lily and Marika, who were in mid-air, also rushed toward the other two warships.

The biggest threat is gone, and the warship with hundreds of people left can be easily taken care of!

The strength of the leaders of the Natural Disaster Pirates cannot be underestimated by anyone.

Half a day later.

G1 naval base.

"Well, I understand. In the future, don't make arbitrary decisions about him and report him in advance. This is no longer an area that you can deal with."

Zeng Guo hung up the phone, covered his head with a headache, and sighed heavily.

“You’re almost retired, why are you still here sighing?”

Crane walked in from the door, glanced at the empty position behind Sengoku, and said.

It was supposed to have the plaque 'Kingdom of Justice' on it, but it's gone now.

"I am still the marshal of the navy."

Warring States raised his head and said: "Information just came in that the four warships monitoring the 'natural disaster' sank, and only some navy survived."

"A natural disaster?"

He pondered for a while and then sighed, "The sea is becoming more and more violent, and another pirate who will kill the Celestial Dragons appears. It is easy to think of twenty or thirty years ago."

"No one knows what will happen in the future."

Warring States looked outside leisurely, "We are also very violent here."


Crane also turned his head and looked at the blue sea from a high place, "It's almost over. We have been fighting for nine days. Porusalino said that Kuzan might lose."

At the same time, Wano Country.

A huge blue dragon appeared in the clouds and landed on Ghost Island.


A huge noise was heard on the ground, stirring up dust and smoke.

A guy whose whole body was wrapped in pitch-black clothes without even showing his face, and with flames surrounding his head, quickly approached Chen Yan and shouted: "Brother Kaido? What's going on?"

Now that it's back, why did it crash to the ground?

Kaido, who had transformed into a human form, walked out of the smoke and dust. He was carrying a mace and holding his head with his hands. "Tsk, that guy actually made it difficult for me to land!"

"Brother Kaido?!"

The only exposed eye of the man in dark clothes shrank and he exclaimed.

At this time, on Kaido's chest, in the dried blood, there was a huge wound occupying the center of the chest, as if it had exploded, showing an exploding injury.

"Oh, hey, hey, hey! I just fought against the natural disaster, and I had a lot of fun. I didn't even know where I flew to before I came back. But, that kid is really strong!"

Kaido wiped the injury that covered half of his chest and grinned: "I've been left with a permanent scar!"

Death Star, banquet hall on the first floor.

Sage sat on the throne and let the three female cadres take turns feeding him. The ingredients no longer needed to be carefully cooked, they just needed to be cooked and edible.

As Sag continued to eat, streaks of white smoke rose from his body, gradually healing the external injuries, allowing the large number of wounds that exploded on his chest to heal little by little.

After Lily and the others destroyed the warship, they immediately brought Sag back to the banquet hall, first feeding him liquid food, then cooked food. Even though he was unconscious and had consumed a lot of physical strength and life-restoring energy, Sag was eating instinctively.

In the first hour of feeding, Sag woke up, but he was too seriously injured and exhausted to move.

Until now.


Sag's fingers trembled, and his entire arm moved, stopping the three people from feeding him. He closed his eyes, letting the white smoke around him rise more, and with a crackling sound of bones, his body straightened up a little.


Sag exhaled a breath of white air and opened his eyes again, "Almost done, can move."

"Sag, you."

Lily stared at Sag's chest in horror.

Sager lowered his head, first showing a look of astonishment, then grinning, and pointed his finger at his chest, touching the scar on his chest that could not be healed no matter how he used Life Return, like a bullet hole.

The grin turned into a grim smile at this moment: "You are really amazing, leaving me seven scars!"

The seven scars, from the chest to the upper abdomen, are just like his boxing skills, forming the shape of the Big Dipper.

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