A Jin’s ‘Fist Bone’ was learned from Sage.

After practicing the six postures, he realized the domineering spirit, and after eating the fruit, his strength increased significantly. However, after practicing the six postures, he had to practice something else, so Ajin started to learn the technique of "Fist Bone" with Sager.

It's not that Sage doesn't teach Beidou Shenquan, this thing can't be taught, that is, his plug-in, like a secret hole strike, is not so much the structure of the human body, but rather a secret hole that only belongs to him.

No matter how powerful the sight is, it cannot be seen.

What can be taught is only the skills required on the sea.

Ah Jin is a person who specializes in physical skills. He can learn this technique of using his body purely to bombard hard objects, thereby achieving the effect of increasing his physical strength.

In Sage's view, although Akin doesn't have a 200 times spiritual time room, his own qualifications are not that bad, and he can still do it. He just needs to practice slowly.

As a senior cadre, Akin is qualified in Sag's eyes.

At least he worked really hard. In order to master such skills, he practiced almost day and night, and finally got some tips.

And if it is transformed into combat power, it can be used independently outside.

The same is true for conquering Whitebeard's territory this time. Small cadres at the captain level will definitely have to take turns to experience it. As for the big cadres, it is purely based on their own wishes, as long as they don't fall behind.

Ah Jin must lead the team. In addition to practicing every day, he maintains order at the port. He used to encounter some pirates who were looking for trouble, but as Lord Sage became more and more stable, there were fewer pirates looking for trouble.

It's not that he can't be idle, it's mainly because he has nothing to offer except fighting. He can't even figure out how to deal with taxes. He really doesn't know what to do. Lord Sarge wants to seize Whitebeard's territory, and he is the first to respond.

He would rather fight the pirates outside than argue with the merchants on the island about taxes or goods.

Once Whitebeard is dead, the island can be easily solved. The current Whitebeard Pirates do not have the cohesion they once had. The trauma of the war above is very great. In addition to them being scattered separately, other pirates with ambitions are also in Whitebeard. Beard's territory was raging, conquering a large number of islands and occupying territory.

But these don't matter to Akin. It doesn't matter whether he is Whitebeard or not. What is important is to complete the plan told by Lord Sager.

One island, two islands, three islands.

As long as it was within the route, Ah Jin would not miss any of the islands he encountered in his plan. After entering, he would plant the flag first.

As for whether they can strictly control it, they can't put manpower on every island because there are not enough manpower now. The indicator given by Master Sage is to kill the local rulers of the islands they find first, and then talk about it later.

One month later.

The two-masted pirate ship Ajin was on entered a foggy sea area.

"Where is this?" Ajin frowned and looked at the navigator aside.

"Lord Akin, if you go further, it should be Serent, the big magnetic island on the same route as O'Hara."

The navigator looked at the fog around him and frowned, "It's strange. In my impression, there seems to be no fog here. Is the climate changing?"

Navigator is a new pirate who joined recently. He has been active in the area before and is relatively familiar with this place.

However, no matter how familiar he is, it is impossible for him to know how many islands there are between the Magnetic Field Island and the Magnetic Field Island. There are always undiscovered islands, even if they are just the Grand Route.

Sagar also knew about this situation, so in addition to occupying the territory left by Whitebeard, the order he gave was to expand his influence outwards and make the sphere of influence he demarcated be recognized by the people on the sea. This Will suffice.

But for those islands, they don't have that many permanent pointers. They can only rely on the recorded pointer to the next island as a direction, and then use the information given by other pirates to occupy the territory.

"Forget it, it's not important. This island is also Master Sage's target. Let's go there." Ajin said in a deep voice.

Within the fog, the two-masted pirate ship rushed towards the outline of the island revealed in the fog.

In a cave on the sea cliff on the main island of O'Hara, Sag, holding a golden fishing rod and wearing a golden straw hat, sat motionless at the entrance of the cave, fixedly looking at the fish mark below.

This is the fifteenth time he has changed places.

He had heard that there were fish in the lake on Soejima, but he lived up to his expectations and failed to catch a single fish.

After breaking two golden poles, I started to change places.

The terrain on the sub-island is flat, which is better than the mountainous main island. There are also villages near the coast that often go fishing in the sea. From an agricultural point of view, this is a good place for farming and fishing.

So Sage doesn't believe in evil, and he doesn't believe in the coast where fish can be caught by being caught in a net. He doesn't believe that he can't catch any. If he really doesn't catch any, then this place is not compatible with him, so he just needs to find another place.

Then he discovered that, well, maybe the entire Soejima relationship was somewhat discordant.

But Sager is so perseverant and never afraid of failure. It is not an exaggeration to call him the number one stubborn species.

If this place doesn't work, then find another place. As long as there is a place to fish, the Fishing King will find a way to go there no matter where it is.

For example, this cave on the cliff near the sea can be drilled into using the Moon Step!

"Polo, Polo, Polo."

The small phone bug he was carrying suddenly rang. Sage picked up the phone and asked, "Who is it?"

The phone bug showed a face with a bit of determination and seriousness, "Sage, something happened!"

It's Lily.

"Huh?" Sag glanced at the fish mark, "What's wrong? Kaido called?"

"No, it's Ah Jin."

Lily paused and said, "My subordinates called, and Akin is now trapped in Serent and won't come out at all."

"What happened?" Sage frowned.

"I don't know. Those people are extremely scared when they talk, and they can't ask questions clearly. It's rustling, and even the phone bugs don't have a signal. I'll take someone there."

"Well, forget it, I'll do it. Ajindu is trapped. Just in case, I'll go there too. Lily, prepare the boat."

Sage hung up the phone, threw the fishing rod away, looked at the fish shadows reflected on the sea below, and said fiercely: "Wait for me, sooner or later I will catch you all!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward, bursting out smoke rings in the air, and rushed towards Storm City.

When Sager arrived, the Death Star was ready, and Sager entered the deck and went directly to the captain's cabin.

"Yoho, are you all here?"

Not long after entering the captain's room, Sage saw several senior cadres filing in. In addition to the three standard female cadres, besides Moria, other senior cadres also arrived.

Moria was too lazy to move, and he didn't want to go out unless necessary. In addition to his room in the palace, he also built an old castle on the sub-island, where he stayed there whenever he had nothing to do.

Hawkins was drawing tarot cards there. "Akin has a problem this time. Let's go and take a look. Well, his survival rate is 70% and there will be no problem. But judging from the cards, it seems that he was Something is stuck."

He turned over the card and said: "With the reverse of [Power], he seems to be afraid of something, but there are other cards. If combined, it should be that he is troubled by fear and is trying to prepare for escape."

"No matter what, just go over and take a look. Lily, where are you from?" Sage asked.


Lily said: "The second magnetic field island ahead from us will take half a month to pass in a straight line. There is no permanent pointer yet, but we have extra recording pointers, so we can go directly."

There are many people on this island who hold record pointers, and they have stored a lot of them themselves, so they can go directly to that place.

"This island originally belonged to Whitebeard. As a large magnetic island, there is a country on it. It is a principality and is protected by Whitebeard. But I have read the intelligence and there are no powerful guys in this country. I don't know. What's going on with Ajin?" Lily said.

Do you need your subordinates to even make a phone call?

Even if it's a remnant with a white beard, he shouldn't even be able to make a phone call.

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