The navy officers in the conference room sat upright, and none of them had a rank lower than that of a major general.

Because this meeting was different, it was no longer about the pirates who were making their way around, but about the pirates who had established themselves on the sea and had reached the top in terms of strength and influence.

"The situation in the world is different now. Although Whitebeard is dead, the pirates in the new world seem to be more violent. There is one less pirate emperor, but now there are two more pirates who have taken advantage of the situation and brought harm to the world."

Branny said: "So, we will emphasize that we cannot fight directly, and we can only report to the pirates who are waiting for orders from above."

Behind him, there was a white curtain that had been pulled open, and the video Den Den Mushi opened its eyes and began to project the screen on the curtain.

"At present, they have established themselves on the sea and have reached a point where they cannot easily start a war. According to the government's assessment, they are five pirates with extremely strong strength and influence."

"So, take this opportunity to reorganize the bounties of each of them."

On the screen, a bounty order first appeared. The photo on it was a big head with red hair, with a slight glance in his eyes, showing his domineering power.

"First of all, they have officially established the title of [Four Emperors] on the sea. They stand out among the previous three pirate emperors and occupy the sea. They are also the youngest among those pirate emperors. They are deeply trusted by their subordinates, and their cadres are all famous. They are the most balanced iron-walled pirate group that is proud of the highest average bounty."

"The leader of the [Red Hair Pirates], 'Red Hair' Shanks, has a bounty of 448.9 million Baileys!"

When this amount was announced, many naval generals all shed cold sweat and showed shock.

For [Four Emperors], many naval forces have never encountered them. Even if they have, they can't fight directly and need to report to the superiors, so they miss them.

As navy officers, they are supposed to follow orders and have no right to start a war freely.

Otherwise, Smoker would not have stayed in the East China Sea for so many years.

Navy officers who follow orders have the right to not fire a single shot and let the pirates go even if they encounter pirates during the mission.

Because the mission they are carrying out does not include this matter, only those righteous navy officers will fight pirates along the way.

And there are risks in this matter. If you win, everything is fine. If you lose, you will be held accountable for hindering the execution of the mission.

As for the level of [Four Emperors], it has long been ordered that you must obtain permission from above before you are qualified to start a war, otherwise even if you meet them, you can only watch.

Over time, some navy officers no longer pay attention to their bounty amounts. It is better to hunt down the pirates in front of them and focus on the navy's own mission.

After all, [Four Emperors] are too far away for ordinary navy officers.

So when they saw the bounty order of Red Hair, many people were shocked.


But before the shock was over, the bounty displayed by the video Den Den Mushi on the screen disappeared and was replaced by a new one, a woman wearing a pink captain's hat and hanging her tongue!

Unlike the domineering red-haired woman, this woman only made people feel terrified when looking at the photo.

Brannew continued: "She attacked one of the villages in Elbaf when she was young. She was a natural monster who only believed in blood. Together with 85 children, she created the dictatorial queen of the snack country called Totland."

"Captain of the Big Mom Pirates, "Big Mom" ​​Charlotte Linlin, bounty of 4.38 billion Baileys!"

"4.3 billion."

A rear admiral swallowed hard, his eyes full of horror, "Is it higher than the bounty of Red Hair?"

"Then it is"

The bounty on the screen changed again.

"In the early years, even as a 'pirate trainee', he won the respect of those brutal pirates with his strength, until he was called the [Four Emperors]."

On it, a ferocious head with gloomy eyes and brutality was released.

"The governor of the [Hundred Beasts Pirates], 'Hundred Beasts' Kaido, has a bounty of 4.611 billion Baileys, and is also the one with the highest bounty among the current pirate emperors!"

The navy watching fell silent one by one, with solemn eyes.

"In addition to these three, the next two, after a year of fermentation, have already possessed the strength and status comparable to the [Four Emperors], and are full of dangers!"

The curtain changed again, and the first person to appear was a man wearing gold earrings, missing two teeth, smiling, and with a bit of Kaido's brutality in his eyes.

"He gathered powerful subordinates during the attack on Impel Down a year ago, defeated Wang Zhi and occupied Beehive Island some time ago, and fought with the remnants of Whitebeard a few days ago."

"In the battle we call the 'Final Battle', he defeated Marco and some former captains of the Whitebeard Pirates head-on, making the Whitebeard Pirates completely disappear."

"He has an extremely rare physique. During the war at the top, he obtained the ability of Whitebeard. Now he is a dual-ability user of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit and the Dark-Dark Fruit. He has the same power as Whitebeard, enough to destroy everything!"

"Admiral of the [Blackbeard Pirates], 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach, bounty of 2.246 billion Baileys!"

"According to convention, given his current danger, the bounty is actually not enough, but we feel that this time will not be too short."

"Because of the existence of a certain guy who joined forces with him, we felt that no one could stop them in that sea area, and they would expand their power sooner or later, so we used this bounty to inform the world of his danger."

"Although the bounty is not as high as the [Yonko], it shouldn't take too long. After all, it is on one of the pirate lists that we need to report."

After Brannew finished speaking, he paused. Even though he was wearing sunglasses that made it difficult to see his eyes, you could still see the solemn expression on his face, as well as some hatred.

The navy officers present also understood something, and they all gritted their teeth and showed resentment.

Because those pirates, even Blackbeard, have a certain degree of provocation to the navy.

Only that one person was the one who truly trampled the dignity of their navy on the ground and rubbed it hard.

"Everyone is familiar with the person mentioned below. Because of this person, our navy has lost face and caused serious distrust in us by countries around the world."

Brannew took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Born from Xihai, a remnant of O'Hara, the Island of Sin, and debuted in Donghai. There was a bounty of 70 million beli as soon as he debuted. Since his debut, everything he went has become ruins, and he has killed at least three franchisees in Donghai. The king and important citizens of the country.”

"When entering the Grand Line, it got even worse. In the first half of the period, almost all the prosperous places were robbed by him, and more than half of the towns were destroyed. Countless important citizens died. The death of the king of the alliance country reached seven indivual!"

"The economic losses caused directly are worth at least 80 billion Baileys when converted into Baileys! The economic losses caused indirectly are at least 150 billion Baileys!"

"A year ago, he took the lead in escaping from Impel Down City and wounded Magellan. In the history of Impel Down City, he was the only one who could escape from Impel Down City in a head-on confrontation. Even the previous Golden Lion failed to do so in a head-on confrontation. ”

"During the war, they even destroyed our naval headquarters during the live broadcast, embarrassing us in front of the whole world."

Brannew's words made all the admirals present grit their teeth.

They may not understand some of the other pirate emperors, but they are very familiar with the one who destroyed Marinevando in front of everyone and rubbed their navy's heads on the ground!

"Pfft, hahahaha, it's such a big fuss. If I didn't count them in detail, I really don't know how to do so many things." Garp raised his head and laughed.

"Shut up, Cap!"

Even though Warring States was retired and relieved, he had no intention of laughing at this moment.

He glared at Karp and said, "This guy has caused us to face a lot of complaints, and even some funds have been cut!"

If Karp hadn't stayed back, he would never have been able to develop to the scale he is today.

But there is no way to say this.

It can’t be said that the reason for everything is Garp’s retention?

Warring States could not do this kind of blaming behavior, and neither could he.

"Mr. Sengoku, Mr. Garp, please don't interrupt me."

Brannew continued:

"Since he entered the New World, he has captured a powerful non-franchised country. Everyone should have heard that Augustus, the city of desire in the world, was occupied by him."

"According to the intelligence, since he occupied it, all the nobles in that country, big or small, have been slaughtered. In the territory he occupied, he first killed the famous local rulers and used the output of the territory to support himself and the entire sea. Thieves."

"It can be said that he has extremely high attainments in physical skills. He has inherited and surpassed the previous ability user. He is more suitable to inherit the title of 'World Destroyer' than Bundy Walder. According to intelligence, it seems that he has recently mastered the power of controlling storms! "

"Not from ancient times, but from modern times, he is definitely the most vicious and cruel pirate, and the most harmful pirate to the world!"

A new photo appeared from the reward notice revealed on the curtain.

It is no longer the original photo with a burning castle in the background and a gun in one hand and a gold coin in the other. Instead, it has become a big frontal portrait.

In the gap around the avatar, you can see dark clouds with lightning appearing behind them.

A head of blazing white hair was blown by the storm, and the cheeks of his face were outlined by three dark war lines. The heavy rain streaked across his face, revealing a sinister smile with white teeth.

It seems that you can still see dots of scarlet pupils, looking down slightly, showing endless madness and oppressive disaster power against the background of the violent storm, lightning and thunder!

Seeing this photo, the air around me became silent.

Compared to this person, the Pirate Emperor is certainly also terrifying.

But those people have been around for such a long time, and even the youngest red-haired one has been active in the sea for a long time.

But this one is different, he seems to appear out of nowhere!

He had no trace of being active in Dahai before. The most recent appearance was when he debuted in Donghai, and he was an earth-shattering figure as soon as he debuted.

In just over a year, he has done too many things that have trampled the face of the Navy and the World Government under his feet, but no one can fix it, and as a result, he has grown to this point.

You already need orders to conflict with him!

"The captain of the [Calamity Pirates], 'Calamity' Norton Sager, has a bounty of 2.87 billion Baileys!"

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