I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 363 The giant beast and its master

Lack of people

Sage was stunned by this sentence.

He lit a cigar, leaned on the throne, seemed to be thinking about something, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"How many people do we have now?"

Lily: "..."

What are you thinking about?

You just want to smoke a cigar, right?

Since the Whitebeard remnants are no longer a threat, his men have been constantly conquering territory and expanding their power. As the territory gets bigger and bigger, Sage doesn't pay much attention to it.

Anyway, the plan is being completed.

"According to last week's statistics, our total force has reached 13,589 people, with a total of 71 warships, including one main ship, the Death Star, four large warships, four cadre ships, and 62 standard pirate ships."

Needless to say, the Death Star is full of 2,000 people, four large warships, and a standard configuration of 800 people, comparable to the navy's large warships, and also the ship of the big cadres.

To be precise, it is the flagship of Moria, Hawkins, Urouge and Akin.

But Akin doesn't count now. He strongly demands to return to the Death Star as the battle captain, and Sage has agreed. If the whole ship goes out, that battleship will not go out.

Now it is just a ship for Akin to lead people to fight for territory.

The three female cadres are crew members of the Death Star. They refused the configuration of the flagship. Even if there is an important matter, they will only go on the Death Star.

There are four cadre ships with a standard staff of 360 people, mainly Bellamy, Palu, Miot and the "executioner" Slayman who came later.

Slayman, relying on his excellent command ability and fierce combat style, has been recognized by the pirates of the Natural Disaster Pirates and promoted to a cadre.

As for Qiang Baru and Statham, one is a helmsman and stays in the base camp. One is a boatman who cooperates with Letty and is a giant. It is not suitable to lead a battleship alone. All of them have returned to the Death Star.

Oh, there is also a black cat Faust guarding the treasure house.

Basically, they slept at the hatch of the treasure house when they got on the ship, and slept at the door of the castle treasure house when they got off the ship. They were almost transparent.

The remaining 62 pirate ships were the warships owned by the subordinates of the Scourge Pirates. The number of people on each ship varied, ranging from 80 to 160.

"In addition, our territory has one base camp, Ohara, and three magnetic field islands with 3,000 troops stationed, each with 1,000 troops stationed. There are also 37 islands, of which only 27 are equipped with stationed personnel, and 10 islands are now unattended and uncontrolled, and are in the flag-planting stage."

"And the people under the jurisdiction of the Scourge Pirates, a total of 2,536,212 people, the data comes from last week's summary."

"Ah? Are there so many people and so many islands? I thought there were about 20," Sager touched his chin.

"Not many, actually, Sag."

Lily said, "Now that we have no obstacles, we are expanding very fast, but each island is different."

"Important production areas, frontline islands, dangerous routes, all of these require a large number of people to station there, not just the important magnetic field islands. For some islands with average resources, although we send fewer people, it is not too few. Because we need to allocate personnel to escort transport ships, at least 120 people are needed to station on an island."

"We also need to allocate personnel to continue to expand our territory, and we need people to lead our men to go on the expedition, so our men are seriously insufficient, which has caused the vacancies of ten islands. Unless we don't go on the expedition, the number of men now is enough."

"In addition, the people under our rule are not enough, especially those islands, where the production capacity is too low and the population is lacking."

"Sag, we are short of people to work now."

They are different from Big Mom. Big Mom's Totland has only 34 islands, but her sphere of influence is very large, because many islands are in the state of flagging.

It's different here. There is no flag planting. Every place must be completely controlled by someone. Even if they plant a flag now, it is purely because there are not enough people, so they can only mark the sphere of influence first.

Then they encountered a very strange problem.

In the past, Lily felt that when there were more people, they would need a lot of food and the financial pressure would be great.

She always thought that Sager robbed so much money in the first half just to prepare for ruling the territory. After all, how can you rule without money?

It was not until last week when she made a general summary that she found something wrong.

Sager's money was converted into various industries. After all, building factories is not just a matter for businessmen. A large part of it is his own investment.

Especially arms, warships, gems and food. The first three are fully owned and controlled by Sager, and no one is allowed to interfere.

In terms of food, Sager controls half of the country's food industry and canning factories, and the remaining half is run by those businessmen, most of which are on affiliated islands.

And the opening of these factories, the salary of employees and the cost of materials are the big ones. With such a large expense, Sager's money should have been spent long ago.

But the problem now is that there is still a lot of money in the palace, about 13 billion Baileys in cash and 10 billion in equivalents, and the more than 20 billion he robbed seems to have never been touched.

The taxes collected from O'Hara were returned to the country in a very healthy way, serving as resource costs and labor salaries, and then accumulated more and more.

Even though Sage was extravagant and extravagant, the tax money collected was still a lot. Even if all the tax money was spent at a certain time, Lily didn't worry anymore.

She would only feel that the money would come back sooner or later, and O'Hara was running it very well.

It’s not even about money now.

It's a matter of not enough staff.

There are more than 2.5 million people, but there are not enough people now!

Lily had never thought about it, ever.

In her concept of life, she just felt that someone was oppressing the people, and the people were like weeds, miserable but they would always grow back.

It's so rare to have a stable job.

But now, there are more and more people, people are making more and more money, and the demand is increasing, so more and more resources are needed.

Then the output resources will need to be more, and more people will be needed to engage in this work.

Businessmen have founded all kinds of industries, except for the half of the grain share, as long as they are needed by people.

At first they were still in O'Hara, so O'Hara didn't have enough people.

The large number of industries and factories, as well as the service industry and individual craftsmen, gave everyone in O'Hara something to do, and there was even a shortage of people.

There are two million people in O'Hara!

Even if we leave out children and the elderly, there are still many people who end up not being enough.

If you don’t have enough people, then look outside. The big magnetic field island is better, and there are still some people. But for the small attached islands, there are only three to five thousand people on each island, and more than ten thousand people. They are not enough for themselves, let alone I said I won’t do any other work.

Originally, half of what was produced in O'Hara was kept for himself and half was sold.

But the growing needs of people have slowly overwhelmed the other side.

But business must be done because it is profitable, and merchants dare not raise prices. Sage's rule is to sell at a fair price internally, and he does not care about external affairs.

But the cheaper it is internally, the more demand there will be. Although the price is high externally, the higher the price, the more people will invest in it. .


There are enough resources, but there is a lack of labor to convert resources into commodities.

Very strange.

It's strange that Lily can't figure it out sometimes.

Not only her, but everyone had a strange feeling. Marika even said that her dream was being realized here.

Even Lily herself feels that such a country is simply like heaven.

Everyone has something to do, everyone can make money, and everyone is better off.

But sometimes when she thinks about it carefully, she shudders.

She subconsciously looked down at the city buildings below from the heights of the palace.

From here, you can see the bustling and lively crowds that are almost the size of your fingers. The whole city seems to be alive, exuding unprecedented vitality.

But her eyesight was dazzled again, and she felt that the 'living' city suddenly opened its mouth, and the crowds became densely packed sharp teeth, like a terrifying giant beast that devoured everything.

She turned to Sage again, the captain she would follow for the rest of her life, the so-called illiterate guy. When he saw her looking over, he couldn't help but bared his white teeth and smiled brightly.

But she suddenly felt that this smile was as frightening as the city under her feet that chose people to eat.

The master of the beast.

It's him!

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