I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 369 A full meal is better than any words

The Death Omen approached with the heavy rain and stopped sideways at the landing port.

The gangway was lowered by the demon men. Sage reached the side of the ship and glanced up at the slope that extended upward.

There is only one landing place on the whole island, and there is no port. It is just so bare, showing such a way up.

As a basin, the island has a relatively high terrain.

"This is the only way." Sage said.

"Sir, this is our hometown."

About thirty people from Xihai said cautiously from behind: "If you walk up here for half a day, you can see the town where we live."

"long time?"

Sag rolled his eyes, "I am a great pirate, do you think I will use it to leave? Letty!"

Letty's energetic voice sounded from inside the cabin.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of the engine starting came from the hatch. As the hatch opened, a motorcycle with a ferocious appearance, like a large open disk, flew out and fell smoothly onto the deck.


Renedia jumped on the motorcycle seat, bared her little fangs, and gave her own voiceover.

"It is fully loaded with twelve people, and can seat three people on the left, right and rear respectively. The main seat can also seat three people. It has a basic battery life of 2,000, full power, plus an injection system, making it fast and easy to cover long distances!"

"The left and right seats are equipped with machine guns, which can rotate in a semicircle and fire freely! The back seat is equipped with a gun barrel and comes with ten rounds of artillery shells as standard! You can attack any enemies found along the way!"

"The chassis is stable and is not afraid of dangerous terrain. The body is durable and can protect against gunfire and artillery shells. It has good balance and can perform acrobatics on its own with good skills!"

"It can be used both on land and sea, with a mixture of gasoline and electricity. You can also add some soda as energy when necessary! It is guaranteed to be the best driving tool for home travel, family travel, and group robberies!"


Palu's eyes were shining and he shouted: "So, where can I buy it?"

"Idiot, of course you can't buy it!"

Renedia pointed at herself with her thumb and said proudly: "This is created by my genius shipwright and mechanic based on Pluto's technology, the second generation of Enma! It is not for sale, it is only supplied to the pirate group and sets sail." Limited to 20 cars, first come first served!”

Palu clapped vigorously and said excitedly: "Yuanmo, start it!"

Bang bang bang!

A group of demons also had their eyes shining and applauded desperately.


Sarge's eyes twitched and he turned back to glare at Renedia. Before he could curse, Marika came behind Renedia and put her down by the back of her neck.

"Okay, let's go." Marika smiled.

Sage rolled his eyes, "Ajin, allocate manpower."

He brought 300 demons, including Lars, as well as non-combatants such as the chef, Dr. Maihime, totaling about thirty people.

Of course, not all of these people will be dispatched. Some of them need to stay on the ship. It just so happens that the number of motorcycles is not enough to carry all of them, so a group of people will be left behind.

The second-generation Yuanma has been around for a long time. Otherwise, in a place as big as O'Hara, you wouldn't be able to walk around on your legs.

This tool is now the main means of transportation within his sphere of influence. It is not only distributed to guard groups such as Sif and Misty, but also used by the pirates stationed on the affiliated islands.

They are mainly used to patrol the periphery of the island, or to drive through the archipelago.

There are islands within Sage's territory. They are broken into pieces like stars and cannot be considered a complete piece of land. They are only large enough for dozens or hundreds of people to live in them, just like villages.

As a sphere of influence, of course it cannot be given up, but it would be too wasteful to sail this kind of archipelago by boat, and it would be too slow to use rafts and boats. The emergence of motorcycles just makes up for this.

Soon, the manpower was assigned to the motorcycle, including the thirty or so Xihai people, who were evenly assigned to the motorcycles and shared one with the four demons.

"I'll drive, I'll drive!"

Renedia hugged a motorcycle without letting go.

"Are you going to let me sit in the passenger seat?"

Sage picked up Letty, threw her into the back seat, and sat on the motorcycle, which was of the height of a normal human and it was absolutely impossible for her to put her feet on the ground.

This kind of motorcycle doesn't need anyone to maintain balance. The huge body has three co-pilots, and there are six pairs of wheels underneath, and each pair has twin tires!


Sage held the huge handle, obviously feeling a little awkward.

A high-handle motorcycle with a shell as rough as wasteland and a group of vicious men.

All that's left is the mohawk and rivet armor.

Lily and Marika got into the passenger seat and waited for Sage to drive.

Their car only seats four.

Renedia took out the mechanical hammer from the back seat, extended it, and raised it toward the back, "Fire the fangs!"

Sager sighed slightly, turned the handle, and sprayed out a wave of kinetic energy from the rear of the back seat. He took the motorcycle and flew away. His men followed the motorcycle and flew away, sweeping away the billowing smoke and dust behind them, and disappeared in an instant at the landing. mouth.


A demon who stayed behind stretched out his hand, looked at the raindrops gradually disappearing in his palm, and looked up at the sky where the wind and rain had subsided, "The rain has stopped."

"Basic operations." Another subordinate took it for granted, "This is the characteristic of the master."

"That's right, let's go have a drink."

"Okay, but you have to accompany me fishing."

"Ms. Lily said that this island is surrounded by deep sea and there will be no shallow sea fish."

"You still don't believe in my luck? If the master can't catch fish, why can't I catch fish? Anyway, I'm idle anyway, maybe a deep-sea fish will come up?"

"Then you'd better not catch it. If the master knows, he will break you like a fishing rod, hahahaha."

The two laughed and walked towards the cabin with their arms around each other.

Half a day's journey is nothing for driving a motorcycle with a jet.

Even if there is a steep road, under this powerful and stable chassis, no accidents will happen. It is as smooth as flying at low altitude.

At least more than 200 yards!

It only takes ten minutes to reach the place where people walk for half a day!

The storm rolled up the raindrops and blew wildly on the earth.

Just before the rain curtain, a small town was burning, and a group of people gathered at the gate of the town. They wanted to go in but didn't dare to go in. They could only watch the fire spread with despair.


At this moment, one person felt the wet wind and turned around to see that the originally clear sky seemed to be swallowed up, allowing the gloomy dark clouds to spread rapidly.

"It's raining!"

As the man screamed, the storm came in an instant, and the strong wind swept the heavy rain, extinguishing the fire.

Just as the storm arrived, huge smoke and dust were stirred up in the rain curtain. As the smoke and dust approached and slowly dissipated, a group of motorcycles stopped at the entrance of the town.

On the huge motorcycles like giant beasts, there were a group of ferocious people, looking at this side one by one.


The thunder suddenly flashed away, bringing out a ray of light, shining on the faces of these people, which was scary no matter how you look at it.

The people in the town subconsciously retreated together. One of them swallowed and asked bravely: "You, you guys."


A voice suddenly sounded on the motorcycle, and the people from the West Sea jumped off and ran over here excitedly, "What happened to the town!"


The person asking the question opened his eyes wide, looked at the West Sea people rushing over, blinked his eyes, and said in disbelief: "Hal! Castin! You, you guys didn't go out to sea?!"

"We are back, I brought our master back, we crossed the doldrums and entered the Grand Route, and were taken in by the master, we are saved!"

The West Sea man named Beck shouted loudly.

Sage got off the motorcycle, wiped his hair that became a little crooked and swollen due to the strong wind, and looked up at the people gathered at the door. At a glance, there were about two thousand.

Everyone was extremely thin and malnourished, and some were so hungry that they were small and big, leaning on their relatives' arms and nodding their heads.

"Just right, I don't need to call people, Marika."

Sage waved his hand, "Give them food!"

Marika took out a large box from the storage space of the motorcycle, and after opening it, there were paper-wrapped, tanned powder pills.

She hugged the box and flashed into the crowd, approaching the child who was thin and thin with only a handful of bones.

The mother holding him stepped back subconsciously, and her arms, which were also as thin as bones, didn't know where the strength came from, and hugged him tightly, looking at Marika vigilantly.

"Don't be afraid, this is food."

Marika opened a powder pill and let it get wet by the rain, while exuding a smell of food.

"It doesn't taste very good, and it can't be called rich in nutrition, but it's easy to fill your stomach."

Marika smiled and handed the ball, "Don't worry, as long as there is water, it will become a paste, and it's easy to swallow."

The appearance of the aroma made the people around swallow in unison, and their eyes lit up.

The mother hesitated for a while, looked at the child in her arms again, her eyes were fierce, and she took the powder pill almost as if she was snatching it. Under the wetness of the rain, the powder pill gradually melted a little.

She used the melted paste to feed the child's mouth little by little with her hand.

As soon as it touched, the child seemed to have touched nectar, and his mouth opened unconsciously, sucking all the paste in.

Gradually, the child opened his eyes and said weakly: "Mom, I'm hungry"

"It's good to be hungry, it's good to be hungry!"

Tears and rain intertwined and flowed down the mother's face. She trembled with her hands and carefully fed the powder pills melted by rain to the child.

Under the rain curtain, everyone just watched quietly, Lily clenched the hilt of the sword, and anger appeared in her eyes.

There is no such thing as being hungry, it's just because I still have the strength to speak and it's good to be alive.

How can it be oppressive to this extent!

"I don't like your rain."

Sag glanced up and said lightly: "Stop."


The black and red torrent rushed from his body to the sky, and opened a big hole in the gloomy sky. Although it made the sky even gloomier, the storm that was coming stopped at this moment.

"Rain is not good, we have prepared water here."

Marika smiled at everyone, "Don't worry, everyone has a share. Although we are pirates, pirates also have morals."


The wind and rain stopped suddenly, and the thunder was stirred. The light from the lightning illuminated Marika's body, making her seem to glow at this moment.

"It's not good to be hungry." Marika said slowly.

At this moment, the thunder was no longer so scary.


Some of the people around knelt on the ground, looking at the briefly glowing Marika, and murmured: "Saint, Saint Lady."

Marika once lived in a poorer place than this, relying on local ingredients to feed a large number of people. In addition to her cooking skills and strange powers, Marika also has a very powerful personality.

Gentleness can also be a powerful weapon at certain times!

Ah Jin clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "The feeling of being hungry is indeed unpleasant!"

Even if he enters the new world and eats with the ringing bells of Sage, in his heart, Bharati's bowl of fried rice is the only one he has eaten so far.

The best fried rice ever!

For these people gathered, there is no need for any initial distrust, or the need to spend a lot of words to explain how things happened, and how to convince these people.

For a hungry guy, a full meal is more powerful than any words!

The powder balls Marika brought were made by grinding dried meat into powder, then making fish, eggs and meat into a puree, mixed with cooked rice porridge and fried flour, supplemented by some vegetables such as radish, yam, and plum, and There are some seasonings such as sugar, honey, soy sauce, etc., and the star anise produced in Serabais Island is used for preservatives.

A Bingliang pill that can satisfy people's hunger and fullness is made.

For O'Hara, who has plenty of supplies, this thing is not as useful as a can, because it is troublesome to make and has a lot of materials, so it is completely unnecessary.

This was what Malika did spontaneously after hearing that there were half a million hungry people there.

As for the taste.

Sage tasted one and it was not delicious.

Due to the production process, this thing loses a lot of nutrients and is not as good as canned food.

But it can be eaten.

Still full!

For those who are hungry, being full is the greatest delicacy.

Nearly two thousand people spontaneously received the military ration pills and took them with water. Each one showed a satisfied look, regardless of the mud on the ground. They sat or knelt, stayed there for a while, and cried bitterly.

"Thank you so much!"

Soon, these people spontaneously knelt down towards Marika and the people responsible for distributing food, knocked their heads on the ground, and shouted:

"A great kindness will never be forgotten, and your kindness will never be forgotten by us in our lifetime!"

"That's not necessary."

Sage walked into the crowd and looked down at the people below. "I want you to eat well so that you have the strength to go back with me. There is a shortage of people in my territory, so I want all of you to come with me and find another place." I work!"

"No, if you go to sea illegally, you are a pirate." One person in the crowd said fearfully.

"I am a pirate!"

Sage laughed ferociously: "Whether you are willing or not, you all have to come with me!"

"Then, can I have enough to eat?"

The person who asked the question was the mother holding her child just now.

"If you are willing, you can hold on until you die!"

"Then I'll go with you!"

She stood up and said firmly: "My child will starve to death. If he is caught as a pirate, he will die. If he stays here, he will die sooner or later. I would rather let my child and I die from starvation!"

"Yes! I'm going to be a fool! I want to go to sea too, and I won't stay here anymore! I just got caught!"

Her words lit a fuse, setting off a chain reaction.

They have had enough of the feeling of hunger!

Sage looked at these excited guys, his lips raised, but he didn't pay much attention.

Because that's not what they're asking for.

This is bound to happen.

Pirates, just grab what you want.

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