A long-awaited storm appeared in the sky.

The thunderbolt struck, illuminating the thick rain curtain that was too thick to see clearly. The rolling storm stirred up one whirlpool after another on the sea surface, and moved forward with the storm.

The ships that saw the storm curtain from a distance turned around and avoided it directly, without stopping for a moment.

The stories that were regarded as legends on the sea, in the eyes of these people, happened frequently.

Seeing a storm of this intensity, they knew that the natural disaster was going to be dispatched.

At this time, in order to save a little time, if they rushed into the storm and were swallowed by the whirlpool, they might not be able to salvage it even if they salvaged it.

On the surrounding sea surface, there were mostly some merchant ships, and pirate ships that rushed over to sell stolen goods.

As a big pirate, the natural disaster was the only one that did not prohibit foreign merchants and foreign pirates from entering the territory at the same time.

Of course, the premise is that they can safely reach the affiliated waters of O'Hara, and when they go out, they can escape from the pirates who are waiting in the surrounding waters or have been following them until they leave the affiliated waters and then take action.

The sea is so chaotic. Sager didn't want to change it and couldn't change it. He can manage his own territory, but can he manage the sea?

Just follow his rules.

In his territory, the rules are also very simple. Ships flying the flag of the Scourge Group cannot be robbed. All islands under Sager's control, except for a few specific magnetic islands, cannot be directly landed. Once approached and discovered, it will be regarded as an invasion.

This set has been implemented for a long time. Since Sager dealt with Red Hair, no one has violated it.

In the banquet hall on the first floor, Lily stood beside the throne, glanced at Sager who was tapping his fingers and enjoying the dance music in the hall, thought about it, and said with some concern:

"Are you really not going to leave any cadres?"

In the banquet hall, the banquet was opened as usual, and the people who came this time, except for the 300 demons who went out on daily expeditions, the rest were all pirates, and the standard 2,000 people were all stuffed in.

Including cadres, as long as they are on the main island, one is counted as one, and all are taken.

The three female officers, that is also the standard configuration on the ship, naturally boarded the ship.

Akin had long given up the power to lead a ship alone. When the designated sphere of influence was about to be conquered, he also returned to the main island. Now as the combat captain, he specializes in managing pirates. Of course, he also boarded the ship.

Hawkins and Urouge are also here. Even Moria, who has not moved for a long time, has come, and Weibel, who has just joined.

Except for those captain-level officers who did not come, everyone who should come has come.

He did not summon a large fleet, but these "few people" are almost all of Sage's middle and upper-level strength.

But correspondingly, only Sif and Misty are guarding the base camp.

After all, Sage brought the giant Statham on board this time.

"They want my life, so of course I have to take it seriously."

Sage smiled and said, "It's just right to test your recent achievements. This is a good opportunity. The other side has also gathered a lot of people with backgrounds. Let's all give it a try."


Marika, who happened to be holding a plate of specially prepared drinks, heard this and smiled slightly: "Do you need me to fight? I'm looking forward to it."

Becoming stronger and practicing, that's what he has been doing. Although Sage has enjoyed all the glory and wealth in Storm City, he has not forgotten the essence of bringing glory and wealth.

In addition to reading the historical text without fail, his subordinates also practiced with him.

After the last battle with Katakuri, Lily awakened the power of cutting everything, and even foresaw the future.

After repeated confirmation and practice, Sage determined that it was not the Observation Killing. The Observation Killing is to suppress one's own breath to avoid the Observation Haki, and Lily directly cut it violently.

Compared to the suddenness of the Observation and Killing, Lily is not afraid of being seen in the future. When necessary, she will cut off all the fragments of the future.

This is much more unusual than the Observation and Killing. The advanced realm of "Zan Tie" and the concentrated use of Observation Haki, which also adds some techniques of Tyranny. Although it has not yet reached the level of mastering Tyranny, it can be seen.

These combined should be considered as her own special use.

It is foreseeable that when she masters the Tyranny Haki entanglement and uses this power proficiently,

then a great swordsman who cuts off the will will appear.

Marika was not idle either. Long before Weibull joined, she felt that she could not keep up with the development of the Natural Disaster Pirates. Although the use of Armament Haki was becoming more and more proficient and the Observation Haki was not bad, she always felt that something was missing.

Although as a cook, she did not care about these, but if she could keep up, why not keep up?

Then she found Sager. As a person with extremely high attainments in physical skills, Sager could guide Lily to develop targeted slashing iron. For Marika, it was even simpler.

In terms of domineering, Sager's suggestion is to deal with the external and internal destruction first.

In terms of physical skills, in response to Marika's strange strength and her life return, a set of Qigong techniques was specially developed.

The power of life return can be stored through breathing techniques, and then burst out in one breath during the battle to strengthen oneself.

This ability does exist. There is an old man named Lao G under Dover who knows a Qigong technique called "Di Weng Fist", which is said to be stronger with age, because it can store the power of youth and burst out in one breath to briefly restore the peak state.

This kind of Qigong is also considered boxing. As long as it is boxing, there is nothing that Sager can't do.

This kind of Qigong with storage nature is essentially an alternative application of life return. For Marika, who is proficient in life return, this kind of move does not need to be learned.

What Sager taught her is a more improved method.

It is still the life return set, but by increasing the appetite, the excess power is stored. Even in normal times, Marika only needs to maintain the power required by an ordinary cook, and the remaining power can be stored.

In this way, when fighting, it will be fed back to itself, and the growth of strength will be huge.

It can be regarded as a low-profile consumption-type dragon breathing method.

As for Renetia, she has no good suggestions. Sager does not understand transformation and invention. Except for the observation color, she can focus on it. Everything else is developed by herself.

Pluto's technology is enough for Renetia to study for a lifetime.

But it is worth mentioning.

"Hot guy, go! I want to eat that kebab, don't let anyone snatch it away!"

"Yes! Big sister!"

In the hall, Renetia sat on Weeble's shoulder, commanding the guy who was about the same height as Moria to rush around and snatch the food she liked.

She has been playing well with Weeble recently.

The reason was that after Weeble joined, he accidentally saw Renetia making the second-generation round-mo. The mechanical structure made his eyes shine and he immediately worshipped it.

Renietia claimed to be an old senior and made Weeble recognize her as a younger brother. After a few days of getting along, Weeble was riding on her neck.

Bajin was gone as a mother, and Renetia took over as the big sister and commanded Weeble.

It was surprising to Sager.

Urki continued to temper his physique and domineering, and recently began to meditate, trying to master the return of life.

This kind of move is not something that can be mastered after the six moves are mastered, but because the six moves are the most capable of exploring the human body. Once you learn all of them and let people understand their bodies, they will naturally return to life.

Hawkins's swordsmanship is also progressing steadily, and he has begun to gradually develop his abilities.

Moria is also gradually recovering.

In this case, of course, we have to test these people to see where their strength is.

At present, this step of his plan is about to be completed, and the strength of his subordinates determines the development of his next plan.

The black ship sailed quickly, passing through the sphere of influence, and its storm suddenly stopped in the sea area leading directly to the Blue Country.

On a nearby extremely tall island with a sharp mountain, a red-haired man with chains wrapped around his body was on a hillside, looking at the gradually dispersing dark clouds and the huge black ship in the rapidly stopping storm curtain.

"Here they are, it seems that you are right. They will definitely take this route." The red-haired man turned his head and said.

"Hehe, since you are here, let's start the battle on the island I chose."

Beside him, a long-nosed man wearing wooden clogs laughed and waved the feather fan in his hand. When the feather fan was waved, a gust of wind inexplicably entered the sea, but it did not blow the sea water.

I clearly felt the whistling of the wind, but there was no movement wherever it passed, and it blew all the way to the black ship in front.


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