I Can Only Fall In Love With The S-Rank Goddess Chapter 398


Chapter 398 "Death" is it me?

After Liu Ruyue finished speaking those words that questioned Director Han Jin in turn, the live broadcast However, the picture changed, and it returned to Shen Gu's search for Lin Xixi in the mansion.

Because Shen Gu took people away quickly this time, he soon met Lin Xixi's group who seemed to be walking back!

"The eldest lady has been found, she unexpectedly appeared in her room again, and woke up, not dead!"

After seeing Lin Xixi from a distance, Shen Gu told her the news loudly first.

And Lin Xixi was stunned for a moment in the night, then she immediately showed a look of surprise, walked quickly to Shen Gu and said:

"That's really good, Master!"

"But who did the poison? Has the murderer caught it?"

After hearing Lin Xixi's reminder, Shen Gu immediately turned around and walked back, walking back quickly. Bian said to Lin Xixi:

"After I saw that she was fine, I thought the murderer wanted to kill someone else."

"If you think you are still looking for someone outside, just stay The maidservants of the First Lady and Director Han are guarding her together, so I hurried out to find you first!"

After hearing this, Lin Xixi quickly followed Shen Gu a few steps, and took the initiative to hold him with her hands The arm said gratefully:

"My concubine is many thanks, Master is worried about her safety!"

Wu Jiayi, who was following behind them, saw Lin Xixi like this in front of her, her face suddenly became particularly ugly .

But she didn't have a seizure right away, and Shiye Lin Xixi competed with herself for favor.

After frowned, he still managed to hold back his tantrum, as if he had other plans in mind.

When they all went back to Su Ziqing's room and saw Su Ziqing sitting on the bed, Shen Gu sighed slightly in relief.

At the same time, I am even more puzzled about the script planned by Xiaobai and how the next plot will develop.

Lin Xixi saw that Su Ziqing was still alive, she had no scruples about Wu Jiayi at all, she immediately stepped forward and sat beside Su Ziqing, held her hand happily and said:

"elder sister, it's really good for you to be fine!"

"You don't know how worried I was after you disappeared after poisoning?"

For this sudden enthusiasm, Su Ziqing didn't know what to do in a very short time.

But she got used to it quickly, and then said thank you to Lin Xixi with the same smile.

Afterwards, Lin Xixi asked in detail about Su Ziqing's memory before and after her disappearance. Shen Gu was in a hurry to find Lin Xixi before, and he didn't have time to ask about it, so he listened to Su Ziqing like everyone else in the house. 's answer.

"Before I fell into a coma, I only remember smelling a little fragrance in the room."

Su Ziqing recalled diligently:

"Later, I I lost consciousness."

"When I woke up, I was lying here!"

Su Ziqing pointed to the spot where she was found by Shen Gu and the others after she woke up.

"A little scent?"

Shen Gu pointed to Su Ziqing's bed and asked:

"Is it here too?"

There was no suspicious smell in the house at this time.

At this moment, Shen Gu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen!

It was followed by a sweet throat, who couldn't help coughing, and caught the coughed up liquid with his hands, and found that his palms were all covered with black blood! !

“When did the murderer touch me?”

“I have never drank anything except the Dabu soup that Su Ziqing sent me!”

Shen Gu, who felt his head start to dizzy, quickly squatted down and sat on the ground.

And the people around him were already in a mess because of this sudden change!

"Master, Master, what's the matter with you?"

The first person to rush to Shen Gu was "Second Madame" Wu Jiayi in the game script, she immediately pulled out of her arms. He took out a small porcelain bottle of a different color from before, opened the cork and started pouring it into Shen Gu's mouth. While pouring it, he burst into tears very quickly:

"Drink it, this is me. What my father asked me to carry before I got married can detoxify hundreds of poisons!"

However, at such a dangerous moment for Shen Gu, Su Ziqing quietly sat back on the bed, after listening to Wu Jiayi's words Suddenly coldly said:

"It's useless, this poison has no cure. I bought it on the black market with a lot of money!"

If this is completely "self-violent", Shocked everyone in the room.

"Why did you do this?"

Wu Jiayi, who had poured the liquid in the porcelain bottle for Shen Gu, immediately turned her head and glared at Su Ziqing:

"Don't you know that he loves you the most?"

"Back then, my father even threatened him with killing him, but he still didn't want to divorce you and marry me as his wife! "

In desperation, Wu Jiayi did not hesitate to reveal the secret, just to make Su Ziqing "turn back" and plead:

"Since you bought the poison, there must be a solution." Is the medicine right?"

"Come out and save the master first, can we discuss other matters?"

At this time, Lin Xixi had also rushed in front of Su Ziqing , stood on the same line as Wu Jiayi on this matter, and pleaded eagerly for help:

"Yes! Good elder sister, please take it out!"

"Master If there are three strengths and two weaknesses, the three of us will all be widowed!"

However, Su Ziqing said with a smile at this time:

"There is no antidote, and I'm not afraid of being a widow either, because I'll die with him tonight."

Then looked at the "dying" Shen Gu with very solemn eyes and said:

"For only us It's pure love for the two of you!"

Shen Gu wondered if Su Ziqing had her own emotions in it when she said this.

However, two lines of clear tears still slowly flowed down from the corner of Su Ziqing's eyes.

There is no sobbing sound, but it seems to represent everything that the characters love him!

After sitting down with blood in his mouth, Shen Gu found a negative status display such as "Very poisonous" in the personal attribute of the game system interface.

And after Wu Jiayi gave him the so-called antidote that can detoxify hundreds of poisons, the three words "highly poisoned" still did not disappear.

This obviously means that the "antidote" Wu Jiayi gave him is ineffective against the poison given by Su Ziqing.

And after the outbreak of the poison, Shen Gu's character's health is also rapidly declining.

According to the current rate of decline, he estimates that if he can't take the antidote quickly, it will take less than 30 seconds for his character to return to zero health and "die".

Regarding the status of Shen Gu's character, the live screen was shown on the lower right corner for many viewers with a small screen when he vomited blood and sat on the ground.

And more than 20 million online viewers saw the plot became like this, most of them expressed unacceptable on the barrage, and only a few were what Su Ziqing did in the script applaud!

At this moment, Shen Gu's teleprompter came up with a few lines.

Before the character was "poisoned", he tried his best to say this line to Su Ziqing in a tone that matched the character's current mood:

"cough cough, I think I've tried to do my best for you!"

"It looks like I was wrong."

"But I don't blame you, because I was really wrong!"

(end of this chapter)

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