I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1177: Really pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!

"Hehehe, with the identity of the sect, you can do whatever you want!"

Hearing such a straightforward answer from the other party, the young man finally couldn't help it.

"No wonder, then if something happens to you next, it has nothing to do with me. Who will let me be a casual cultivator with no background and no background?" He spread his hands and put out a pair of me helpless. attitude.

"Something happened?" The young man, everyone else looked at each other.

They are all sect disciples, so naturally they don't understand what the young people mean.

It was the man who was angry again when he heard the other party cursing himself and others about to have an accident.

"Boy, you make it clear, what is going to happen to us, if you don't give me an explanation, you can't think about it today..."

"The explanation you want is here!"

But before he could finish his words, the young man pointed to the rear.

Everyone also looked at it one after another, and saw a black wind hit, and instantly killed them in front of them.

"What's the matter?" Someone in the team became puzzled.

This piece of black wind, at first glance, is a bad person.

But this place is on the outskirts of Black Mountain City, only a few hundred miles away from the city. Anyone dare to attack others here?

But they obviously did not consider that this is the Western Region, and the Western Region is a place where the magic road runs rampant.

Sometimes, you shouldn't use common sense to speculate on the behavior of the magic way, because you will never guess their thoughts.

"Don't you feel weird?" the young man asked again, asking everyone.

His attitude was very plain, and he didn't even panic at all. It was not like a casual cultivator who had just been aggressively pushed by the man and others.

"What's weird?" After hearing this, the son-in-law asked subconsciously.

"That old man!" The young man immediately pointed out the problem.

"Although Black Mountain City is not a small city, because of its backing to Black Mountain, there are very few nearby towns. The towns closest to Black Mountain City are separated by more than a thousand miles. An old man who is over half a hundred years old, why can he pull goods by himself? And the bullock cart is still used?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised, including the glamorous woman.

Yes, why didn't they think of this problem.

This is the Western Regions, especially this kind of frontier land, and some mountains are not very peaceful.

An elderly man, driving an ox cart, where did he pull the goods, why dare he walk alone on the mountain road?

After thinking about these questions, they all understood.

This old man has a problem!

"Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie Jie..." In the black wind, there was a strange laughter.

"Unexpectedly, the old man, I have been incognito in Black Mountain City for so long, and I will meet a big fish!"

In the black wind, a figure walked out, it was the old man just now.

But at this moment, the old man completely lost the panic and panic expression just now, and replaced it with an extremely cold expression.

Wearing a black cloak, the black wind behind it seems to merge with this treasure.

"Who are you?" Seeing this, the guy in the team asked loudly.

"Jie Jie Jie, it doesn't matter who I am, but who you will be next!" The old man laughed strangely again.

"Who?" Someone in the team subconsciously asked.

After hearing this, the old man smiled even more, and said gloomily: "Dead man!"

As soon as this remark came out, a chill of evil spirit spread and enveloped the audience.

All of them changed their faces, especially the son-in-law and the brawny man, who all took a half step back subconsciously. On the contrary, the glamorous woman was calm, but her slightly trembling arm still betrayed her heart.

"Senior, we are all big sect disciples, if you shoot at us, the sect behind us can be saved..."

"Hmph, I was forced to hide my name here when I killed you big sect disciples back then. Do you think I still care about this?"

The man wanted to say something but was roughly interrupted by the old man.

With a big wave of his hand, the black wind around his body surged and rolled forward, directly blocking the retreat of the son and the others.

The black wind surged again, and the density expanded several times, directly flooding the retreats of a crowd of people in all directions.

At this moment, they are really inevitable!

"Now, you all die for me. As for all of your treasures, they are all in my bag!" At this point, the old man didn't intend to waste time anymore, manipulating the black wind to flood the crowd.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

But even though they are sect disciples, their cultivation base is really not high. The strongest is still the Qin Fairy of the Acacia Sect, but they only have the strength to refine the realm of gods, and they don't even practice the Faxiang.

And even though the old man had hidden his breath from beginning to end, this magical power method would not be justified if there is no Dharma Realm.

Moreover, the opponent dared to attack them outside Black Mountain City, obviously they were fully prepared, and even confident that they could end the battle before the monks in Black Mountain City could react.

At this moment, someone has been recruited.


Under the surging black wind, one person was dragged into it, and soon a scream came.

Then the people in the team were dragged into the black wind one after another, and the aura disappeared.

Depending on the situation, they should not be able to survive.

In just a few breaths, there were only four people left in the team, the young man, the man, the glamorous woman, and the plain-looking young man.

However, compared to the panic of the previous three, the young man had a calm expression, as if everything that happened before him had nothing to do with him.

"Senior, my master is the fort lord chasing the sun castle. If you kill me, my master will not let you go!" Seeing that the situation was urgent, the man finally moved out of the backing.

"Huh, the castle owner who chased the sun castle, when he was still at the sunset gate, the old man killed his fellow master, do you think the old man needs to give him face?" But in the dark wind, the old man dismissed it.

"What, you even know the master's ancestors, you..." Hearing what the old man said, Wan Feng was shocked in his heart.

On the other side, the glamorous woman also heard what the old man said, and a name suddenly appeared in her mind.

"You are the murderous Umuqi who slaughtered dozens of major disciples overnight three hundred years ago!" The woman exclaimed and called out the name of the old man.

"Jie Jie Jie, it deserves to come from a large family of Hehuan Sect. He knew the name of the old man so quickly. In that case...I can't let you go!"

The chill in the old man's tone gradually increased, and the black wind he controlled gradually intensified, flooding toward the direction where the last four people were.

"No, I don't want to die, I am the young master of the Qingyan Clan, and I still have a lot of good days!" The son brother was the first one who couldn't bear the pressure, and wanted to run away.

But there is black wind all around, how can he escape?

Soon, he gave the answer.

He quickly rushed behind the young man and was about to kick it out.

Obviously, he was looking for opportunities to escape for the purpose of attracting firepower to young people.

However, when he got out, the young man's figure flickered slightly and shifted half of his body position, causing the son to kick his kick in the air, and the whole person was out of balance in mid-air.

Then, under the imbalance, he flew out and fell into the black wind.

"No--" a scream came out, but then Young Master was completely breathless.

At this moment, the two men and the glamorous woman were even more panicked.

"Don't worry, don't worry, all of you are going to die!" The old man's voice came from the black wind again.

"Then please hurry up, I'm still in a hurry!" But at this moment, the young man on the side spoke.

He yawned boredly, as if waiting impatiently, and actually urged the old man.

All of a sudden, including the old man was a little surprised.

Now it’s me who killed you, and you are so calm, isn't this not giving me face?

Also, you kid, aren't you a casual cultivator with no discipline? How come you look so calm and accustomed to seeing wind and waves, is it frightened?

"Old man, don't you continue?" The young man urged again when he saw that the old man hadn't moved for a long time.

"You kid, look for death!"

The old man was finally irritated by the young man's attitude, urging his supernatural powers, and a dark black wind directly overwhelmed him.

Feeling the breath of the young man disappear, the frown of the old man finally stretched out.

He thought this kid was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but he was frightened.

"Okay, next are you two, I want to see the disciple of the Demon Dao Sect, what treasure is hidden in him!"

The old man did not stop, after killing the young man, he controlled the black wind again and killed the man and the glamorous woman.

"Senior, forgive me!" Seeing this, the man hurriedly begged for mercy.

However, the old man is obviously a cruel person, but without any kindness, he directly manipulates the black wind to swallow the man and the woman.

After the black wind swept away, there was no trace of them both in the same place.

On the contrary, there were a few more storage bags in the hands of the old man, and these were all trophies.

After opening a few storage bags a little, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, yes, you deserve to be a big disciple, there are a lot of spirit crystals in your hands. As for those magical artifacts, they will all be thrown into the black market when they enter Black Mountain City, and they should be able to exchange a lot of treasures!"

The old man took back the black wind and was about to flee away.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw the young man standing not far away, looking at himself with a smile on his face.

"How is it possible!" Seeing this scene, the old man was stunned.

"Old man, you should have been injured in your early years!" The young man said when he saw the old man looking at him.

"What do you mean?" After hearing this, the old man was finally moved.

He was indeed injured in his early years ~www.readwn.com~ and it was so serious that he has not recovered until now.

The injury was caused by the attack on the major disciples in the past and was finally attacked by the elders of the sect behind them.

"It's very simple. You have also cultivated a few divine orifices in your body anyway. It should be possible to sense the number of my divine orifices, but you have no reaction at all. This is a bit unreasonable!"

"Shenqiao, what do you mean, are you also a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm..."

"Hahaha, of course I am a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm, and I am still in the middle stage!"

After the young man finished speaking, he laughed, and there was a ray of light on his chest.

When the old man saw it, he knew that the opponent had opened nearly 40 divine orifices in his body, and his strength was only higher than before he was injured.

The old man's face changed drastically, and his heart became even more cursed.

Damn you, you really pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!

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