I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 105: Great Demon Lin Tian!

Lin Tian silently looked at each other with the red little snake.

"Can't speak? Then I'll be a good person to do it."

Lin Tian put away the Xue Ming sword and took out the Tian Yuan Great Sword, trying to help the flaming little snake bleed.

The broad Tianyuan sword was enough to pat the fiery red snake into snake mud.

Moreover, the heavenly aura exuding from the Tianyuan Great Sword scared the little red snake so quickly.

Lin Tian is still making gestures there.

He wondered if the blood at the seven-inch position of the snake would be better.

The flaming little snake was stunned.

Where has it been so frightened.

Quickly spit out a drop of fiery red essence of life from his mouth.

Then looked at Lin Tian pitifully.

Lord, uncle, we have something to say, don't use the knife!

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian raised his eyebrows slightly.

In fact, the main reason why you have to drip blood to recognize the Lord is that the blood contains a certain essence of life.

And now the flaming little snake actively spit out the essence of life, that would be even better.

This will make the master and the spirit beast closer.

Lin Tian nodded in satisfaction, this little snake is quite sensible.

Then Lin Tian opened his finger and dripped blood into the spiritual deed.

The spirit deed gave out a burst of light.

Then disappeared.

Both Lin Tian and Flaming Little Snake had a mysterious feeling in their hearts.

"You will be called Xiaohuo from now on."

Lin Tian ignited the red snake's forehead and said.

Xiao Huo stood up and spit out slightly.

The meaning of agility and closeness in the eyes is obvious.

But not long after he stood up, Xiao Huo sank softly.

The eyes are half closed and half open.

Looks weak.

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows slightly and checked the situation of the small fire.

Only to find out that this guy is the heart lotus of Earth-fire lotus.

Need sleep.

"How much can you eat?"

Lin Tian slammed a violent chestnut on the small fire.

Xiao Huo grievedly wrapped Lin Tian's wrist.

Soon he touched the finger with the storage ring.

Inside this storage ring is a jade bottle of ground fire lotus milk.

Raising his head, the snake vomited.

Looking at Lin Tian expectantly.

This spirit snake will find a place.

"You really want to be beautiful." Lin Weather smiled.

Finally, Lin Tian threw the small fire into the Naling Ring.

There is ample aura in the Naling Ring, which can keep living creatures for a long time.

Very suitable for spirit beasts to sleep peacefully.

Just let this little thing go to sleep.

I'm going to die, I'm still eating the bowl and watching the pot.

This guy is not a gluttonous reincarnation.

After Xiaohuo entered Nalingjie's dormancy, Lin Tian swept the cave.

No more baby found.

So flew out of the cave, and the sword was suspended in the sky.

Once again urged the treasure hunting gold decision.

Divine consciousness spread far away.

Lin Tian felt a slight sense in the east direction.

This is too far away, so treasure hunting can only provide induction.

The specific situation can only be understood after getting close.

Lin Tian did not delay, the Yujian took off.

Go east.

The biggest opportunity of the Ice Dragon Secret Realm is the Dragon Pond, yes, but there are many other opportunities.

Not even much weaker than Hualongchi.

For example, Fengxue old ghost broke through Yuanzun in the ice dragon secret realm.

I must have found an incredible treasure.

After successfully breaking through Yuanzun in this ice dragon secret realm, after going out, it will be much stronger than ordinary Yuanzun.

Even the light realm may reach the third order of Yuanzun.

This is comparable to the ordinary tutor of the Extreme Spirit Academy.

You must know that when you reach Yuanzun, it is extremely difficult to break through a level.

That's why so many people have to come to the Ice Dragon Secret Realm to break their scalp.

Lin Tian went east.

I noticed that a lot of breath is also going.

I confirmed in my heart that a treasure was born in the East.

It's just that I don't know what the treasure is, this movement is probably not much weaker than Hualongchi.

"I wonder if Yulan will pass?"

Lin Tian thought, if she saw Yulan, she would never let her run away.

But after another thought, what if Yulan and Zhou Shanshan collide together?

After all, the movement of Eastern Treasures is so great that the practitioners in the secret realm must gather together.

Ask, what should I do if my wife and wife collide?

The distress of the scumbag.

After flying five hundred miles.

The induction of treasure hunting for gold is becoming more and more obvious.

Suddenly Lin Tian noticed the fluctuation of battle.

There was a **** battle in the valley ahead.

Approximately six men in dark purple clothing exuding the scent of yin prey were besieging four men in black.

The four men in black reluctantly resisted.

Their strength is probably at the level of a half-step Yuan general.

But the six opponents have different levels of strength.

But it is also the realm of the fifth level of the Great Yuanshi.

But there is an early master of Yuan military commander.

He didn't make a move. Instead, he ordered the dispatcher to surround and kill four men in black, trying to consume them first.

Lin Tian muttered straight after watching this scene of battle.

"It's a peck at each other."

He has fallen short of fighting at these levels.

But Lin Tian didn't know that this was actually the normal level of strength for cultivators who entered the Ice Dragon Secret Realm.

It can even be said to be a master.

Otherwise, the Alchemy Master Guild would not find Mou Yan, a second-tier Great Yuan Master, to give the Young Master Lin Tian the guardian.

But Lin Tianjiyu is special.

I don't want to say that I am a macho, after entering the ice dragon secret realm.

They are all saints and saints of various first-grade forces.

And their guardian.

Which one is not the big boss in the middle and late Yuan generals?

Even Gu Shaohan, Wang Xiao and others are still half-step Yuanzun.

Those are all top-notch existences.

In addition to these people, Lin Tian fought against Yulan and Fengxue Old Ghost.

No need to say more if you can break through Yuanzun in the ice dragon secret realm.

The existence of terror.

Therefore, Lin Tian and their group cannot be called masters in the ice dragon secret realm.

Must be called BOSS.

Especially Lin Tian.


"I don't know where Mou Yan and Qiao Lang went." Lin Tian pinched his chin and thought.

The battle in the valley is very boring.

The purple-clothed party will soon be able to kill four men in black.

Lin Tian didn't intend to move, and planned to leave.

At this time.

The time was right for the Ziyi in the early days of the Yuan general.

Shouted: "Disperse!"

After that, Yuan Li urged him to make a shocking momentum.

"Flaming Dragon Spear!"

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows.

Oh, what a coincidence.

The gilt flame spear was called out, and a five-meter-long fire dragon was inspired.

A man in black is about to penetrate.

The man in black looked solemn, looked at each other, and was about to use his own trick.

The fire dragon roared.

The man in black had not made up his mind, but found the ferocious fire dragon.

Was completely frozen in an instant!

Then, it turns into powder.

In the sky, I don't know when the snowflakes began to float.

"Who?! Dare to provoke us Jin Guangjiao!"

The purple-clothed man in the early Yuan military commander shouted sharply.

"Is Jin Guangjiao great for body refining?" Lin Tian fell precariously and fell between the two sides.

A disdainful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: "I will kill your saints as dogs, and still care about your gang of fish?"

"Presumptuous!" several yellow clothes shouted.

But the man in yellow clothes in the early days of Yuan Wujiang's expression changed in shock, "Who are you?"

"Lin Tian." Lin Tian said lightly.

As soon as the name came out, everyone changed color.

Great Demon Lin Tian!

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