I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 111: Shameful Gu Shaohan

Lin Tianyi wore a black robe suspended in the air.

The snow raged in the sky.

Everyone seemed to be watching and didn't plan to take action.

Gu Shaohan, who was the only one to take the shot, was shot down from the snow, and got up with a gray face.

Ying Xingwei came down to pick him up.

"Young Master Gu, does this old Snow Fengxue have any enemies with you?" Ying Xingwei couldn't help asking.

He felt very strange.

He had also seen Old Fengxue Ghost in the past, and he hardly talked nonsense with others.

The murderous coldness of the whole body, he wants to kill someone, and he can hardly say anything.

It will not be like this, like humiliation.

Apart from having an enmity with Gu Shaohan, he couldn't find any explanation.

Gu Shaohan gritted his steel teeth and said fiercely: "I haven't provoke him, but he alone occupies the seven sacred fruits, how can he let it go?"

Ying Xingwei nodded.

"Everyone, this person occupies the seven sacred fruits alone, shall we return without success?"

Gu Shaohan's sword climbed into the air and said loudly.

Everyone couldn't help but move.

"Yes! Old Fengxue Ghost, you hand over the Holy Fruit!"

"Why do you grab the holy fruit by yourself?"

Lin Tian said lightly: "I have the ability."

Gu Shao coldly laughed: "The last person who said he had the ability was Lin Tian, ​​and he is now abolished. I just want to know your ability alone, can you beat the hundreds of geniuses present?"

Gu Shaohan is mobilizing everyone's hearts of the same enemy.

Ouyang He curled his lips when he heard the words: "This guy is doing this again."

Ouyang Breaking the Ice stared at the old Snow Wind ghost, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, let's join together! How about the top ranking?" Gu Shaohan called.

Many interested people followed his men to act together.

The vitality fluctuates abruptly.

Numerous attacks attacked Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked at Gu Shaohan very contemptuously, this guy would only bully the less with more.

It's a price drop for the Son of God.

Lin Tian originally planned to leave after the grab, but seeing so many people present, he couldn't help it for a while.

This is all exercise points!

Of course, Lin Tian did not swell to the point where he singled out hundreds of people.

No matter how strong he is, he is only a third-order Yuan general.

There are no fewer than fifty generals in Guangyuan's later period.

"Thousands of ice and snow!"

Lin Tian evaded countless attacks in an instant.

Then kill Gu Shaohan's camp.

"Ice Shadow Invisible Sword!"

Countless sword lights flashed.

Gu Shaohan hurriedly resisted, who had been startled by Lin Tian's ice and snow.

The people who followed him to kill also didn't expect the old ghost Fengxue to rush face to face.

And menacing!

Fengxue old ghost name is well known, and everyone wants to resist for a while.

But the wind and snow instantly became intense.

Many people whose cultivation level is not enough have slowed down.


"There is a problem with this snowflake!"

In a moment, Lin Tian broke through the formation of more than 30 people.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 30,000 points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the low-grade martial arts Xuanlong Slash."


Lin Tian stared at Gu Shaohan, and God's Will Wandering Dragon triggered, approaching quickly.

"Bing Ying Juetian!"

Killing from here, you can not only earn power points, but also break through the formation.

As soon as Gu Shaohan reacted, he was beaten upright.

It actually flew out.

Lin Tian chased after him.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Outside the light curtain.

The place where the elders watched the battle.

The elder of the Tianlan Sect sneered and said: "The holy son of the North Ice Sword Palace is at this level? Can anyone be bullied?"

The face of the elder of the North Ice Sword Palace was pale.

Other elders also whispered.

Obviously Gu Shaohan was embarrassed.

Except for the elders outside the light curtain, they are actually on the battlefield in the secret territory.

Many people are also watching the theater.

They waited for Fengxue Old Ghost and Gu Shaohan to fight for both losses, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Of course, Gu Shaohan is also indispensable.

This saint son who had once forced the top rank has been forced to go crazy since encountering Lin Tian.

Just like now.

I saw more than 30 people led by Gu Shaohan, who kept chasing and killing the shadow.

But the shadow held on to Gu Shaohan.

Almost beaten up.

This scene made many people who have experienced the scene of Yulan chasing and killing Lin Tian and Lin Tian chasing and killing Gu Shaohan familiar.

Gu Shaohan vomited blood in his heart.

He looked cold and suddenly reacted wrong.

Fengxue Old Ghost is a half-step Yuanzun, and he can break through at any time!

Although the damage of this person in front of him is high, his breath is in the third rank of Yuan Wu.

In addition, this guy is staring at himself, he has used thousands of ice and snow.

An answer is ready.

"He is Lin Tian!"

"kill him!!!"

Gu Shaohan yelled loudly after receiving Lin Tian's sword.

The people below were suddenly shocked.

"Lin Tian?!"

"Isn't this the fame skill of Old Snow Wind, there is snow in the world? How could Lin Tian?"

"I heard that Lin Tian has learned a lot of stunts!"

"It's Lin Tian, ​​you must never let this guy go!"

Everyone suddenly changed their attitude and was about to move.

But Xu Long of the Northern Saint Sect suddenly saw golden light upon hearing this.

"North Saint Sect, kill!"

Behind him, the mid- and late-stage cultivators of the Yuan military commanders were angry with swords.

Towards Lin Tian kill.

At this time, Lin Tian almost broke through the formation.

"Bye Byelow!"

Lin Tian laughed and lased towards the west.


Xu Long roared, and countless figures chased him away.

But only twenty miles.

Suddenly they saw Lin Tian fall to the ground.

Between a piece of snow forest.

Suddenly four black shadows appeared, flying quickly in different directions.

"Separately chase!"

Gu Shaohan roared.

It just happened to be an alliance formed by their four First Grade forces.

Xuanwu Island, North Ice Sword Palace, Jinguang Sect of Refining Body, and Northern Sacred Sect each chose a direction to pursue them.

Never let Lin Tian go!

The Tang Sect was followed by the four major first-grade forces.

Zhou Shanshan hurriedly chased, but did not find Lin Tian at all.

"Lin Tian!!!"

Zhou Shanshan shouted anxiously.

However, Wang Hufa nervously stopped Zhou Shanshan: "Little princess, Lin Tian now has seven sacred fruits, which is the target of public criticism. We can't establish a relationship with him!"

"Go away! You caused me to lose Lin Tian!" Zhou Shanshan said angrily.

Wang Hufa and Liu Xuanyu gestured with their eyes, and Tang Sect protectors came up to stop Zhou Shanshan.

Zhou Shanshan turned her heart back and chased it out with a fast escape.

Everyone in Tang Sect can only catch up quickly.

Liu Xuanyu gritted his teeth with hatred, only hoping that Zhou Shanshan would see the corpse of the **** Lin Tian when she arrived.

At this time, the other forces on the edge of the Rift Valley looked a little big and staring.

This sacred fruit was gone, and the saint son of the first-rank force went to hunt down Lin Tian.

What are they doing here?

Many people wanted to leave, but found that Ouyang's house hadn't moved at all.

I couldn't help thinking and stayed here for a long time.

Ouyang He stared wide-eyed: "Brother, Lin Tian is so amazing. He actually provokes so many First-Rank forces by himself, and he escaped!"

Many of Ouyang's guardians also nodded.

Everyone knows a thing or two about Lin Tian's deeds.

However, Ouyang Bing Bing suddenly said, "He didn't run."


"What does the son mean?"

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Everyone in the Ouyang family was puzzled, and Ouyang He was even more curious.

Ouyang Breaking Bing had closed his eyes and steered the ice coffin towards the rift valley.

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