I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 117: Vice Dean's Favor

Under the light curtain of the ice dragon secret realm.

The elders talked about the battle situation in the secret realm.

The first to bear the brunt is the deputy dean of Ji Ling Academy.

He has been paying attention to Lin Tian for a long time, starting from Lin Tian killing the little sage child Wang Xiao, then Lin Tian retiring from the Gu Shaohan alliance, and winning the sacred fruit of the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree, and now he can still kill the peak spirit beasts.

This performance is almost unchanged.

"Lin Tian is really good, we can consider placing him in a special class of the Jilin Academy." The deputy dean said to the instructor of the Jilin Academy.

The tutors also nodded.

Why this ice dragon secret realm exists, naturally, is to wash the sand with waves.

Leave the gold.

There is no doubt that Lin Tian is the most dazzling gold in this trial.

The mentors are also very concerned about Lin Tian.

And heard the discussion of Ji Ling Academy.

Jin Guangjiao of Refining Body suddenly snorted: "This kid killed our saint son, do you want to protect him from Ji Ling Academy?"

The elder of the North Ice Sword Palace also said with Yin-Yang Weird Qi: "This one named Lin Tian is obviously abnormal. He actually has a spiritual pet that can swallow an Earth-level spirit beast. I don't think it's a spy sent by another state."

The face of the elder of the Northern Shengzong was not good.

If Lin Tian enters the Extreme Spirit Academy, then they want to avenge Lin Tian, ​​it is tantamount to fighting the Extreme Spirit Academy and the sacred power behind the Extreme Spirit Academy Ouyang Family.

But now he can't say it clearly.

After all, the hatred between her Northern Saint Sect and Lin Tian is already well known, and if he speaks to the Extreme Spirit Academy, it will only have an adverse effect.

After the elders of the First-Rank forces had finished speaking, many elders from other forces also responded.

Lin Tian was unscrupulous in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm, killing geniuses who didn't know how many sects.

These sects all hate Lin Tian.

But they wouldn't consider that it was their Tianjiao saints who took the initiative to trouble Lin Tian.

There was a lot of discussion, and all of a sudden, they began to attack Lin Tian.

As soon as this statement came out, Ji Ling Academy did not respond.

The elder of the Alchemist Guild said with an angry expression: "If the skill is not as good as the person, you should surrender. Why can't this ice dragon secret be killed? Isn't it just for the real trial? You sects are really very small. Suspect that our young master is a spy? Do you mean that our alchemy union is stupid?"

The elders were all disgusted when they heard this.

In fact, many people didn't know that Lin Tian was actually one of the young masters of the Alchemist Union.

The elder of the Northern Shengzong was even more pale.

If Lin Tian entered the Extreme Spirit Academy, plus he was one of the young masters of the Alchemist Union.

Then behind Lin Tian is equivalent to the shadow of two sacred powers!

"Lin Tian must be killed in the ice dragon secret realm!" The elder of the Northern Saint Sect thought bitterly.

In order to deal with Lin Tian, ​​Bei Shengzong had already created twenty masters of Yuan generals.

But now it seems that these people are afraid that they will not be able to kill Lin Tian.

Especially from the light curtain, I saw Lin Tian and the ice coffin gluttonous Ouyang Breaking the Ice and the people of Broken Love Valley interact very well, making it more troublesome to move.

When Elder Bei Shengzong was thinking about how to deal with Lin Tian.

At this time, the deputy dean of the Extreme Spirit Academy said lightly: "Elder Qian from the Alchemy Guild is right. Regardless of life and death in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm, Lin Tian has an outstanding talent and is the talent that our Ji Ling Academy needs. If anyone considers the Ice Dragon Secret Realm, The battle inside comes to revenge Lin Tian, ​​don't blame our Ji Ling Academy for being rude."

When the voice fell, everyone was discolored.

Lin Tian is too lucky, right?

Actually got the asylum of the deputy dean?

At this time, the elder of the North Shengzong snorted coldly: "Vice President, are you trying to use power for personal gain?"

The deputy dean said lightly: "When did I say that?"

Elder Bei Shengzong said: "In that case, what if Lin Tian died in the ice dragon secret realm?"

"Naturally, his skills are not as good as others. If you want to avenge Lin Tian, ​​you can kill him in the Ice Dragon Secret Realm. This is allowed by the rules. But can you really kill him?" The vice president smiled.

"I don't believe that he can still use one enemy against a hundred?" The elder of Jin Guangjiao coldly snorted.

The female elder of the Tianlan Sect frowned and said very contemptuously: "It's like you unite to deal with my saint, it's really nasty."

The elder of the North Ice Sword Palace smiled and said: "It's just a king who wins and loses. There are no rules in the trial of the ice dragon secret realm. Isn't this what the deputy director meant?"

The deputy dean didn't speak, his eyes moved into the light curtain.

An elderly elder on Xuanwu Island suddenly spoke, "Deputy Dean, even if Lin Tian lives out of the Ice Dragon Secret Realm, he cannot be assigned to a special class. This breaks the rules."

The deputy elder said indifferently: "If Lin Tian gets the first in points, he can naturally enter any class. This is the practice of Ji Ling Academy."

"How do you judge whether he is the number one in points? Just relying on him to kill someone and win the treasure, is it unfair? The picture displayed by this light curtain is not all." The elder of Xuanwu Island asked.

Indeed, as the elder of Xuanwu Island said, the screen of the light curtain is generally judged by the intensity of the battle.

Except for the black screen caused by Lin Tianxuehai before, the light curtain will automatically choose the screen to play at other times.

The words of the elder of Xuanwu Island fell, and the elders all looked at the vice president.

The vice dean’s mouth raised a smile and said: "This will not bother you. Soon the Ice Dragon Secret Realm will start the last test. This test will be counted by Ao Yi's divine mind, and there will naturally The standings. When the time comes, considering the performance of the testers, it is easy to determine the first place."

"So, you still have objections?"

When everyone heard that it was Ao Yi's divine mind, they shut up.

Each looked at the light curtain.

The scene of Lin Tian was not played in the light curtain, but the scene where the old Fengxue ghost single-handedly killed the peak spirit beast of the tier and obtained the treasure of heaven and earth.

"Old Ghost Fengxue deserves to be number one in the rankings. It is really tyrannical to act alone in the ice dragon secret realm."

"This is a rare genius in a century."

"Lin Tian is just lucky."

The speaking elder secretly prayed that Feng Xue Old Ghost's points would exceed Lin Tian, ​​so that Lin Tian might not be recruited by Ji Ling Academy.

The deputy dean knew what they were thinking, but did not speak.

Quietly waiting for when the light curtain will switch to Lin Tian's picture.

At this time the ice dragon secret realm.

Lin Tian has already joined Meng Yi and others at the designated place.

Five people entered a hidden cave.

Lin Tian took out a cyan Seven Wonders Sacred Fruit and threw it to Meng Yi.

"You have four points, and then start practicing." Lin Tian said.

Meng Yi and the others were stunned at first, and then they were shocked when they saw the blue sacred fruit.

This is the sacred fruit of the Seven Miao Treasure Tree!

Things that can't be met.

Young Master Lin actually gave him a dead man like this!

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