I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 130: Mate, see you later

The appearance of Ao Yi's divine mind really announced the end of the trial.

The trialists finally breathed a sigh of relief, obediently staying in place, waiting for the teleportation to leave.

Only players like Lin Tian feel dissatisfied.

This is not enough!

How come you have to get a few thousand more Yuanzun blood shadows!

The blessing of Tuo Yuanzun's blood shadow, Lin Tian's practice point has reached 15 million points.

Very rich.

Lin Tian didn't know how to spend it.

The points represented by the red ball of light, Lin Tian, ​​are also uncountable.

Although he was willing to give it to everyone, he still got the big head in the end.

Plus the previous reserves.

Although Lin Tian didn't know how much it was.

But he felt that if he used the points to judge admission qualifications, he would be stable.

The fact is indeed as Lin Tian expected.

When everyone in the Ice Dragon Secret Territory is waiting for the transmission.

The elders outside the light curtain and the mentors of the Extreme Spirit Academy.

At this moment, I was looking at the brilliant light on the light curtain.

Slowly gathered into a leaderboard.

This is the standings based on Ao Yi's spirituality statistics.

Among them, Lin Tian topped the list with 100,000 points.

The second place, Zhou Shanshan, the little princess of Tangmen, was only 20,000 points.

As for the others, they are not as good as Lin Tian.

Seeing Lin Tianyiqi Juechen, the elders were shocked.

Some things, aggregated into data will shock people.

Lin Tian's points plus his previous highlight performance.

Undoubtedly, it is the pinnacle of this trial.

Even the evil spirits like Fengxue Old Ghost and Ouyang Breaking the Ice are completely incomparable.

The deputy dean smiled faintly: "I announce that Lin Tian is the number one in the trial of the Ice Dragon Secret Realm, and is specially approved to enter the inner courtyard of the Ji Ling Academy. Do you have any comments?"


This dare to have opinions.

That is, I can't get through with Ji Ling Academy.

This kind of thing that offends the Extreme Spirit Academy on the face of it, even a top-ranking force like Tianlanzong will not do it.

"Since there is no objection, it is so decided. As for the next student ranking, Ji Ling College will discuss it again." The deputy dean ended the topic.

The elder of the Alchemy Union smiled.

Lu Zhenhua in Xueling City really found a treasure!

The light curtain trembled, and the divine light surged.

Suddenly, the vitality of the flat land fluctuated like the sea.

The remaining nearly two hundred people were all teleported to the outside world.

The testers still looked blank.

Such powerful methods of Tianyuan are still fascinating.

Lin Tian was the first to recover.

He immediately went to find Yulan's position.

With a huge amount of 15 million power points, Lin Tian's first choice of spending was not to break the boundaries for himself.

Instead, he bought a perfect quality pill that specializes in solving the mysterious poison in the system.

For this, a full three million power points were spent.

But Lin Tian didn't feel any heartache at all.

All the testers were teleported to a flat ground, and everyone was not too far apart.

Lin Tian glanced over.

The first person I saw turned out to be Gu Shaohan.

Gu Shaohan also suddenly noticed Lin Tian's gaze.

There was a shudder all over his body at the moment, and he rushed away from the trial group.

Fleeing to the place where the elders of the North Ice Sword Palace were stationed.

Everyone: "..."

This Young Master Gu is frightened!

As for being so afraid of Lin Tian?

Can he still kill you in front of Ji Ling Academy and so many sect elders?

Gong Xuejian couldn't help but sighed, feeling very embarrassing.

In the end, he quietly went out to follow Gu Shaohan.

Gong Xuejian felt that she was too difficult.

Following the embarrassment, he had to shame the North Ice Sword Palace.

The corners of the elder's mouth in the North Ice Sword Palace also kept twitching.

My Son is really a shame.

Fortunately, he is already a student of the inner faculty of the Jilin Academy. Otherwise, with this performance, he might not be able to enter the Jilin Academy at all.

Lin Tian ignored Gu Shaohan.

Instead, seize the time to find Yulan.

Soon Lin Tian's eyes lit up and he found a pavilion in Tsing Yi, misty like a nine-day goddess.

Lin Tian hurried over.

Noting Lin Tian's arrival, Yulan's heart trembled slightly and her eyes were slightly sour.

Finally, she bit her lips gently, and her eyes gradually became cold.

Lin Tian just approached.

What greeted him was a long sword of Qiushui.

"Leave, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless."

Yulan looked cold.

The four female law-guards also looked at Lin Tian sternly.

Lin Tian was a little surprised. As for what he did so absolutely?

But Lin Tian also felt faintly.

Turning to see, it was the elders of the Tianlan Sect who were watching this scene with cold eyes.

Combined with the letter Yulan left in the cave, he has a clear understanding.

This Yulan is protecting herself.

Lin Tian's heart sank slightly.

Then smiled and pulled away Yulan's long sword.

"Master Saint, we have fought side by side somehow, don't be so dismissive!"

Yulan's complexion changed, but she quickly returned to coldness.

The Qiu Shui long sword was ruthlessly placed on the neck of Lin Tian who was approaching.

Yulan seemed to be murderous.

But in front of Lin Tian, ​​his tone trembled, and he pleaded in a low voice.

"You, don't come here. Go back quickly, please."

Lin Tian sighed softly.

Noting Yulan's helpless appearance made him feel a little pain.

Know that Yulan is very hardworking.

Lin Tian also suppressed the desire to be gentle with Yulan in his heart.

He turned over and took out the Tianqing Zhengyuan Pill, and handed it to Yulan.

"This ground-level pill is of perfect quality, it can detoxify, and can increase soul and spiritual power. You take it back, don't tell other people."

Looking at Lin Tian's deliberate laughter, Yulan's eyes were reddish, almost crying.

"Why are you so good to me?"

"You are my wife. I am not good to you, who is good to you?" Lin Tian asked strangely.

Yulan was silent.

The heart is very exciting.

Suddenly Yulan looked up and asked, "What about the little princess of Tang Sect?"

"There seems to be a maid Zhao Jianrong?"

Lin Tian: "......"

Damn it, don't.

Are you women so sharp?

And Zhao Jianrong and I are really okay!

Lin Tian's mind turned crazily, and he didn't feel nervous about killing so many blood shadows, and now his forehead was about to sweat.

It's over, how do you explain this?

The distress of the scumbag!

Yulan suddenly chuckled.

Like a hundred flowers suddenly blooming.

Lin Tian was taken aback.

People around also looked over.

The high coldness of the saint Yulan is well known in the world, and now her smile is as eye-catching as the moon god's face.

Many people were dumbfounded.

Yulan soon realized that it was not good.

Recovered quickly.

After receiving the Tianqing Zhengyuan Pill, he nodded to Lin Tian with an alienated expression: "Thank you for the medicine."

After that, Yulan looked at the four guardians: "Let's go."

When the voice fell, Yulan went to the place where Tianlanzong was stationed with his sword.

Lin Tian stood in an empty place.

There is also the fragrance left by Yulan.

It was a little empty for a while.

Yulan's faint voice came gently into his ears.

"Miangong, see you later."

Lin Tian moved in his heart and looked up.

I saw that Yulan had entered the Tianlanzong's camp, and the sect elder of the Tianlanzong was looking at herself suspiciously.

Zhou Shanshan walked over and said to Lin Tian with suspicion: "How do you feel that you are struggling?"

Lin Tian smiled awkwardly: "How could it be possible? I just came to deliver a medicine. You all saw it."

Zhou Shanshan's skeptical expression still did not abate.

Man's mouth, deceitful ghost!

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