I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 144: Super panel

Ouyang Qing saw that Lin Tian didn't speak, and took the initiative to check Lin Tian's realm, Yuan military commander triple.

This is just not long after the Spirit Sea has just opened, it is estimated that there is no connected meta-realm.

Ouyang Qing smiled and said, "It's okay, it's not shameful to say that the spirit level is low. This thing is inherently difficult to practice."

Ouyang He on the side endured for a long time and finally couldn't help it. He pulled Ouyang Qing's sleeves: "Grandpa Qing, Lin Tian's spirit sea is in the realm of Haiyuan."

"Oh, it's not bad, it turned out to be Tongyuan... Haiyuan?!" Ouyang Qing's eyes widened at once.

Watching back and forth on the faces of Ouyang He and Lin Tian, ​​his chin was about to fall.

Lin Tian added at this time: "Later."

Ouyang Qing: "..."

Is this funny to me?

The mere military commander Sanzhong is in the late stage of the Haiyuan realm?

This is even worse than Ouyang Breaking the Ice!

Moreover, how can your physical body withstand the mental power of your late Haiyuan realm?

Ouyang Qing looked disbelief: "Xiaohe, I know you have a good impression of this kid, but there is no need to follow him to lie!"

Ouyang He blushed, and some did not dare to look at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian glanced at Ouyang He in surprise. Ouyang He turned his head to the side, her pretty face was pink.

As beautiful as the March peach blossoms.

Ouyang Qing said unhappily, "Little guy, don't lie to people. How can your body withstand the mental power of your Haiyuan realm? Do you know how Ouyang's ice-breaking ice coffin came from?

Lin Tian nodded: "I know."

Ouyang Qing vomited blood.

Know you still make up?

Really, when Ouyang Qing was going to teach Lin Tian a stern testimony.

Ouyang He pulled Ouyang Qing again: "Grandpa Qing, Lin Tian has a dragon bloodline, and my brother said that his spirit sea is also ice attribute, and the dragon bloodline is also ice attribute, so there is no pressure..."

"You didn't lie to me, Xiaohe?" Ouyang Qing couldn't help asking.

Ouyang He nodded.

Ouyang Qing turned his head and stared at Lin Tian.

Is there any reason?


Is there another king?

Where is this evildoer that popped out?

My friend has been injured for many years in order to grab the blood of an ancient spirit beast. This kid is young, not physical cultivation, and actually has the blood of a dragon?

And the mental power is so abnormal! Higher than the old man!

And it can refine the pill of the ultimate quality of the earth-level!

Moreover, I heard Ouyang He said that he had singled out more than a hundred old students in the arena!


No more, this is really unfair enough!

Such a perverted person appears in the world, it is simply unfair to heaven!

Lin Tian looked innocent.

In fact, I am really low-key, but my strength is too strong!

Ouyang He pursed his lips and chuckles, eyes falling on Lin Tian's face from time to time.

At this time, the three of them just reached the fourth floor.

Elder Zhou looked at the three and snorted coldly.

Very welcome.

Lin Tian's eyes lit up and he walked forward with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Boss Zhou Chang said with a face.

Lin Tian smiled and raised his hand, patted Elder Zhou on the shoulder: "It's nothing, come over and say hello, thank you Elder Zhou for the medicine!"

Elder Zhou snorted and turned his head.

Bang bang bang!

Then Elder Zhou suddenly turned red.

Is this a greeting?

Lin Tian gathered the power of Kowloon in his hands.

This is simply not something that a weak alchemist like Zhou Elder can handle!

"You..." Elder Zhou turned his head hard.

"Huh?" Continue to shoot.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 40000 points!"

"Special..." Elder Zhou shook his whole body.

"What's wrong?" Lin Tian blinked, his face was innocent, but his hands didn't stop.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining a low-grade sub-level exercise technique, mystery and godly practice!"

"Hurry up..." Elder Zhou shook again.

"What are you going to put?" Lin Tian looked dazed, but his hands kept on.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host alchemist realm for reaching the ground!"

Lin Tian's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.

In fact, in alchemy, Lin Tian didn't have to beat people to upgrade. At the time in Xueling City, he watched the experience gained by Lv Zhenhua's alchemy and broke through to half a step.

But who made the old man always target him this week?

Lin Tianneng is the one who suffers?

Of course you have to show some color!

Lin Tian greeted him with a palm faster than one palm, and Zhou Elder shook like an electric motor.

Ouyang Qing and Ouyang He who watched this scene were both stuck.

"Let go of me!" After all, Elder Zhou still has the strength, Yuan military commander's ninth-order realm, suffocated his vitality and roared.

Lin Tian backed away disgustedly: "Let go and let go, why are you shouting so loudly?"

Elder Zhou vomited blood.

What kind of weird strength this kid almost made him unable to resist.

In fact, Lin Tian didn't use half of his strength. If he really used the power of twenty dragons, he could directly shoot Elder Zhou into scum.

"Goodbye Zhou Elder!"

Lin Tian smiled and waved.

Elder Zhou was extremely angry.

Goodbye to your mother, we will never see you again!

Ouyang He followed Lin Tian and blinked, "Lin Tian, ​​did you really retaliate just now?"

Lin Tian looked at Ouyang He sincerely: "How can I, am I that kind of person?"

Ouyang He narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Ouyang Qing shivered as he looked at Elder Zhou rubbing his shoulders.

I don't doubt what Lin Tian said before.

This is really the blood of a dragon!

Otherwise, there is no reason that a Yuan military commander of Tier 3 can not move according to a Yuan military commander of Tier 9!

The three of them walked all the way to the entrance of the first floor of the Dan Building and bid farewell to Ouyang Qing.

Lin Tian happily opened the personal panel of the system.

"Host: Lin Tian"

"Yuan Li Xiuwei: Yuan Wu General third-order (sufficient power point breakthrough

"Physical level: power of twenty dragons (power equivalent to mid-stage body repair Yuanzun

"Spirit Sea Level: Late Haiyuan Realm"

"Cultivation Techniques: Tianxin Body Forging Zhen Jue (Tian-rank middle grade), Jinguang Body Refining Jue (Tian-rank lower grade), Nine Nether Mind Heart Jue (Tian-rank medium grade), Blood Sea Buddha Lotus Jue (Earth-order top grade)... …

"Martial Skills: Escape from Thousands of Ice and Snow (Lower Rank in Heaven), Snow in the World (High Rank in Heaven), Cold Shadow Ghost (Medium Rank in Heaven), Treasure Hunting (High Rank in Earth)... "

"Spirit Sea Secret Skill: Purple Cloud Thunder Eye (special), Spiritual Power Sword (ice attribute

"Lingbao: Town Boundary Monument (Broken Heavenly Stage), Panlong Seal (Medium Rank), Heavenly Soul Great Sword (Peak of Earth Stage), Xue Ming Sword (High Grade of Earth Stage)..."

"Gong Method Points: 13250000 Points"

"Gong method point function: cultivation base transformation, upgrade gong method and martial arts, recovery from injury, recovery of vitality, universal store."

Lin Tian was overjoyed when he looked at the dazzling array of personal panels.

At the same time full of emotion.

Then the Son is really his own lucky star!

Originally, the Heavenly Rank Cultivation Techniques and Martial Skills were rare for First-Rank forces.

But those saints are different. They have the ambitions of a first-grade power, making it clear that they are the heads of the future.

So they have practiced a lot of heavenly techniques and martial arts since childhood.

All of this is cheaper Lin Tian!

Now Lin Tian's Heavenly Rank Technique has reached three books again.

The last time I reached three books, the system prompted me to merge.

Lin Tian estimated that the second fusion would definitely require more Heaven-level techniques, but according to his own plundering trend, this is not difficult!

And Lin Tian also mastered a bunch of martial arts of the heavenly ranks. I wonder if the martial arts of the heavenly ranks will also have the effect of fusion?

Lin Tian thought about a lot of things in his heart.

The corners of the mouth couldn't close.

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