I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 153: Arrive at Yuansheng

Lin Tian was actually quite curious under the gloomy mask of Old Snow Ghost.

What kind of face is it, willing to stay under this mask.

"I want an ice soul essence pill."

Old Ghost Bingxue was very direct, without any delay, and directly made Lin Tian not know how to accept this.

"Well, what good do you have for me?"

There is no free lunch in the world, you should understand without saying.

Old Ghost Bingxue looked at Lin Tian with hesitation in his eyes and said, "I can promise to kill someone for you, except myself."

This kind of person is undoubtedly cold.

No one cares except himself, but he has created a perseverance in cultivation.

Not to be shaken by foreign objects, to kill decisively, it is possible to break the world.

"I don't want to kill anyone you can kill." Lin Tian said lightly.

Sitting leisurely and sitting by the lake, Lin Tian actually began to admire the fish swimming in the lake.

The old Bingxue ghost was silent, and the cold that made people avoid three feet was even more obvious.

It's elusive, what is he thinking?

"You make a condition."

It took a long time for Old Ghost Bingxue to come up with such an answer, but Lin Tian didn't panic.

"Okay, be my little brother, do things for me, are you willing?" Lin Tian said casually.

Even though this is not the first time it has been proposed, it is full of randomness.

Subordinate? This seemed an insult to the proud old ice ghost.

"I want to see how strong you are, how far you can go, in the realm of Yuansheng, I can follow you, otherwise you are of no use to me."

Old Ghost Bingxue looked at Lin Tian, ​​spit out every word.

"Is your enemy very powerful?" Lin Tian was slightly surprised, the old ghost of Bingxue did have a story.

He has always occupied the top spot in the rankings, either because he is cultivating crazy demons, or because the enemy is too strong.

"Yes, the person I want to kill is a hundred times stronger than me, and the person who can lead me must be stronger and more terrifying than me."

"Okay, then you just admit to be my little brother."

Lin Tian smiled wickedly, which made Old Bingxue speechless for a while.

"Here, this is the pill you want."

With that, Lin Tian gave an ice soul essence pill.

No nonsense, the old ghost of Bingxue caught this pill.

"Thanks, goodbye."

After speaking, the old ghost of Bingxue disappeared.

This time he spoke a lot more words than the last time.

Of the five Soul Soul Pills, now only three are left.

At this moment, everyone in Ji Ling School was looking for Lin Tian.

One is the temptation of the Ice Soul Essence Pill, and the other is that Lin Tian said it can be refined for free.


In a pill room, a loud applause sounded.

"Master, I am incompetent."

Zhang Yuxuan looked at Elder Zhou with an aggrieved look, and his heart was extremely aggrieved. The slap just now made him feel uncomfortable.

Elder Zhou looked at him, his raised slap slowly fell.

"Huh, I don't blame you this time."

Elder Zhou shook his long sleeves angrily, his face filled with indescribable anger.

With all eyes in sight, my apprentice lost.

This made him feel extremely embarrassed, and the guy Ouyang Qing, the two of them were usually upset with each other, and now they were even more uncomfortable.

"Master, Lin Tian is too mad, we must teach him a lesson."

"Huh, you don't need to say that, this kid is really too rampant. I have never seen such a person in Zhou Tong."

"Master, what should we do? He does have some methods for alchemy, and Xuan Lei Yin doesn't know where it came from?"

Zhang Yuxuan's heart was jealous, how could Lin Tian possess the profound thunder seal.

That is the pill seal for refining the earth-level pill. When refining the earth-level pill, there is undoubtedly a half chance of success.

"Huh, what's the use of great alchemy? In this world, there are many examples of geniuses who die."

As he said, Zhou Tong smiled sly.

Since genius does not belong to him, it must be destroyed.

When Zhang Yuxuan listened, he felt happy. As long as Lin Tian died, he would still be the leader of the alchemy system.

Lin Tian slowly walked towards the residence, where he lived still felt quite remote.

"Really, these guys don't pay enough attention to this genius and arrange this ghost place for me."

Lin Tian found that the aura of heaven and earth here does not seem to be very strong.

"he came!"

"Lin Tian, ​​he is finally here!"

When a voice sounded, Lin Tian looked up and saw a group of people coming out of the courtyard at the moment.

I saw a bunch of people rushing towards Lin Tian.

"Everyone, what's the situation? Don't get too close, I'm afraid I can't help but do it."

Lin Tian hurriedly persuaded everyone to admire himself.

"Master Lin, you can quickly refine the pill for us. Several of us have collected the medicinal materials, and the pill is also brought, just need you to do it.

A group of people looked at Lin Tian's pleading.

Lin Tian instantly understood that he had come to request alchemy.

Looking at this situation, it should be a group of people who got together and then worked out to split evenly.

"Well, tomorrow, I am a little tired today, and you will come tomorrow morning." Lin Tian said a little tired.

Although refining is a matter of effort, everyone is so active, it is estimated that it will take several furnaces.

"Okay, Master Lin, if you said so, we are relieved."

A group of people feel relieved a lot.

As long as Lin Tian agrees, it means that it will be refined for them.

"Everyone, go back, I'll take a good rest, so I can refine alchemy for you tomorrow."

Lin Tian looked at everyone like a kid, and everyone had no choice but to bid farewell to Lin Tian with a smile.

Finally, everyone left.

Lin Tian entered the small courtyard, somewhat helpless.

Why is this mouth so cheap?

Now that I have promised to go out, there should be many people coming to me in the future, so I can't be too busy.

Lin Tian felt helpless, thinking that he should find a way.

"Hmph, some people are chasing by beautiful women every day, it is really happy."

A clear voice came, which was mocking Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked up and was taken aback.


Lin Tian was surprised, Zhou Shanshan didn't know when she came to her yard.

"Huh, you, you still remember that I am your wife, and you go out and do three things a day, do you still have me in your heart?"

Zhou Shanshan felt wronged for a while, knowing that Lin Tian was with Ouyang He every day, she was even more angry.

This situation is jealous!

When Lin Tian moved, a dragon waved its tail and hugged Zhou Shanshan directly.

"Huh? You let me go!"

Zhou Shanshan just resisted, not wanting Lin Tian to touch it.

"Wife, I will go away if I resist again." Lin Tian said in a quiet voice in Zhou Shanshan's ear.

Suddenly, Zhou Shanshan trembled, and her whole body felt soft.

She had no strength all over her body now, and the roots of her ears were softened by Lin Tian.

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