I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 155: System spirit

With some anger in his heart, Lin Tian directly angered: "Then how do I know if this technique is good or not? Are you cheating?"

The system prompt came again.

"It is recommended that the host upgrade the system. It is now a semi-intelligent system and can be upgraded to an intelligent system."


Let yourself upgrade the system, what kind of cheating operation is this?

"What are the benefits of upgrading?"

"The smart system can check the benefits of the exercises, no matter what the exercises, there is no limit!"

This time, the system answered quickly.

So Lin Tian stared, this system is really a ghost.

Said it is semi-intelligent, in fact, it is to make him spend his skills to upgrade him and become better.

"Is the system good or bad?"

Finally, Lin Tian thought of the core issue.

It seems that it is related to the problem of upgrading yourself, and the system answers very simply.

"Yes, a good system can provide a more comprehensive answer to the host, and it is easy for the host to improve its cultivation, because the system can discover more good things in the current world."

It's as if someone is throwing out huge profits and seducing themselves.

Lin Tian discovered that this was not a semi-intelligence at all.

I feel like a human being in my mind.

"You give me an example, don't play with me."

"The new system can view good things within five kilometers of the surrounding area, such as exercises, spirit beasts, and elixir..."

Ok? It sounds really good.

Although it had this function before, Lin Tian rarely enjoyed it.

"Just give me a number, how many power points do you need to upgrade?"

There is no cheap lunch in the world, and this system will certainly not seduce people so easily.

"One thousand and one hundred and five skill points can upgrade the system and create a better world for the host."

What kind of robbery?

Why not die?

With so many exercise points, it took him so long to save them.

"Does it have to be so much?" Lin Tianxin said with a displeasure.

"Yes, host."

"Inhumane system, let me think about it."

At this time, the power belonging to the ice soul essence pill was acting in the body.

Haiyuan's spiritual realm was slowly rising, and Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

"Ding! The host upgrades the system and redeem the Hunyuan Divine Consciousness Method for free! Do you want to redeem it?"

The system suddenly jumped out of this news, and Lin Tian was surprised in his mind.

Is this system mandatory temptation?

"It's really a pit-comparison system, I just want Lao Tzu to exchange it, and use this fancy trick!"

Lin Tian scolded his mother in his heart, and the meridians hurt.

This Ice Soul Essence Pill, for him, does not seem to be so easy to improve.

Wouldn't it be impossible for others to take it?

It's just that Lin Tian ignored one point. Others just absorbed it a little bit. Instead, he took it directly, hurriedly.

"Ding! Overlord upgrade system, celestial body tactics are upgraded! Is the host redeemed?"

At this time, the system seemed crazy.

"Exchange, exchange, damn!"

Lin Tian couldn't stand it and kept seduce him.

In just a moment, his whole person felt sublimated.

"Ding! The redemption is successful, the system begins to upgrade, and the host is rewarded with the Hunyuan Divine Consciousness Technique!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the Celestial Body Art has been upgraded to the first level."

Lin Tian's muscles and body are bursting, and his strength is expanding.

"The Hunyuan Divine Consciousness Method is a spiritual cultivation method. It has a total of nine levels and has multiple mental attacks. Among them, the Hunyuan Divine Circle is more terrifying, and the practice is extreme, which can crush the souls of others..."

It can break the soul, Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

The warrior breaks the sky, just for higher.

In this world of the weak and the strong, even though the martial artist is easy to die, he can reach a certain level, and the soul is very powerful and cannot be killed at all.

It can be described in one sentence, the soul is immortal, and the warrior will live forever.

"Hunyuan Divine Consciousness Method!"

Turn me!

The Ice Soul Essence Pill erupted in an instant, and all the pill power ran wildly in Lin Tian's mind and body.

His mental power also turned crazy, leading directly to the middle level of Haiyuan.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

Lin Tian tried his best to run the Hunyuan Spiritual Consciousness Method!

"Hunyuan's divine consciousness breaks through the world, and the chaotic law is transferred, break it for me!"


With a shock in his mind, Lin Tian finally sent the barrier of Haiyuan's primary spiritual cultivation base to break into the intermediate.

At this time, he and Ouyang Breaking the Ice are almost at the same level, of course they are just spiritual cultivation.

And his physique has strengthened a lot.

It used to be Yuanzun's physical training in the mid-term, but now he is training in the mid-peak period.

With the blessing of twenty dragons and the terrifying celestial body art, Lin Tian is now a humanoid monster.


Breathing out in one breath, Lin Tian finally broke through.

"Congratulations, master, successful breakthrough!"

A light voice sounded.


Lin Tian was startled, the sound came suddenly, and he was startled.

"The master is me, the spirit of the system, you upgrade the system, and then I was born."

A voice sounded, and it sounded particularly sweet.

"In other words, I spent more than ten million to exchange for a system spirit." Lin Tian was bleeding in his heart.

"Master, you can't think like this, I'm a very lively and cute system spirit. I'm super smart. I can answer some doubts you don't understand and make it easier for you to move in this world."

It sounds like it is indeed more lively.

However, Lin Tian still felt it was not worth it.

"Well, I can only accept it."

After changing a system, I feel a lot more flexible.

"Do you have a name?" Lin Tian said casually.

"Master, I'm in the store now, you can come and see me in the store."

The spirit of the system reminded Lin Tian.

"I don't have a name, Master, you can pick one for me."

Lin Tian entered the universal merchandise store and saw a flash of spiritual light, a light group.

This light group was flashing, and the spirit of the system came from it.

"Huh? Are you the spirit of the system?"

Looking at this guy strangely, Lin Tian felt even more upset.

I used more than 10 million to exchange for a ball of light, which is really a big loss.

"Master, I can think of your inner thoughts. I am very versatile. You will know it soon."

The dissatisfied voice of the system spirit sounded, and there was even emotion.

It was amazing, Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

"You can know what I think! I'll go! Then when I think about that kind of thing..."

In an instant, Lin Tian wanted to destroy the spirit of this system.

"Ah! Master, don't think about it, sometimes I can still control myself and not see what you think."

"That's good."

He breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Tian was really scared, when something like that, someone was watching it.

That kind of awkwardness can make people very uncomfortable.

"Master, please give me a name quickly. I have a desire for a name in my heart."

Lin Tian thought a little, and then said: "For that, take a small degree."

This name is the robot that Lin Tian thought of in his previous life. Isn't that robot called Xiaodu Xiaodu?

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