I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 167: Life and death

"It's okay, let's go."

It is top secret to other people's exercises, and here in Lin Tian, ​​that is an accessory to the exercises.

Therefore, as long as there are points of practice, you need as much as you want.

"Boss, are you sure? I heard that Rong Shan has received a lot of help." Qiao Lang said with some worry.

Mou Yan next to him was the same. In the past two days, the two of them were inquiring various gossips for Lin Tian.

"Don't worry, your boss, am I the kind of person who died young?"

"no no."

Smiles appeared on the two of them.

And at this moment, in an attic.

Rong Shan was standing outside with a sincere expression on his face.

"Teacher, I'm going to leave soon, can you tell me the trick you said?"

Rong Shan's voice was loud and loud, but he was a little cautious in it.

In this attic, is the elder Yuan Feng of the Extreme Spirit Academy, who has a terrifying cultivation base throughout his life, and is considered Rong Shan's mentor.

"I heard that your Fang Tian painting halberd was destroyed by that kid."

"Yes, mentor."

When mentioning this, Rong Shan's expression was gloomy.

Because this incident undoubtedly showed that he could not beat Lin Tian.

This is something he doesn't want to admit, because he believes that as long as he exerts his strength, he will definitely be able to destroy Lin Tian.

Then again, he thought it was Lin Tian's weird stele.


The door of the ancient animal picture carved in the attic opened, and only a middle-aged man in long clothes walked out.

This person is Yuan Feng.


Rong Shan respected Yuan Feng in his heart, and his face was full of smiles.

Yuan Feng looked at Rong Shan and suddenly took out something.

A divine light appeared, it was a huge knife.

"This sword is called Liuyue Sabre. It is a low-grade sword. Take it to kill that person. If you win, it's yours."

The world is inferior!

Hearing this rank, Rong Shan felt excited in his heart.

Moreover, it is his who wins.

As for losing, his life is gone, naturally it is not his.

"Thank you mentor!"

Hearing this, Yuan Feng smiled faintly and said: "Let's go, I will help you today."

"With your help from your instructor, I will definitely thwart that Lin Tian."

With such words, the two set off together.

At this moment, the arena is full of people, and people in the inner and outer courtyards are waiting.

Among them, Zhou Shanshan, the little princess of the Tang family, Su Xingyuan from the Valley of Broken Love, and even Blizzard City advocated Yuxuan.

In the distance, the vice president and Elder Mi also appeared, paying great attention to this battle.

Not to mention the people in Class 25, a group of people are watching.

"You said, can Lin Tian beat Rong Shan?"

"I think Xuan, Rong Shan is in the realm of Yuanzun."

"I also think that although it is rumored that he beat Nanyang Shengzi, who knows whether it is true or not?"

A group of people talked about it, and the battle between the two was very unoptimistic.

As time passed by, Lin Tian and Qiao Lang came slowly.

I saw Rongshan at the moment, already standing on the arena.

And Lao Nie was an old **** sitting on the trial bench comfortably.

Next to Lao Nie is Rong Shan's mentor, Yuan Feng.

Said to have a look, but in fact it is to cheer.

Everyone could see that the hope for Lin Tian was even more unreported.

After all, Lin Tian is too old and hot, and there is no background at all.

Although when he came in, the deputy dean took it very seriously.

However, for a while, there is no news at all.

This shows that everything is developed by Lin Tian himself.

The life and death certificate has been signed. At this time, it can only be said that life and death are different.

"If you haven't come up yet, you are afraid." Rong Shan looked at Lin Tian, ​​his words filled with disdain.

Lin Tian slowly climbed up the ladder in the arena, looking unhurried or slow.

"I have never liked talking to people with bad breath, please stay away from me." Lin Tian said casually.

Rong Shan looked angry and said, "Asshole! Do you dare to insult me."

"I will scold anyone who has bad breath, thank you for taking the seat."


The people below watched this scene happily, watching the two powerhouses ripping each other, which felt good.

Because they are strong, they prefer to see them fall.

"Okay, are you two ready? The competition is about to begin." Elder Nie said at the moment.

Rong Shan gave Lin Tian a fierce look, and then said, "I'm ready, Elder Nie."

Lin Tian smiled slightly and said, "I should warm up in advance, Elder Nie, otherwise I am afraid it will affect my performance."

Elder Nie looked at Lin Tian with a speechless expression, this kid is busy every day.

He didn't know Lin Tian yet, he just wanted to be lazy.

Yuan Feng next to him immediately said flatly: "This is the arena, the world of the strong, you are so contemptuous of kneading."


Lin Tian looked at Yuan Feng, then smiled lightly and said: "Is it wrong to warm up? Is there a rule that I can't warm up? Don't think you are sitting on it, you are my elder, you are really shameless."


Everyone was in an uproar, Lin Tian had committed a complete crime.

Yuan Feng is not insulting when he speaks, that's the elder.

Rong Shan was even more angry, "Lin Tian, ​​you don't want to be mad, just do it directly, I will kill you immediately."

However, Lin Tian doesn't eat this set at all.

"Hey, don't worry, I have to warm up."

As he said, he trot.

On the other hand, Yuan Feng's face was gloomy and he almost vomited blood.

How could a junior say about him so rudely?

"Rong Shan, catch it."

At this moment, a pill was thrown out of Yuan Feng's hands.

Rong Shan looked happy, he knew it was a good thing.

"Elder Yuan, you are not compliant." Elder Nie frowned.

People around are also talking.

"Is this worried that Rong Shan will lose?"

"Hmph, you can control it. This is called strength, unlike Lin Tian."

"Haha, what did you say? Lin Tian, ​​as an alchemist, do you think there will be fewer pills? Stupid."

The person who went back was Su Xingyuan, because he couldn't stand it anymore.

In the surroundings, several figures were eye-catching, all of them came to watch the battle.

Ouyang broke the ice, and the old ghosts of Fengxue came, and the surrounding area was icy, no one dared to approach him, he was still so ghostly.

Lin Tian looked at all this indifferently without speaking.

Comparing the pill with him is an act of ignorance and death.

"Okay, we can start."

Lin Tian stood up slowly at this time, looking at Rong Shan.

Elder Nie stood up at the moment with a serious expression.

"I'll ask you again, are you sure about the life-and-death battle? Since you are all geniuses, I can make an exception for you to fight in general." Elder Nie looked at the two.

"No, Elder Nie, I must let him know how to offend me." Rong Shan's voice was cold.

Lin Tian behaved very casually, saying: "It's okay, I kill chickens and dogs at will, Lao Nie, please announce the start."

A group of people were speechless for a while, and Lin Tian was really angry when he spoke.

"Okay! The battle begins!"

A battle of life and death kicked off.

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