I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 185: Two people waiting

"It's just that Lin Tian was right, so I said I was right."

"Yes, it's him."

Some people watched Lin Tian leave, their eyes excited.

This devil, they were fighting against him just now, and now everyone feels excited.

Those who killed the Son of God, they still fight him dead and alive.

In one corner, Li De's eyes were a little gloomy.

He did not expect that Lin Tian was fighting against himself.

"One day, I will surpass you and make you like you are today." Li De muttered to himself.

But Lin Tian, ​​unaware of his unintentional act, offended another person.

When the two left the underground arena, Lin Tian felt very good.

"Xiaodu, check out Brother's practice points."

Lin Tian has a habit now that he doesn't like to check so many things by himself.

Instead, he was used to calling Xiaodu, and Xiaodu was also willing to help Lin Tian accomplish these things.

"Master, you now have 10 million power points, come on!"

Hearing the number of exercise points, Lin Tian showed a slightly satisfied expression on his face.

Finally, infinitely close to the target.

"Manzi, you go back to practice first, I'm going to do other things." Lin Tian looked at Manshan and said.

It's not a problem to let the barbarians run with him like this.

Man Shan immediately smiled honestly and said: "Okay, boss, if you have anything to do, remember to come to me, I will cultivate in the blessed land."

Under normal circumstances, Barbarians would not go to other places, because cultivation has already occupied part of his life.


After speaking, Barbarian left.

Lin Tian went directly to the training tower.

He is now a crazy training machine.

But Lin Tian's story in the underground arena quickly spread throughout the college.

"This man is too strong!"

"Is this going to refresh every place in the college?"

Everyone guessed that Lin Tian was refreshing some of the academy's cognition and creating some things crazily.

And at this moment, Lin Tian, ​​don't know where he went?

On the sixth floor of the training tower, Lin Tian stood in the training room.

Before entering, the Celestial Body Art directly began to move.

"Xiaodu, calculate it for me, brother is leaving." Lin Tian reminded Xiaodu.

In his mind, Xiaodu listened to Lin Tian's words and responded: "Okay, Master, just go."

The next moment, Lin Tian stepped out directly with one foot.

Compressed by a terrible force, Lin Tian was in pain all over.

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"

"Ding! Check that the host's abdomen is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair!"

In an instant, consumption began.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

Fighting against each other made Lin Tian helpless for a while.

Fortunately, he consumes less and gains more, otherwise he will lose out.

Soon, Lin Tian approached his limit again.

One minute passed, two minutes passed...

Just sweat, Lin Tian felt heavy.

And his eyes, looking forward, the far end.

"Xiaodu, when do you think I can break through the end of this sixth floor?" Lin Tian and Xiaodu spoke.

"Master, as long as you upgrade the system, and then practice hard to reach the realm of Yuanzun, it should be fast."

What this said, Lin Tian wanted to hit someone.

But this was also a reminder to Lin Tian that it was really uncomfortable to reach the realm of Yuanzun.

"Master, the time is up, go back quickly!"

In my mind, Xiaodu's voice reminded me.

Lin Tian retreated quickly, not daring to stay in the slightest.


Taking a long breath, Lin Tian relaxed in his heart.

Roughly, the reward is once every two minutes and the deduction is once every minute.

Of course, sometimes it is not allowed.

But this is roughly the same number. Lin Tian counts down like this and only needs to stay here for one day, which is a few million power points.

The practice points seemed to be deducted more and more, making Lin Tian want to curse.

As time passed, Lin Tian entered the training ground again.

In the college, Zhou Shanshan couldn't find Lin Tian's position at all.

"Huh, this Lin Tian, ​​where did he go?"

"Zhou Shanshan."

Suddenly, a voice came and stopped Zhou Shanshan.

Zhou Shanshan was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look around, a beautiful figure.

Shen Yuluoyan, closed moon and shameless flower, is the little princess of Ouyang family, Ouyang He.

The two of them looked at each other and knew each other a little bit.

And they all knew what the other party meant to Lin Tian.

"Well, hello, Ouyang He."

Zhou Shanshan was fairly polite and did not show much dissatisfaction.

"Lin Tian is about to compete with Feng Yang. If you see him, please be careful. Feng Yang is very powerful."

Ouyang He looked at Zhou Shanshan with a sincere expression.

She was really worried about Lin Tian, ​​so she said this.

Zhou Shanshan looked at her with some puzzled expression in her eyes: "You can say it yourself."

Ouyang He immediately lowered his eyes and said, "No, I will keep my distance from him in the future."

After speaking, Ouyang He turned and left.

Zhou Shanshan was left with a bewildered look, wondering what happened?

Is this to make yourself a messenger? Zhou Shanshan was really dumbfounded.

Moreover, Lin Tian and Ouyang He, is there any conflict between them?

"Hey, I don't want that much anymore, I will know when I meet Lin Tian."

Zhou Shanshan didn't want to worry about her in vain.

At the same time, in an attic, Feng Yang looked out the window with a melancholy expression.

"Ouyang He, why? You don't give me a chance. Do you know that if you leave you to others, they have no ability to protect you. How many people know your fate?"

Feng Yang said to himself, there was an unspeakable emotion in his eyes.

Regarding the battle a few days later, he did not panic at all.

At this moment, a little bit of time passed, Lin Tian came out of the training tower.

"Huh? Unknowingly, another day has passed."

Lin Tian was speechless for a while, his level of cultivation was quite large.

One day of cultivation, I am afraid that no one else is as scary as their own.

But think about the martial artist, sometimes it takes a few days and a half to practice once, which is more terrifying than him.

Directly back to the residence, Lin Tian will not go to Fudi this time.

Once back, Lin Tian found two figures in his yard.

"The bold little thief, came to my place to steal something!" Lin Tian roared and directly awakened the two people in the yard.

The two got up in an instant, and the whole person was shocked.

"Boss, it's us! What thief?" Mou Yan immediately got up and explained.

Because I saw that Lin Tian was ready to do it.

Lin Tian smiled and looked.

"Oh, what are you two doing here? Don't go to bed at night." Lin Tian slowly walked into the yard.

Qiao Lang looked aggrieved at this time: "Boss, where have you been these two days? We can't find you, so we can only wait for you here."

How pitiful it is, how pitiful it is.

This made Lin Tian stunned, these two guys are really waiting for themselves?

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