I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 187: Strange encounter

After explaining to the two for a long time, Lin Tian directly let them go in and try.

Qiao Lang and Mou Yan looked at each other, not knowing who went in first.

"You two go in together to see who gets to the finish line first?" Lin Tian smiled and looked at them.

Inexplicably, he looked forward to the scene where both of them fell to the ground.

After all, the third layer in front of him is still very difficult for Qiao Lang.

With that, Qiao Lang's two suspicious feet went directly into the gravity field.

For an instant, the two felt a heavy weight.

"My grass!"

The two of them were overwhelmed for an instant, and they fell directly on the training ground.

In a very strange posture, both of them fell on top.

This made Lin Tianren uncomfortable, the two amused.

"Hahaha... I've drawn your attention, you still don't listen."

Lin Tian laughed at the two mercilessly, their expressions arrogant and arrogant.

Regarding this situation, both of them looked helplessly at Jiang Xiaobai who was laughing wildly.

They really wanted to protest, protesting against Jiang Xiaobai, how could they bear to look at them like this.

"Qiao Lang, let's get up quickly and don't let the boss' conspiracy succeed." Mou Yan said very spinelessly at the moment.

Qiao Lang also has a stubborn look. His violent character just doesn't allow others to laugh.

"It's fine, let's get up together."

As they said, the two of them looked ahead firmly.

However, they have forgotten that they are now crawling.

Both their limbs and torso are full of pressure and cannot move at all.

"Get up!"

However, the two did not believe in evil at all.

For a moment, the two couldn't get up at all.

Struggling feebly, crushed to death.

"Or, try your strength." Lin Tian gave a bad idea next to him.

The eyes of the two lit up, yes!

If you use power, this little gravity, it's not a trivial matter.

For an instant, the two of them ran their power simultaneously.

However, the next moment, the two were completely desperate.

Because a more fierce force came, like an endless flood.


"Ah... Boss, you lied to us!"

Qiao Lang's bones were all broken, and he remembered that when Lin Tian came in, he warned them that he must not use his strength, but now Lin Tian said it could be used.

This is obviously pitting them!

"Hey, how can I say that I pit you? You see that I don't care about you, and I'm still here to suffer with you."

Mou Yan looked bitterly forced, "Boss, please save us, you are watching us suffer, where is the suffering following us."

For a moment, Lin Tian smiled.

He stepped directly into the third-level gravity field, and then pulled the two up.

Without using any strength, Lin Tian directly lifted the two of them.

Immediately, a force flowed into the two bodies.

The two felt very comfortable at this time, as if the sun had touched them.

"Huh... the boss is really amazing!"

Mou Yan sincerely praised that all the pain and pressure on the two of them disappeared, under the protection of Lin Tian.

"You two adjust and prepare to bear the pressure. This is a good place to exercise." Lin Tian looked at the two and said.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

At this time, Lin Tian could get the reward of the system.

This shows that the power here has an effect on Lin Tian.

The two listened and immediately adjusted their hearts and minds.

"Alright? Remember that you can't use force, otherwise more than two or three times the force will be pressed on you."

The two were warned heavily, and I believed in two days that they were not too stupid.

"Okay, boss, we get it."

"Well, are you ready?"

"Okay, boss."

Lin Tian immediately let go of sheltering the two of them, when he was actually sheltering them. You can also feel the general gravity attack from the sixth floor.

In this gravity field, it seems that no cheating is allowed.

If you want to cheat, you have to bear the corresponding price.

Immediately, Qiao Lang began to stand alone, slowly adapting.

After a few minutes, the two were finally able to act on this third floor.

It's just speed, but it's hard to say.

"You are training here, I will go up to the sixth floor, and wait for me to come to you." Lin Tian looked at the two and said.

The two were stunned, the sixth floor.

They remember, this seems to be the third layer, the gravity on it.

This boss is really not human!

Both of them are willing to bow down, and Lin Tian's abnormal behavior is unusual.

"Okay, you go, boss."

Lin Tian immediately went up to the sixth floor, but as soon as he went up, he met an unexpected person.

"Lin Tian?"

"Feng Yang?"

Lin Tian didn't expect that by such a coincidence, Feng Yang went to the training ground he often went to.

"You are here to train too." Fengyang Fengshen's handsome face indeed looked like a handsome man.

It's just that Lin Tian is slightly inferior.

Because Lin Tian's eyes seemed to contain infinite rays of light, emitting them at any time.

"Well, it seems that the two of us are related."

Lin Tian looked at Feng Yang jokingly.

Although it was two people who were going to duel, Lin Tian didn't hate this guy that much either.

After all, Feng Yang is not the kind of arrogant and defiant person.

Therefore, Lin Tian looked at him fairly pleasing to the eye.

"It's really destined, are you interested in a match?" Feng Yang looked at Lin Tian with a taste of challenge in his eyes.

The encounter of geniuses is destined to inevitably fight.

"Okay! No one happened to be together, it's kind of boring."

With that, the two went directly into the training room.

In the large training room, the two geniuses looked at each other.

In coincidence, the two raised their feet at the same time and entered the gravity field.

The gravity of the sixth floor is extraordinary.

After raising their feet to enter, both of them hunched back.

No way, every bit of gravity here is pressing on their bones, as if to press the meat and bones into one.

Raising their feet, both of them moved forward.

Feng Yang looked at Lin Tian in surprise, but he didn't expect him to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with his own speed.

You know, he has been training here for three years.

"You're good."

While advancing hard, Feng Yang praised Lin Tian.

"You are not bad either." Lin Tian responded to him.

For geniuses, there is never a need for tit-for-tat, and sometimes sympathy and sympathy may better reflect their respective qualities.

A few minutes later, the two were already sweating profusely.

"Master, you have walked five meters now, this is almost reaching your limit." Xiaodu prompted.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"

"Ding! Check that the host's leg is injured, and it will cost 1,000 power points to repair it!"

The sound of the system urging for life also sounded, and the speed of repair was getting faster and faster, which proved that Lin Tian was getting closer to the thunder pond.

Fengyang at the moment, legs and feet are also difficult to move.

The two were strangely even, just letting no one.

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