I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 197: Weird Tianling Mountains

Han Shuangyue smiled faintly, and said, "This place is not from the academy. A lot of weird things have happened here. The spirit beasts inside are not wise, so don't go in too much."

Looking at a few people, Han Shuangyue seemed to think of something?

Her complexion became serious for a moment, and she only listened to her: "Remember, you can't go deep into it, because there may be very powerful spirit beasts in the depths of the mountains, that is, our elders dare not get involved easily. The jade card will record the number of spirit beasts you kill."

"Teacher Han, can we go back today?" Zhou Shanshan said at this time.

"Tomorrow at noon, we are talking about one day, but we are here, it is already noon, so you need to be out tomorrow noon."

"That doesn't mean that we are going to spend the night inside." Mou Yan suddenly bluffed at the moment.

"Well, yes, you must pay attention to safety. As long as you are on the periphery, the strength of the spirit beast is generally not too high. In fact, this time, it is just a strength assessment for you for so long in the hospital."

Several people looked helpless and assessed their strength.

Haven't they actually been assessed since they came in?

"Okay, class guide, then we will go in." Lin Tian didn't want to talk nonsense.

"Okay, then you go in first." Han Shuangyue looked at Lin Tian and smiled.

Lin Tian said casually: "Yes."

With that, Lin Tian walked straight ahead.

Who knew he had just walked to the front and was suddenly blocked by a force.

"Is this a protective cover?"

More than now, Lin Tian was puzzled.

Is there still an enchantment in the Spirit Mountain Range this day?

Trying to bang a little harder, Lin Tian suddenly felt the infinite power attack.


In an instant, Lin Tian's body was bounced off.

This is a flying without suspense, Lin Tian has no strength to resist.

"Ding! Check that the host's body is injured, consume 1000 power points to repair!"

"What the **** is this? So strong?"

Lin Tian was surprised, he knew his own strength.

The few people next to him looked at the situation with a smile in surprise.

They wanted to laugh at Lin Tian, ​​but they held back.

"What? Do you still want to go in?" Han Shuangyue looked at Lin Tian with a smile.

It seems that she had known this for a long time.

Lin Tian was taken aback, looked at her and said, "You already knew that there is an enchantment here, and you still let me come forward."

Han Shuangyue immediately said with an innocent look: "Sorry, I just said, I want to say something, don't you want to come forward? If you don't suffer for you, you really regard yourself as invincible."

Lin Tian was stunned, Han Shuangyue, this woman, even taught herself.

"Well, the class guide is right, you continue to say."

Although he thought so, Lin Tian was not convinced in his heart.

Han Shuangyue knew it naturally, but she didn't care at all.

"Well, you go in, remember to ensure your safety, kill if you can, and if you can't kill, try to find a place to rest with a seat belt."

In the end, Han Shuangyue was still worried about Lin Tian's safety.

Lin Tian smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, class guide, I will definitely guarantee safety."

As a result, Han Shuangyue was a blank eye.

"Don't worry, I didn't say you, I mean a few of them. As for you, I think those fierce beasts should be careful of you."

"Am I so cruel?" Lin Tian muttered to himself.

"Yes!" Qiao Lang and Mou Yan next to them answered at the same time.

Lin Tian didn't know that when Lin Tian asked them to practice with them, they were brutal and indescribable.

It happens to be here this time.

The fierce beasts of the Spirit Mountain Range can also experience their feelings.

"Well, I will open it for you now, and I will pick you up at noon tomorrow."

With that said, Han Shuangyue took out a blue-cyan token and sent a force to the barrier in front of him.

At this moment, a violent force came inside.

"What a chaotic power."

Several people share the same feeling, and the power in the barrier in front of them is too chaotic.

"Go in quickly."

Immediately, Lin Tian and several people entered it.

"Lin Tian and they went in, let's go in too."

Some students are also entering it at the moment.

Along with it, there were some slower instructors, Cong Yun, coming from afar.

After entering Lin Tian in the Tianling Mountains, looking outside, they felt a lot hazy in front of them.

"It's really unique inside, and it has a restrictive effect on spiritual exploration." Lin Tian said in a little surprise at the moment.

Because just now he wanted to find out what was ahead?

As a result, he found that he couldn't see much.

I originally saw 500 meters, but now I can only see 300 meters.

"Let's be careful, as Teacher Han said, don't go inside."

The colleges outside also entered the Tianling Mountains one after another.

As for those instructors, some have gone back, and some are just here waiting for the college to come out.

"It's Lin Tian and the others, do we want to be with them?" A group of people came in and saw Lin Tian and the others move forward.

"Don't talk, have you forgotten the person Lin Tian offended in the college?" A man looked around carefully.


The few people next to him were curious, they all looked at the talking man.

"I tell you, I have heard from people in previous sessions that some freshmen are too rampant to enter the academy, and then old students will use this hunting meeting to intercept and kill them, because no one has jurisdiction."


Several people were surprised.

"You mean that someone will come to kill Lin Tian."

The man who said just now about the alliance was shocked, but he didn't expect it to be so dark.

"Hmph, you are too naive. I guess there will be strong people. Lin Tian offended many people in the college. Those families don't have a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Well, let's not talk about it, let's quickly find a cave to avoid, and then act at night."

Successively, like this team, the next group also came in from outside.

But Lin Tian and several people have already begun to kill.

"Saber-toothed tiger!"

"This saber-toothed tiger doesn't have the wit, it seems to be more powerful!"

Soon several people encountered a great Yuanshi saber-toothed tiger, it didn't have any mentality, only a sharp shell and terrible power.

Lin Tian was watching from the side, so Qiao Lang and Mou Yan were watching, and Su Xingyuan and Zhou Shanshan were watching.

"Give you two three minutes to solve it."

Lin Tian looked at the two and gave the time.

Qiao Lang and Mou Yan glanced at each other, then shot frantically.

After three minutes passed, the two finally resolved.

"Boss, it's too weird here, this thing is usually a one-minute business, but this guy has the strength of a Yuan general."

Lin Tian and the three also discovered this strange phenomenon.

"Well, it's really weird here. Let's be careful."

Immediately, several people began the process of killing.

Lin Tian shot when he met Yuan Wujiang, but he was too lazy to do it if he was too low.

As for earning points, in Lin Tian's opinion, evening is more appropriate.

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