I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 200: Pleading Lee Dao

It can be said that Lin Tian fell into a carnival of killing.

"Boss, we can hardly go in anymore. I found that there are already Yuanzun-level spirit beasts near us."

Several people were surprised.

They are all Yuanzun level spirit beasts, no matter how powerful a few people are, I am afraid they will have to step back.

Lin Tian was also shocked at this moment.

"For safety. We still go back to kill." Lin Tian said cautiously at this moment.

The safety of several people is still very important.

Although he also wanted to go up very much, but now, Lin Tian held back.

"Well, I think it can." Zhou Shanshan forehead agreed.

Several others have no opinion.

"Finally I went back, hehe, we have a good harvest this time. We will have another wave tomorrow morning, I guess it will be even more." Qiao Lang looked happy at this time.

Mou Yan next to him was also happy, and the two were almost thinking about how to enjoy the harvest.

Several people went all the way back, but suddenly they heard a collision sound from a distance.

"Boss, someone is fighting with a spirit beast, should we go over and take a look?"

"Well, go and take a look."

Lin Tian directly agreed, there was actually nothing in the past.

"Hmph, you like watching the lively so much, be careful to make your upper body angry." Zhou Shanshan reminded at this time.

Lin Tian looked at each other and smiled.

"Sister, don't worry, the boss likes to cause trouble the most." Qiao Lang said at this time.

Hearing this, Lin Tian's eyes widened, "I am a simple young man, please don't slander me casually, I don't like to cause trouble."

Immediately, a few people still went to this fighting place.

"Drink, drink, break for me!"

The sound came, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded.

"Shoo, hoo..."

"who is it?"

A heavy drink came.

Everyone in Lin Tian at this moment has come not far from this battle.

I saw a man madly fighting with a black lion.

This is a black lion of Yuanzun level.

Therefore, both its skin and power are terrifying.

And fighting with this black lion was a white-clothed man, who looked a little straight and sturdy.

The moment Lin Tian looked at him, he moved in an instant, and the knife in his hand flew out in an instant.

There was no dead angle at 360 degrees, and the black lion in front of him was directly wiped out.

"So strong."

Qiao Lang sighed sincerely at this moment, and the people beside him felt it too.

But Lin Tian actually has a desire to fight.

The person in front of him is indeed a bit strong.

Therefore, Lin Tian wanted to make a move.

In other words, Lin Tian just wanted the last move of the person in front of him.

"Boss, this man is the Li Dao of Xiaodaomen. It is said that his knives are all made without exception." Qiao Lang looked at the man with a look of surprise.

This surprising knife technique is indeed a bit scary.

"Lin Tian, ​​I know you." Li Dao at the moment looked at Lin Tiandao.

There was a sense of war in his eyes, which made Lin Tian happy.

He likes such people and likes to challenge himself.

"Well, hello, do you want to fight?" Lin Tian looked at Li Dao, speaking plainly, as if to say something very ordinary.


For an instant, everyone was stunned.

This is too straightforward.

Li Dao looked at Lin Tian, ​​and was surprised by Lin Tian's outspokenness.

I wanted to challenge myself as soon as I met.

Li Dao didn't believe it when he heard that Lin Tian was a fighting madman before, but now he believes it.

Lin Tian in front of him looked a little arrogant.

"Hmph, when you came in, didn't your mentor tell you that you can't kill each other?" Li Dao looked at Lin Tiandao.

What he said was very truthful, and it made a few people startled, but Li Dao was still an obedient student.

After speaking, Li Dao looked at Lin Tiandao: "If you have to fight, after we go out, we will single out."

Lin Tian likes this inexplicably.

Seeing this situation, Li Dao is not afraid of him, but just doesn't want to fight here.

"Boss, I forgot to tell you. It is rumored that Li Dao has a habit of being somewhat obedient."

Mou Yan looked at Lin Tian with a small voice.

Lin Tian smiled lightly and said, "Everyone has their own habits, I respect him."


In an instant, Li Dao's knife flew to the distance.

Everyone was shocked, wondering what happened to Li Dao? This knife was issued in an instant.

"This year's new students have indeed produced some good seedlings."

A dull voice sounded.


Li Dao's knife was instantly knocked to the ground.

But at this time, black shadows appeared one after another, which looked extremely terrifying in this dark night.

The night is also coming in an instant.

"Who is it?" Qiao Lang looked around cautiously.

"Be prepared, someone wants to kill us." Lin Tian's voice sounded deep at this time.

Su Xingyuan, Zhou Shanshan, and Mou Yan were all on guard for this.

If Li Dao hadn't discovered the person who appeared suddenly, I'm afraid everyone hadn't noticed it yet.

And Lin Tian discovered in an instant that the man who appeared had very strong mental power, and he had hidden it for so long.

"Who the **** are you?" Li Dao looked at the black-clothed masked man who appeared, and he was puzzled.

Obviously, the comer is not good.

"You leave now, here is nothing to do with you, don't be nosy." The leader is an elderly person.

Li Dao was taken aback, he didn't know what was going on?

It's not against him, so who else? Lin Tian.

In an instant, Li Dao figured it out.

This person is undoubtedly Lin Tian.

"You leave, they are here for me, what I said is right, Elder Yuan Feng." Lin Tian said loudly at the moment.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the whole presence froze.

"Master, run quickly if you have the opportunity. This Yuan Feng is Yuan Sheng, you can't win." Xiaodu's voice sounded at this moment.

For this, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

Running if you can't win is indeed a good strategy.

"What are you talking about? Boy, you must die today, so no one will believe any of your nonsense." Yuan Feng said again.

Although he tried to hide his identity as much as possible, he ignored that Lin Tian had fought against him.

Therefore, Lin Tian is very clear about his breath.

"Haha, Elder Yuan Feng, although you don't admit it, I think you want to avenge your disciple Rongshan."

The night is like water and ink.

At this moment, everyone's hearts are quiet.

Especially Su Xingyuan knew that they were playing against Yuan Feng.

At the elder level, no matter how powerful they are, they are also poor at this moment.

"Li Dao, I advise you to leave quickly and don't stay here." Yuan Feng said in a gloomy voice at the moment.

Li Dao was taken aback, this person knew his name.

"Elder Yuan Feng, I beg you for my mentor and let Lin Tian go." Li Dao said suddenly.

It was Lin Tian who couldn't react to this.

Is he pleading?

For Lin Tian?

Didn't this Li Dao just meet Lin Tian?

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