At this moment, Lin Tian and the two were walking on the street.

"You said, when will you come back?"

Zhong Li looked ahead and opened her mouth in darkness. She was wearing a long skirt, her eyes twinkling and she looked very dazzling.

For this, Lin Tian smiled softly.

"Well, maybe, it won't be too long."

Lin Tian at this moment did not deny it either.

Because of denial, it is useless.

Zhong Li in front of him would never change his mind just because of his own words.

It's like treating friends.

Lin Tian thought so in his heart.

At this time, the two of them approached not far from the teleportation array unconsciously.

This situation is very dangerous.

"Well, go far away."

Lin Tian looked at Zhong Li in front of him, although he said that, he was somewhat helpless.

However, this is also the best way.

Zhong Li must not be involved.

Otherwise, the Zhuo Family would definitely not let her go.

Zhong Li glanced at Lin Tian.

"I think, there is only one idea, can you show me your true face?"

When Zhong Li said this suddenly, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

Look at yourself?


This girl still doesn't give up!

"You said, even if you know who I really am? But does this matter?"

Lin Tian looked at Zhong Li's eyes and spoke with a smile on his face.

For this, Zhong Li just smiled.

"Maybe, it's important, at least let me understand, who is the person standing in front of me?"

Lin Tian was taken aback by this.

Actually, I just have more code words.

"Well, let's step back, and something good will begin next."

There was a smirk at the corner of Lin Tian's mouth.

Zhong Li next to him stared at Lin Tian's smile and was slightly taken aback.

She has a feeling that something big is about to happen.

Lin Tian in front of him, once he wants to do something, he always gives people a kind of thing, like an earth-shattering event.

When the two arrived in the alley, one person suddenly walked out beside Lin Tian.


Zhong Li looked at this man in shock.

Appearing out of thin air, just walking out from the two of them like this, this is a bit weird.

"how come?"

Zhong Li looked at this person with surprise in his eyes.

Lin Tian smiled faintly at this.

"Don't be surprised, that is my clone."


This guy is really Lin Tian.

The legendary Lin Tian is just like having a clone, which is always out of the crowd.

This is Lin Tian's cunning and terrifying.

During this time, Zhong Li collected a lot of Lin Tian's various gossips.

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at her with a smile on his face.

"Now, do you still want to see me?"

Lin Tian looked directly at Zhong Li in front of him, and his body approached.


Zhongli's whole person, his heartbeat accelerated.

It seems that the whole person is completely shy.

Is this girl shy now?

Lin Tian was taken aback. Wasn't he pretty bold just now?

It seems that it is just superficial boldness.

From the heart, this girl is still a green apple.


In an instant, Lin Tian brushed his face.

A new face appeared in front of Zhong Li's eyes.

A heroic spirit, which belongs to Lin Tian's unique appearance, was shown before her eyes.

Zhong Li stared blankly for a moment.

Looking at Lin Tian blankly, the whole person was full of emotions.

Finally, I saw Lin Tian.

It was not too horrified as expected, but this face and this smile were unforgettable.

"Prime Xuantian Fist!"


"Lin Tian child! You are here!"

With a roar, only three figures were seen, and they swiftly moved towards Lin Tian from the shadow of the teleportation array.

Lin Tian just laughed in this situation.

"Hahaha, you three people like trash, aren't you just waiting for me? I'm here today, what can you do with me?"

With this arrogant voice, the three of them were angry.

Among them are a man with a Chinese character face, a woman in red, and a rough middle-aged man.

The three Yuan emperors peaked, with an aura belonging to them, occupying the world.

The momentum that traverses the sky, dominates the world, and the powerhouses in Fengheng City are shocked. What happened?

Is the war coming?

For everyone, it has already been guessed.

However, it seems to be a bit fast, and I am still a little unprepared.

"The Zhuo Family is really ridiculous, the ghosts are not scattered, so many powerful people, chase me Lin Tian alone, not ashamed!"

Lin Tian's voice sounded loudly at this moment.

I saw him, above the void, full of light, everyone looked up.

Mu Ran felt that the arrogance of this young man was too great.

Facing the three powerhouses, it is really helpless to speak like this.

But at this moment, Lin Tian was full of breath, very cryptic, so everyone couldn't see it.

The three women in red laughed.

"Take him down, then slowly torture this kid."

The strong face of the Chinese character roared.

For this, the other two were shot.

I saw Lin Tian, ​​heading away.

Roaring and flying, the three followed closely behind them.

Such a situation is shocking.

"Is he crazy? He appeared brazenly."

"Why give me a weird feeling?"

Someone wondered at this moment, Lin Tian suddenly appeared, why is this?

It is impossible, just to show off and be famous.

When everyone looked at it, there was a burst of doubt in their hearts.

And in the alley.

"I should leave, remember what you promised me."

Lin Tian looked at Zhong Li with a serious face.


Zhong Li nodded obediently. At this moment, she looked like a wife looking at her husband-in-law who was about to leave.


I saw the front, a teleportation array appeared.

At this moment, Lin Tian glanced at Zhong Li and showed a gentle smile.


At this time Zhongli finally understood.

Lin Tian's strategy slammed into the west, and then used this teleportation array to steal the sky and change the day.

In this way, it's natural.


The entire Fengheng City was chased and killed by the three powerhouses, and dust was everywhere.

At this time, the red woman's complexion changed drastically.

"No, this guy is not strong, we were fooled!"

I saw Lin Tian ahead and stepped into the teleportation formation in an instant.

At the moment, the three of them turned around and wanted to go back.

"The space is broken!"

Lin Tian at the back rushed to the three.

Seeing the people who rushed, the three of them felt angry.

It was as if they were being fooled like this, making them extremely angry.

"It doesn't matter who he is? I'll kill him, and you two will go home!"

The man with the national character face roared.

The woman in red and the other men are heading away.

For them, they just didn't want Lin Tian to succeed.

However, the teleportation array at this moment.

A person suddenly appeared!

"Space Array! Start!"

In an instant, Lin Tian turned manually, and the formation turned around.

The three seventh-order powerhouses were all shocked.

Silently, Lin Tian appeared on the teleportation array behind them.

"court death!"

The three of them shot with surprise in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian appeared here directly looking for death like this.

As long as they kill Lin Tian, ​​they will do their best.

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