I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 808: Assassination waste

For this, Bu Ping was taken aback.

That person?

The wounds all over his body almost lost his breath.

If it were not for his advanced cultivation, I'm afraid he would think that the young man was dead.

And obviously, the youth is not dead.

"He...should die, because the injury is too serious, and all his breath is gone."

Buping's estimate.

After listening to this, Bu Rou just showed a sad look in his eyes.

The age of the youth, in fact, he looks very young.

"You don't have to be too sad, it has nothing to do with you."

Bu Ping comforted Bu Rou in front of him, so persuaded.

Bu Rou was taken aback, but still felt a little sad.

After all, people brought them back by themselves.

The youth at this moment was not rescued, and he felt like he had become the culprit.

In this way, a strange man came to Bu's family.

Or, a living dead.

Relying on a trace of breath and a terrifying body, the whole body just doesn't wake up.

Soak in the medicine jar all day long.

In this medicine jar, the young man is soaking in it.

Even if the young man in front of him was soaked with good medicinal materials, his physical body still did not recover.

Some medical practitioners who came to see this situation were surprised.

There was still a trace of breath in the body, but it kept falling.

This shocked everyone, and after careful investigation, they found that the young man could not be probed.

And the wound on his body has not healed at all.

It looks extremely hideous and scary.

For them, they have never seen such a person.

Bu Ping came to detect it easily, and the result was nothing.

Every day, young people are given water to warm up.

Inexplicably, the youth turned out to be a VIP of the entire Bu family.

This surprised the entire Bu family.

But what was surprising was that this guy didn't eat or drink, and just relied on soaking potions. As a result, it took half a month.

However, the young people showed no signs of waking up.

"Huh! This kind of waste has been thrown away so far, leaving him to fend for himself, so why keep him!"

Buyun is all kinds of dissatisfaction.

For this young man, it was as if he was a microcosm of Bu Rou.

Therefore, Buyun is naturally very targeted.

"An unrecognizable cripple, a waste of resources, you go and kill me tonight."

At this moment, Buyun spoke so viciously in his room.

"Yes, Missy."

For an instant, a cold voice sounded.

Listening to this voice, Buyun loves to laugh, and laughs sinisterly.

"Hmph, if you want to save the living dead, I will kill him, so that you will always remember that the person you want to save was ultimately killed by you."

At this moment, Buyun was full of anger and killing intent.

For Bu Rou, this so-called second sister.

She couldn't stand it long ago.

The one that should be killed must be killed.

Therefore, the living dead must die.

As for killing Burou, Buyun was not stupid enough yet.

Once Bu Rou is dead, she is a fool, and everyone knows that she killed it.

As long as his father investigates, he will surely be able to find out some clues.

Thinking like this in his heart, Buyun just smiled.

Some people in this world are like that.

You want to kill her, and she wants to save her.

Therefore, it created the opposite situation.

At this moment, some people can only compromise.

And some people can still persist.

This is distressing.

As night came, a man in black came to the youth's room.

I saw the young man soaking in the potion in the bathtub.

The temperature of the potion at the moment was also very high, and only a mist rose.

It looks hazy and gives a very strange feeling.

"A **** is worthy of my shot."

The man in black stared at the young man's bumpy skin, as if it had been cut by a thousand swords.

"What a disgusting kid! Today I will let you end your sad life!"

With that, the kendo light shines.

In an instant, a sword rushed to the heart of the young man in front of him.


A loud voice sounded.

The sword was blocked.

Such a powerful attack could be easily blocked.

The man in black at the moment looked at this scene with shocked eyes.

"What's the situation? So evil?"

He couldn't believe it.

The living dead blocked his own attack, and it was this physical body that blocked it.

"Impossible! I must have failed just now, this time I must destroy you!"

Thinking of it, the man in black shot his sword in an instant.

Maybe he just used three points of power just now.

However, at this time, he used all his strength.


In an instant, the man in black was shot off.

A dull and dumbfounded continent.


"Who is going wild in my home!"

A voice came.

The man in black panicked and left.

The next moment, I saw a group of people rushing to the youth room.


Everyone looked at the trail of falling on the ground.

There is also the kendo breath left in the air.

"Is this someone trying to kill the living dead?"

Someone said loudly.

As for this, everyone next to him was stunned.

What is the point of killing a living dead?

"what's the situation?"

After a while, Bu Ping and Bu Rou came.

"Master, second lady."

Everyone just talked about the situation and speculation just now.

At this moment, Bu Rou looked at the youth with concern.

"Is this all right, how could this happen, who is it?"

Obviously, no one knows this situation?

Frozen, are the animals worse? He even slapped a living dead.

As everyone thought, they were surprised.

The guy in front of him was too tragic.

Bu Ping walked into the youth slowly.

Immediately, he took a closer look at the position of the young man's heart.

"Well, you just inferred that it was correct. Someone really wants to attack this person."


Although everyone reasoned.

However, the truth was revealed by Buping, everyone still couldn't believe it.

In this world, there really are such people.

"Hmph, let me take good care of it from now on, no one can step in without the permission of me and Rou'er."

Buping at this moment was a little angry.

If this matter spreads out, I'm afraid Bu's family will also move.

Tell me what other people think there is a baby here?

A living dead was also assassinated.

And in Buyun's room.

Buyun's face was gloomy.

At this moment, her expression was extremely gloomy.

For her, this world is really disappointing.

You can't kill a dead person.

"Burou, why is it so unlucky for what I want to do as long as I have you?"

At this moment, Buyun's eyes were red, as if he was about to release infinite ferocity.

In other words, Buyun is also a little bit charming, the logo and the graceful, all make people happy and pleasing to the eye.

However, at this time, it gives people a feeling of others.

The coldness and lowness of her body gave people a kind of inspiration that they didn't want to approach.

And indeed, she did.

And after this night, there was someone guarding the youth outside.

Buyun wanted to go in and have a look, but he couldn't.

This makes her even more angry, which is really unreasonable.

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