Lin Tian laughed when he heard this.

"Yes, I'm finally full. Patriarch Bu, your meal is really delicious."

Lin Tian praised directly.

Bu Ping looked at Lin Tian, ​​also angry.

After all, Lin Tian in front of him directly angered his two precious daughters.

If Lin Tian leaves gracefully, it is also possible.

But unexpectedly, he spoke so straightforwardly.

This makes people, even if they are not angry, they will be angry.

"Well, eat more if it tastes good."

Bu Ping looked at Lin Tian, ​​but there was no good wink in his eyes.

It's all like this, how can he get better in his mood?

Coupled with Lin Tian's ungrateful words, it became even more angry.

"Patriarch Bu, do you think that behind the Shen family is a tiger sect? Or are there other people?"

Lin Tian mentioned it now.

Bu Ping was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Lin Tian wants to leave, ask what this does?

"Well, what do you ask this for? You just leave it well, and you don't need to understand the rest."

Bu Ping didn't think much about Lin Tian.

Without Lin Tian, ​​today's situation would not be very optimistic.

After all, Bu Rou did not agree.

The Shen family will eventually be furious.

"Well, I don't understand it anymore. It's just Patriarch Bu, your two daughters, the difference is really big. Sometimes you have to teach you that being a human is very important."

There was something in Lin Tian's words, and then he got up and left.

For this, Bu Ping was taken aback.

Lin Tian walked out slowly.

This is, back to my room.

And the entire Longma City, on this day, was directly fried.

No one thought of it.

Shen's family proposal failed.

When I came out, everyone was hurt all over,

It seems to be as tragic as it is.

"What happened?"

"Bu's family and Shen's family, did they really fight?"

Everyone guessed.

"If you really did it, how did the Bu family make the three powerhouses of the Shen family and the Shen family master so embarrassed?"

"Have you noticed? When Young Master Shen was carried out, it was too tragic."

Someone suddenly said such a sentence.

For this, the people next to him were shocked.

Good fellow, Master Shen, seems to be abolished.

A group of people sparked more violent discussions.

But Bu Rou returned to her room and sat alone by the bed in a daze.

At first glance, he felt that he was a life-saving person.

Unexpectedly, I broke my mind in an instant.

He suddenly appeared, and then suddenly disappeared.

In general, it just didn't recognize it.

Especially, the last few words Lin Tian said made her feel extremely distressed.

It's too extreme.

When I said leaving, there was no hesitation.


At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Bu Rou was taken aback, unable to feel the breath of outsiders.

I got up and opened the door directly. I saw it today, just outside.

I feel strange, I don't know who it is?

As soon as the door was opened, I saw a woman standing outside.

Bu Rou was in a trance for an instant.

Isn't this Lin Tian?

What is he doing here?

"Um, are you okay?"

Bu Rou looked at Lin Tian and asked this question.

But this time today, Bu Rou now has the worst impression of Lin Tian.

For Lin Tian, ​​he didn't care at all.

"Hey, of course I have something, let's go in and talk."

Lin Tian looked at Bu Rou with a smile on his face.

Bu Rou's eyes were filled with anger when she heard this.

"Hmph, what can I say here, there is no need to go in."

What this said made Lin Tian feel helpless.

The girl in front of her must have misunderstood herself.

Thinking of yourself, but actually didn't do anything at all?

At best, it's just rude words.

However, Lin Tian also knew that it was wrong for him to do this.

"Well, it's okay to say here. I just want to tell you that you still have to believe that there are good people in this world, but you have to strengthen yourself to save others."

With these words, Bu Rou was taken aback.

Because she was a little bit, she didn't quite understand what Lin Tian meant.

Is this teaching yourself how to behave?

If so, it is not necessary for Bu Rou.

"Huh, are you? I hope you too."

Bu Rou gave Lin Tian a cold look.

Immediately, the door closed directly.

This temper...

Lin Tian was a little surprised, this girl's temper was really terrifying.

The main thing is that it's too hot.

However, for him, it seems to be acceptable.

"Hey, I'm so kind."

At this moment, Lin Tian said helplessly.

Immediately, Lin Tian went to his room.

At this moment, after he goes back.

The door opened again.

Bu Rou walked out of it and looked around, confirming that Lin Tian was not visible. She closed the door angrily.

Naturally, Lin Tian knew nothing about this situation.

Even if he knew, Lin Tian could only smile.

Back in the room, Lin Tian's figure disappeared in it again.

Appeared again, already outside the Bu's mansion.

"This air is really good."

The surrounding area was pitch black, as if coated with carbon ink.

This night, it looked a little bleak, and pedestrians passed by, a little more popular.

Lin Tian's figure disappeared into the night.

In the Shen family, everyone mourned.

"I must kill that kid!"

"Yes, kill that kid and let him know that our Shen family is not easy to provoke."

The crowd groaned.

Shen Hu sat in the middle of the living room, looking forward with gloomy eyes.

Lin Tian had no confidence in fighting him.

So let Shenhu be angry all over.

However, at this moment, even though Shen Hu was very angry, he didn't say anything?

"Patriarch, this kid has abolished the young master, you can say something!"

The three powerhouses of the Shen family spoke.

For this, Shen Hu's eyes were venomous.

"This enmity must be reported, but not now, that kid, with terrifying strength, not as simple as you think. Tomorrow I will go to the Tigers Sect and have a good talk with Big Brother."

"Yes, you must ask the elders to make a good decision and destroy this kid."

"This kid is too arrogant. We must not bear it. Otherwise, how will the Shen family gain a foothold in Longma City next time."

The more people thought about it, the more angry.

However, there is no way.

"Well, don't worry, I will make him pay the price, and finally kneel down and beg for mercy."

Shen Hu gritted his teeth and said.

The horrible anger, no one knew, it was deadly and scary.

"Really? How to make him kneel and beg for mercy."

A voice came from outside the living room.

Shen Hu's face was startled.

Look at it immediately.

I saw a figure. Slowly walked in from outside.

This person is naturally Lin Tian.

At this moment, Lin Tian looked smiling.

When everyone saw Lin Tian, ​​their faces were shocked.

No one thought that Lin Tian would come?

The three powerhouses' originally stable hearts were agitated in an instant.

"you you………"

They are at a loss.

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