For this, Bu Rou was astonished on the spot.

East Spirit College.

The unreachable existence.

I used to be a verbal dream, and I never thought it would come true.

Because Dongling Academy must have both strength and relationship.

among them. Strength must be extremely powerful.

And the Burou in front of him is obviously not strong.

"Can it?"

Bu Rou looked at Lin Tian, ​​it was like a dream that made her afraid to answer.

Lin Tian looked at her and said: "In this world, only you dare to dare, can it work without you."

Solemn words, words full of magnetism, resounded in Burou's mind.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​she saw a spirited, arrogant, and legendary Lin Tian who Tian Yuan could challenge.

"I can, I want to go."

Bu Rou looked at Lin Tian with certainty.

In her heart, there was a goal she couldn't believe.

This will only be possible if we enter a larger stage.

"Well, if that's the case, then follow me, and tomorrow he will take you to bid farewell to Patriarch Bu."

Lin Tian looked at Bu Rou.


Bu Rou's eyes were taken aback, it was too fast.

However, here in Lin Tian, ​​everything seems to be urgent.

"If you want to practice truly, this place can't become your fetters, can you let it go? Actually, let's settle down together here."

Thinking about Bu’s today, it’s actually a beautiful scene.

After all, no one dares to offend.

Besides, Lin Tian gave the city lord's mansion Yude a word.

In the future, if he wins the City Lord's Mansion, Yu De will definitely cover Bu's house.

It is not fake at all.

"Well, I can put it down."

Bu Rou thought for a moment, and decisively responded to Lin Tian.

Immediately, Lin Tian took Bu Rou and walked towards the void.

Burou at this moment, feel the breeze blowing by his side.

That feeling is really cool and comfortable.

Mainly, beside him, a safe and charming man.

Lin Tian at this moment turned into a middle-aged man.

"Remember my name, I am anonymous, and good friends with your father."

Listening to this, Bu Rou was taken aback.

"Can this work?"

"Don't worry, I will take care of the rest."

Lin Tian is very sure and speeds up.

Bu Rou was surprised, because it had never been so fast, as if she had become a wind and shuttled through the night.

Time is like wind, time is like knife.

But sometimes, this speed represents time, and time is an invisible knife that makes people grow invisibly.

Today's Bu Rou feels that he has come into contact with another world, and is no longer the Bu's girl who has nothing to worry about.

"It's coming soon, remember what I just said."

After speaking, Lin Tian disappeared into the void with Bu Rou.


The void has passed!

At this moment, Lin Tian and two of them appeared in a corner of the inn.

Immediately, Lin Tian took Bu Rou and walked towards it.

It seemed a little weird. An uncle pulled a girl and walked towards it. If this spreads out, I am afraid that some people will not understand it.

But at this moment, Bu Rou was pulled by Lin Tian, ​​just feeling shy and blushing.


Bupu wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak, and finally held back.

Lin Tian took him a few steps into the room.

I saw a young man standing inside.

"Come on, this is the girl you are talking about."

At this moment Dongfang Hengming looked towards Bu Rou.

At this, Lin Tian stared.

Does this guy mean a bit discriminatory?

"Why, unhappy, don't forget you promised me."

Hearing this, Dongfang Hengming was taken aback.

He looked at Bu Rou, and then saw Lin Tian holding Bu Rou's hand, his eyes were strange.

There will be nothing between these two, right?

Lin Tian immediately noticed something was wrong.

Immediately, Lin Tian let go of Bu Rou's hand.

"This is the second daughter of the Bu family, Bu Rou, his father has something to do with me, so I beg you."

Lin Tian's tone eased.

After listening to this, Dongfang Hengming just believed it slightly.

The Patriarch of the Bu family and Lin Tian in front of him seemed to be good friends.

"Okay, so be it, you two talk, I'll go outside."

Lin Tian looked at Bu Rou, just reminding her with his eyes and seizing the opportunity.

"My name is Dongfang Hengming. I am a student of Dongling College. If you are going to say Dongling College, do you have anything to say?"


He hesitated, not knowing what to say?

Seeing this timid appearance, Dongfang Hengming felt helpless.

Lin Tian gave him a girl who had not been involved in the world.

This makes Dongfang Hengming still feel a headache.

I believe that anyone who receives such a beginner disciple will feel uncomfortable.

"Hello, I am………"

Bu Rou let out a deep breath, and then began to introduce herself.

And Lin Tian, ​​listening outside, was also smiling.

Burou always needs to take that step by himself.

Otherwise, no one can help her.

In this world, only helping yourself is the best.

The help of others will ultimately seem futile.

Half an hour passed, almost.

The door opened.

Bu Rou looked at Lin Tian hopefully.

"You recommender, not bad, I will go to Bu's house tomorrow to take her away."

Dongfang Hengming walked out and headed downstairs.

"Well, I hope you will take care of it in the future, and we will meet again in the future."

Lin Tian watched Dongfang Hengming leave with a smile on his face.

Dongfang Hengming did not speak.

However, in my heart, there is also an inexplicable intuition.

Just believe Lin Tian's words, they will definitely meet again.

It’s just goodbye, don’t know when?

Lin Tian and Bu Rou entered the room.

"Now that you have settled, when you arrive at the academy, you should know how to do it? If you have something to do, go find someone named Dongfang Chuling, and say that Lin Tian asked you to find her, and she should help you."

Lin Tian looked at Bu Rou with a smile on his face.

Bu Rou was taken aback when she heard this.

Dongling Chuling is a relatively famous powerhouse in Dongling Academy, and he is also a member of the Eastern family.

The relationship must be very tough.

Lin Tian in front of her inexplicably made her feel that the distance between herself and him was a world apart.

"Well, thank you, I will definitely practice hard."

Bu Rou looked at Lin Tian gratefully, and there was another meaning in her eyes.

For these words, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"Nothing, you just need to practice hard."

The two chatted for some time.

Lin Tian sent Bu Rou back.

Bu Rou returned to the room, Lin Tian did not leave, but appeared in Bu Ping's room.


For an instant, Bu Ping was shocked.

This breath appeared suddenly.

"It's me, Patriarch Bu."

Lin Tian's voice sounded.


Buping at this moment opened his eyes in horror.

Then Bu Ping's horrified voice came from this room.

One hour passed.

Bu Ping looked at Lin Tian gratefully and excitedly.

"Thank you, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate."

"Okay, I'm relieved, you will talk to Bu Rou tomorrow and I will leave."

With that, Lin Tian headed away.

Bu Ping looked at the place where Lin Tian disappeared, horrified, and washed his nerves again and again.

And at this time, Lin Tian also left for Longma City's teleportation formation.

It's time to leave, there is no need to hesitate anymore.

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