I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 865: Not enough robbery

For Lin Tian, ​​the ultimate goal of coming here is to treasure.

Now come in, it is natural to put into action.

I just don’t know, what happened to Yingxing and Yingfengxing?

However, for Lin Tian, ​​there is not much emotion.

In addition to Ying Xing, there is some sentimentality.

As for Ying Fengxing, he is a ruthless person.

He seemed friendly to Lin Tian, ​​but in fact he could kill him at any time.

This kind of person is not grateful at all, this is Lin Tian's criterion.

For this kind of person, kill if you should kill, and you will never be merciful.

And a group of people landed here by a river.

For them, this environment is unfamiliar at the moment.

"Is this the world of Valkyrie inheritance?"

"It should be, I didn't expect us to be so lucky!"

A group of people is happy.

"At this time, it shouldn't come in vain, the world of Valkyrie, it turned out to be like this."

"Let’s move quickly, say it will arrive at some time, and we can just grab the good luck and inherit it."

It hasn't started yet, a group of people have just begun their beautiful fantasy.

For them, this world has always been like this.

Ordinary cultivation seems to have been unable to keep up.

Then, we can only pin our hopes on luck.

In another place, everyone in the City Lord's Mansion also landed, in front of a mountain.

Everyone at this moment looked around with a strange look.

"Huh, where's Mr. Wuming?"

Ying Xing looked around, slightly puzzled, because he did not see Lin Tian.

At this moment Ying Fengxing said: "This should be a teleportation array, so the location of our teleportation is different now."

For this, everyone was taken aback.

Immediately, I understood a little bit.

"Master, what shall we do now?"

One of the men spoke.

"This world of Valkyrie must have a lot of secrets. After the four great Tianyuan powerhouses came in, there was no movement. Then the colorful bridge opened. There must be something strange in this. We quickly grab the treasure and then look for the legendary Valkyrie inheritance."

"Yes, sir!"

A group of people began to act.

Apart from Ying Xing, where are you still paying attention to Lin Tianchuan?

Then, a lot of people poured in here.

For them, it is an opportunity for everyone who comes in.

Therefore, everyone just wants to take advantage of this opportunity and don't want to miss it.

Once missed, I am afraid there will be no regret medicine.


The big tree is moving.


I saw that the plants in it would attack people unexpectedly.

There are a group of people, among them there are many in the Yuansheng realm, who wants to be directly attacked by the heavenly tree.


One after another screams sounded.

Everyone in the distance listened to their shock.

Hearing this scream, something went wrong.

In a valley, a group of gloomy people encountered formations.

"How is this going?"

"Not to mention that the Valkyrie is good at the magic of the strange door, the sword formation is the most terrifying, I did not expect that we met.

"Everyone be careful and don't mess around."

A group of people is cautious.

And these people are the Ghost Territory Lingzhou and others.

They were afraid that they had never thought that they would be so unlucky, only when they appeared, something like this happened.

This is too bad for them.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Several of them, because they didn't treat them with caution, they were accidentally killed by the sword formation.

This horrible scene makes people feel particularly scary.

As for the people of Lingzhou in Xishan, naturally they are almost the same.

"Master, to the southeast, there is spiritual grass for 500 meters."

Xiaodu is too lazy to say something about spirit grass?

It's so straightforward.

"Well, come on."

Lin Tian moved forward quickly and took it off directly.

Fortunately, there are many exotic flowers and fruits among them.

"Strange, there doesn't seem to be a spirit beast or something guarding it?"

Lin said to himself and looked around.

Although he was very happy to pick.

But this is a little weird.

He picks for so long, and occasionally encounters plants.

As far as the guardian of a large spirit beast is concerned, it simply doesn't exist.

Moreover, the outside is similar.

For this situation, Lin Tian doubted again.

"I understand."

Suddenly, Lin Tian understood, why all this?

The former Valkyrie was once the best existence, and in that battle, I don’t know what happened?

After so long, the Valkyrie didn't know what happened to life and death.

But Lin Tian was just worrying about it.

How is Valkyrie? It seems that it is not his turn for a small Yuanzun realm powerhouse to manage.

As for that, why there is no such thing as guardian of spirit beasts.

Because once, the Valkyrie was attacked by the spirit beast.

In Lin Tian's view, this should be the case.

The world of Valkyrie before him is a world without spirit beasts.

"It really has a personality, and my world will be like this in the future."

Lin Tian looked around happily.

Immediately, he acted again.

For him, the current situation is particularly scary.

Immediately, Lin Tian continued to search.

Continue to explore, all the secrets around.

For Lin Tian, ​​he can only take care of himself in this situation.

Judging from the situation of my own exploration, there is still no way to make up for this world.

But now, it is to strengthen oneself, this is the most important.

Otherwise, he doesn't have enough strength to fight all this. This is all self-deception.

"Master, there seems to be a powerful Lingbao appearing far away."

A small voice came.

It sounded a little excited.

But it's no wonder, after all, it's all for the practice point.


When Lin Tian listened, there was a burst of happiness in his heart.

As long as there is a treasure, there is him.

Therefore, he is already well prepared.

"Master, I suggest that you should return to the peak state as soon as possible, and break through to the Yuan Emperor peak as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult for you to walk."

A little friendly suggestion came.

Listening to this, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

The Yuan Emperor peak is really powerful.

At this time, the realm of Emperor Yuan was a watershed.

But now, only the top powerhouse of Yuan Emperor can truly gain a foothold.

"Hey, look at my current practice point, when can I reach the peak?"

"Master, you still need tens of millions of power points for your current practice points."

For these words, Lin Tian was helpless for a while.

Tens of millions of power points, the ghost knows how many tens of millions are needed.

With so many power points, it is so terrifying.

I tried so hard, but found that it was still not enough.

There are so many bad things, so this way, it seems that what I usually do is not enough!

Thinking so in his heart, Lin Tian was ready to act.

"From now on, I want to rob!"

In an instant, Lin Tian just roared.

The skylark in front is running everywhere.

Obviously, it was shocked by Lin Tian's aura.

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