I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 869: Trouble at the door

This meant that he wanted to face Lin Tian's opponent.

Lin Tian is only a third-order Yuan Emperor.

For the powerhouse at the peak of the Yuan Emperor, that is not the existence of killing if you want.

No matter how Lin Tian jumped, it was of no use.

Therefore, this strong man said this, but also very spine.

"Oh, is it? You try it."

At the peak of the Yuan Emperor, it was indeed powerful.

It's just not important for Lin Tian.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

In an instant, the middle-aged man's momentum came to Lin Tian.

"Brother Jin, a little bit too deceitful, this is the guest of my City Lord's Mansion, have you forgotten it?"

At this moment, Yingfengxing is opening up.

The meaning of these words is to protect Lin Tian.

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and the aura he exuded was taken back.

Although it was the peak of Emperor Yuan, he didn't dare to offend the Ying Fengxing in front of him.

The power of the City Lord's Mansion is not bragging.

As a result, the middle-aged man can only have to suffer himself.

But everyone had to admire the speed at which the city lord should change face.

Just now resolutely rejected Lin Tian.

Now, it is full blessing.

This method is also a little scary.

Everyone can feel that the Ying Fengxing in front of them really pays some attention to Lin Tian.

And this was indeed what Lin Tian wanted.

Enough attention, that's for sure.

Others value themselves enough so that they can show their position.

If others don't have enough respect for you, then you stay in front of him, and you just want to be humiliated.

"Mr. Wuming, you are a member of my City Lord's Mansion. Naturally, no one bullies you. Don't be afraid."

Ying Fengxing at the moment looked at Lin Tian with a serious face.

For this, Lin Tian was stunned.

This guy, being so formal, makes him feel that it is really good.

When Ying Fengxing said so, the group of people next to him could also see clearly.

This is enough to show that Lin Tian was protected by Ying Fengxing.

If everyone wants to move Lin Tian, ​​they need to think about his identity now.

"Everyone, this is the problem now. We really need to solve it. This is not the way to go."

Lin Tian looked at everyone in front of him, and said helplessly.

For this, everyone was slightly taken aback.

Looking at the door, they want to speak.

But I found that I just couldn't speak at all.

Because of insufficient strength and insufficient status.

"Well, you do have some truth, let's try together."

The old man just now spoke.

Hearing this, he just looked around.

I saw all around, a pile of standing.

Among them, the strong peak of the Yuan local area naturally exists.

Now it is necessary to have a quasi-trust from the Yuan Emperor peak powerhouse.

As long as they say yes, it will be done.

"Okay, then try."

"come on."

Inexplicably, a cohesive force appeared.

For this situation, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

These guys still want to save their lives.

For the sake of their own lives, they are willing to beg for everything.

At least, in Lin Tian's view, this is the case.

I was happy for a while, at least that way, you can also try it.

Lin Tian didn't know, if so many powerful players took action, would it be effective?

If not, then there is really no way, I'm afraid Tian Yuan can shake it.

At this time, only a dozen strong men from the peak of the Yuan Emperor stood up.


A group of people just roared.


At this moment, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.


Terrible power burst out from their respective hands.

Everyone around. They all retreat, which is a bit scary.

This force burst directly.

"Boom boom..."

However, at this moment, those Yuan Emperor powerhouses were somewhat shocked.

Looking at the door again, he didn't move at all.


Everyone at this moment, the heart is cold.

For them, the Yuan Emperor peak is now the strongest existence.

How could they solve things that the Yuan Emperor peak powers could not solve?

If I say this, I'm afraid it will make everyone laugh out loud.


There were voices of such running-in.

In the hearts of everyone at this moment, what can't help but is irritable.

"What the **** is going on? Do we have to be trapped here forever?"

"Yeah! Even if we get the Lingbao, but we, don't mean we will be trapped here forever, is there any difference between this and?"


Some people have already started to complain.

For them, coming in is not easy in itself.

It's not easy to get out now, so what do they say.

"Hey, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Don't be too nervous, you can look at the facilities on the second floor. Maybe there is a way to get out on the second floor. Looking at it this way is not a solution."

Lin Tian spoke at this moment,

Everyone is stupid for a while.

Inexplicably, they all wanted to fight Lin Tian.

Lin Tian is so irresponsible for his words.

I said just now that it was him who looked at the gate on the first floor, but now he was also asked to look for the second floor.

What does it mean?

If it wasn't for Ying Fengxing nearby to support him, I'm afraid everyone would rush up and directly beat Lin Tian for a while.

Seeing everyone's unkind eyes, Lin Tian couldn't help but stepped back.

"Everyone, you have thought it through. I just provide suggestions. As for whether you want to do it? That's your business."

Lin Tian directly pushed away.

This sentence looked at my eyes, as if I was a wolf, tiger, or leopard.

Therefore, it is better to speak less.

Otherwise, it would be death.

For Lin Tian, ​​he still hopes that he will live a few more years.

"Hmph, I think what he said makes sense."

The old man who spoke just now spoke.

There was no rejection of what Lin Tian said.

Lin Tian's suggestion is indeed more sensible.

And, this is the case.

Everyone was the same just now.

"If that's the case, just keep looking."

For a while, everyone dispersed and began to look for the second floor passage.

And here, no one manages it at all.

For them, how could they open a place where more than a dozen Yuan Emperor peaks could not open?

This is for sure.

Therefore, everyone is naturally sad.

At this moment, they just want to see if there is indeed a way to go out as Lin Tian said.

People should be like this, and they tend to pin their hopes on a future that they are uncertain about.

In this way, maybe there will be a feeling of expectation.

And Lin Tian is studying the door.

Looking at the door in front of him, he felt strange.

With so much power, there is no way to shake it apart, which is really weird.

"Xiaodu, you can check for me, what material is this door made of?"

Lin Tian threw the problem directly to Xiaodu.

If you don’t understand, just ask Xiaodu directly.

Xiaodu listened to these words, just stopped the ink.

"Master, this is an extremely expensive material called Wuling Stone, and there are several kinds of it..."

Small explanations came one by one.

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