I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 876: You guys get out and let me come

For them, this is the first time they have seen this puppet situation.

I haven't seen this puppet before.

Now, everyone has encountered it for the first time, so naturally they don't understand.

Lin Tian looked slightly puzzled at this moment.

"No, it's not right, you need to find the leader."

"There must be a leading puppet to participate in this formation change, so you must find that guy, otherwise you can't crack it."

Lin Tian looked forward, and all the strong were fighting in full swing.

I am here leisurely and leisurely, it seems a bit unnatural.

However, it seems that I cannot blame myself.

There seems to be nothing wrong with relying on the brain to fight.

As long as everyone fought like this, I was afraid that even one day and one night, there would be no way to destroy many puppets.

The puppets are connected by the formation.

If you don't crack this formation, naturally there is no way.

This situation makes people think about the problems.

Lin Tian thought in his heart and started deduction.

Where is the leading puppet?

Because many puppets fight in different places, and after their resurrection, Lin Tian observed that they would all go back to their positions.

This is something that everyone has never noticed.


"found it!"

Once the light shot from Lin Tian's eyes.

"It's really useless. Looking at our Patriarch, even if it is difficult, he will go up. He will be like that guy, as timid as a mouse."

"Yes, what else is Mr. Unknown? I think it's Mr. Trash."

Everyone spoke.

All kinds of mocking Lin Tian.

Ying Xing, who was next to him, wanted to say something, but at the moment he felt helpless.

Because he didn't know how to explain to Lin Tian?

Lin Tian seemed to be idle.

Did not help, still dangling around.

In this case, I am afraid that individuals will be angry.

"Hey, Mr. Wuming, I can't help you this time."

Ying Xing sighed helplessly.

Even if he wanted to please Lin Tian, ​​it was still powerless.

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at the puppet who was fighting with the leader of Xiangyang.

One of the puppets looks no different from the others.

However, the location is very important.

Whenever it is resurrected, it is in that position.

Even if it is broken, it will be there.

This is amazing.

But now, everyone is in a melee, and everyone next to them is watching, but also focusing on their leaders.

Naturally no one noticed such a strange change.

"Master Xiangyang, I need you to kill the puppet on your left. I can crack this puppet formation."

Lin Tian's voice resounded loudly at this moment.

Everyone was shocked.

Puppet formation?

Just now a middle-aged man spoke and looked at Lin Tian in surprise.

He saw that it was a formation, but he never found a way to crack it.

Lin Tian found it out, which is indeed a bit weird.

Master Xiangyang looked at Lin Tian.

Thinking slightly, Lin Tian's behavior just now, he naturally saw it.

As long as he didn't think about it, he was here to crack the formation.

This sounds a bit unbelievable.

"What's the matter? What is he going to do?"

"Cracking the formation, is this guy taking us for fun?"

A group of people just don't believe in Lin Tian.

Cracking the formation is completely joking.

For everyone, I just want to completely crush the puppets in front of them.

What Lin Tian said was naturally not taken seriously.

"Okay, come here!"

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang even agreed.

For these words, Lin Tian immediately looked serious.

And everyone was shocked for a while,

The leader Xiangyang in front of him actually agreed.

Lin Tian in front of him was obviously unreliable.

"Chaos Wings!"

In an instant, Lin Tian disappeared in place, reaching the extreme speed.

"Where is that guy?"

Everyone was stunned, and Lin Tian in front of them disappeared unexpectedly.

"Where is he!"

Suddenly someone spoke.

At this moment, Master Puhui, Ying Fengxing and others just watched.

Attention, focus on Lin Tian.

Especially Ying Fengxing, he suddenly discovered that he didn't understand Lin Tian at all.

My subordinate is really extraordinary.

The power of one body, and the peculiar constant means.

Always able to surprise him.


Ying Fengxing spoke slightly to himself.

The people next to him were taken aback.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy, surprised them too much.

At this time, everyone is waiting.

Waiting for Lin Tian's results, is it true or not?

Many powerhouses can't solve it, can he do it?

This is the doubt of everyone.

This inexplicable reminds everyone of the golden gate.

No one could solve the golden gate.

As a result, Lin Tian still solved it.

This is enough to prove that a problem, Lin Tian in front of him, solved it perfectly.


Loud sounds came one after another.

The battle continued.

At this moment, Lin Tian appeared behind the leader of Tai Xiangyang.


The leader of Xiangyang roared, and a dark force gushed from his palm.

Turned into a domineering force, it blasted directly on the puppet on his left.


The puppet shattered instantly.

Lin Tian also approached the puppet in an instant, the speed was terrifying, and it happened to be seamlessly connected.

This kind of tacit understanding made everyone stunned.

They were surprised by this situation.

Lin Tian in front of him was too scary.

This guy Lin Tian is surprisingly powerful.

Approaching the puppet, Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

Because he saw clearly in an instant.

The root of this formation is so.

With joyful eyes on his face, Lin Tian just roared with joy.

"I understand!"

With this roar, the leader Xiangyang next to him was taken aback and almost shot Lin Tian.

The puppet regrouped instantly.

Lin Tian was able to get everything done in this short period of time, which was very impressive.

"Huh, what does he understand?"

"I think it's bluffing, afraid of embarrassment, and trying to show off."

The people of the Huang family looked at Lin Tian and spoke upset.

For this situation, Lin Tian just smiled at the moment.


In an instant, Lin Tian's hands condensed a series of formation marks.


In an instant, the puppet in front of him was broken directly.


Everyone was stunned.

one strike!

With a simple blow, everyone saw it very clearly, and there was definitely no dazzling.

The puppet in front of him was broken like this.

This is too scary.


In an instant, Lin Tian went out.

"Come again!"

This time, Lin Tian shot again, madly hitting the puppets.

And those puppets are also vulnerable.

"Kacha Kacha..."

The broken voice is worn.

"Seniors, step back and let me come!"

Lin Tian's voice spread loudly at this moment.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy, did not expect to be so rampant, everyone was shocked by this situation.

Everyone didn't want to leave, but when they saw Lin Tian single-handedly, those strong men at the peak of the Yuan Emperor, they were helpless.

I worked extremely hard here, but in Lin Tian's hands, it seemed to be nothing to mention.

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