I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 880: Purple Ghost Domain

Therefore, everyone saw that several people in the enchantment were talking in their own way.

For them.

This feeling of looking at other people and talking in them, while you can only look outside, makes people uncomfortable.

Lin Tian looked at the people inside and smiled.

"It's not easy."

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

Judging from the situation of everyone together, the woman I saw before is really not simple.

In the crowd, although it seems that the leader of Xiangyang is talking to a few people.

In fact, there is only one woman who is really serious about facing the direction.

Handsome people are the same as furnishings.

There is only one possibility to deal with this situation, and that is the identity of a woman, which is actually very mysterious and high.

As a result, Xiangyang Sect mainly discussed with that person.

A little bit of time flows past.

Everyone at this moment is a little impatient.

Finally, the barrier in front of him opened directly.

Seeing it, the leader of Xiangyang came out.

Everyone's attention was focused on this long robe, a dark and cold man.

The leader of Xiangyang, who seemed to have thousands of dead souls escaping at any time, looked extremely terrifying.

"Mr. Wuming, do you think they can break it?"

Ying Xing looked at Lin Tian and smiled, full of curiosity.

Ying Xing was originally a smart man.

But here in Lin Tian, ​​I feel stupid inexplicably.

Basically many things, will ask Lin Tian.

"It should be possible. Isn't this the mark of Ghost Territory Lingzhou? It should be fine."

Lin Tian was uncertain with speculation.

Ying Xing also watched dubiously.

The leader of Xiangyang walked towards the purple mark, under the gaze of everyone.

"Mari Hunluo..."

A strange spell was spit out from the head of Xiangyang.

Everyone was stunned.

No one knows, what does this spell mean?

But it can be guessed that this definitely has something to do with opening the purple mark.

Otherwise, the leader of Xiangyang would not have a serious face and talk in front of him alone.

And behind him are the eight people.

Lin Tian did not focus on the Master Xiangyang like everyone else.

Instead, it focused on the thin woman among the eight.

This woman is definitely not simple.


Suddenly, there was a vibrating sound in front of him.

Everyone was slightly surprised.

How is this going?

The voice sounded, making people feel that the soul was shaking.

"Why? I feel my body trembling inexplicably?"

Among the crowd at this moment, a middle-aged man spoke.

In this situation, everyone at this moment is trembling.

Judging from the power released from the purple mark, it is too strong, so everyone in front of them will feel extremely uncomfortable.

This peculiar purple is what makes people feel magical.

At this moment, the curse of the leader of Xiangyang continued, and he appeared mysterious and powerful.

"Xiaodu, do you know what he is doing?"

Lin Tian asked Xiaodu.

At this time, asking Xiaodu should be the best.

"Master, this is a secret technique of the ghost realm. It can establish contact with the void, and then summon something."


Lin Tian looked slightly puzzled.

What will be called in this situation?

This ghost domain is really mysterious.

"Master, don't be too surprised. You can learn this kind of thing, but it takes a lot of work."

"Go aside."

Lin Tian heard it out, Xiaodu, this guy just wanted to attract himself to learn this so-called secret technique.

For Lin Tian, ​​this is simply impossible.

At least, he has no idea to learn this at the moment.

For him, he didn't know if there was anything useful, Lin Tian never wanted to be curious.

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang moved in an instant, and his figure became illusory.

Everyone was surprised.

"What is this doing? It's mysterious."

"Legend, this is a forbidden technique in the ghost realm, not something ordinary people can use."

"Really? Discuss what you want to do?"

"It seems to be doing some kind of prayer."

Some people speculate, but they are not detailed.

Everyone looked at it like this, feeling slightly impatient, but helpless.

Because they don't know how to do this, so naturally there is no way.


The sound of vibration came again.

In an instant, the purple mark in the front suddenly burst into light.

Everyone was shocked.

How is this going?

Before they could react, a purple channel suddenly appeared in front of them.

"This is the passage of the ghost domain!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Ghost Domain Channel, what does this mean? Isn't this the Martial God Temple?"

Someone spoke suspiciously.

"Legend, every color in this world actually represents its own uniqueness. Purple represents the color of the ghost domain, and then the ghost domain channel. In the ghost domain teleportation array, this purple channel is used."


Everyone understood.

This kind of answer, they are very clear.

"Everyone, do you want to go in first? But I suggest that my people go in first, because I feel that there is something in the ghost domain in it. I'm afraid you will suffer. It is feasible?"

The leader Xiangyang in front of him was asking everyone's opinions.

Because if he rushed in like this, it would definitely arouse everyone's dissatisfaction.

As long as everyone is dissatisfied, something will happen.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

The people in the ghost domain cracked.

Let them leave first, this sounds, but it is not a very excessive request, just in the eyes of everyone. I am afraid of this, will there be any tricks.

For them, I still like it and rush to the front.

However, this second layer proved a problem.

Those who rush forward may not end well.

Maybe he would die very tragically.

This is uncomfortable.

"Okay, I agree."

At this time, Ying Fengxing spoke suddenly.

A group of people wondered, the Lord of the City, is this a statement?

Immediately, Master Puhui also smiled.

"I naturally have no opinion."

Suddenly, the rest of the people also spoke one after another.

Eighty percent of people agreed.

As for the opinions of others, it doesn't seem to matter anymore.

"Okay, I thanked Xiang Yang here, and the people behind come up."

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang gave an order.

His eight people rushed up quickly.

Everyone was slightly surprised at this situation.

Immediately, everyone followed.

Although it was given to the people in the ghost domain, it didn't mean that they would keep dragging behind.

You can give up, but they still have to follow.

A group of people rushed into the purple passage.

There was no change in this purple channel.

As a result, everyone speeded up.

But while walking, everyone felt extremely cold.

This situation is shocking.

Everyone looked at it and felt helpless in their hearts.

"It's terrible."

A group of people is extremely uncomfortable.

However, at this moment, there is no other way, I can only go on.

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