I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 883: Tun Shalizi

However, no matter how envious they are, it is not theirs after all.

A group of monks rushed to the fourth floor, and everyone was basically out of play.

"The world of Buddhism is chaotic, and Taoism exists..."

A voice suddenly came from the front.

In this passage, it was this loud voice.

Lin Tian was shocked, whose voice was this?

"Could it be the voice that went to the monk?"

"Maybe? It is said that some powerful people will still leave some spiritual sense after death."

A group of people guessed, surprised.

As everyone guessed, they immediately acted and continued to move forward.

For them, I want to see it now.

What is the fourth layer of space?

There should be a difference between what the monk left behind and the one left by the ghost domain, right?

With that, everyone rushed into the passage.

The surrounding passages, glorious colored glaze, the power of space flows frequently.

Lin Tian inexplicably felt the power in his body turning.

This feeling is really good,

In a blink of an eye, everyone came to the end of the passage.

In an instant, he jumped over.

I saw rays of light coming, very dazzling.

Everyone was dazzling, and then they closed their eyes, but noticed the void under their feet.

Inexplicably, the whole person just fell.

Such a situation is really surprising.

"I go!"

At this moment, Lin Tian opened his eyes and saw the statue of ten thousand Buddhas ahead.

A bunch of Buddhas, it seems that the dead are really high monks.

Even if he died, there were still so many Buddhas here.

In front of the Buddha, a group of monks, Master Puhui and others sat cross-legged there.

Seeing this situation, it seems to be praying.

Dealing with this situation is just confusing.

Because I don’t know, what are they doing?

And everyone, looking around, they saw that there were still some spirit medicines and treasures placed around them.

"Everyone, you can act, but don't be noisy, don't be noisy, don't use your power, whoever gets it?"

At the moment, the leader of Xiangyang speaks.

In this way, some Yuan Emperor peak powers were dissatisfied.

When everyone heard this, they left in a swarm.

After all, there are good things, if you don't **** them now, I'm afraid there will be no chance for a while.

Everyone is not a fool.

"This is mine!"

At this time, a group of people took hold of some spiritual weapons, just happy.

"Earth-level spirit weapon, it's really not wasted to come here."

"The best pill, great!"

"This elixir can definitely make an earth-level pill."

A group of people, not to mention being so happy, overjoyed.

And some strong people just don't feel happy at all.

After all, there is a sense of being robbed of their jobs.

What can't be said yet?

The horror of the leader of Xiangyang, everyone has learned, there is a rush of weather on his body, and the number of dead souls in his hands is uncomfortable.


At the moment, the Puhui Master suddenly spoke.

I saw him get up.

The hand went to the ten thousand Buddhas ahead.

Everyone's eyes focused on Master Puhui.

What is this guy doing?

Many monks are still sitting? He stood up.

I saw the front, Ten Thousand Buddhas trembling.

"Master, this guy is ahead of schedule. You will immediately expend a thousand practice points, and then learn some Buddhist language to attract relics, which can increase your cultivation."

A small voice appeared anxiously.

Depending on the situation, Xiaodu wants Lin Tian to cut his Husband.

"It works!"

In an instant, Lin Tian started to cut Husband.

After spending the practice points, Buddhist language appeared in my mind.

In a blink of an eye, he meditated in his heart, a breath of Buddha nature radiated from him.

The people around felt warm inexplicably.

This feeling of being healed makes everyone feel extra comfortable.

Lin Tian at this moment is just taking action.


The power in the front is constantly trembling.

Ten thousand Buddhas are shaking, and this fourth level of space is unexpectedly unstable.

After shaking, everyone was slightly surprised.

Because they don't know, what happened?


Terrible vibrations, constant tremors.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"It's the Master Puhui's lack of greed. Now the relic does not want to return to him, so he is resisting."

Someone saw the clue.

At this moment, the Puhui Master was using various methods directly on the ten thousand Buddhas in front of him.

That scene is what the eminent monk left behind.

This situation is surprising.

Buddhism people can't get relics.

Isn't this embarrassing?

A group of people watched this scene expectantly, some surprised, some happy, and some curious.

In short, each is different.

But at this moment, I saw one thing among the ten thousand Buddhas, suddenly floating.


I saw a shadow coming out quickly.

"Where to go!"

Pratt & Whitney Master is a burst of tension.

Because this shadow is the relic.

The relic is about to fly away, how could he be willing in his heart.

In this situation, Lin Tian just laughed.

Because the relics are here.

The Buddhist language on his body has an effect. Although it is a silent meditation, the relic is extremely strong, and it even echoes him.

"However, this is troublesome!"

In Lin Tian's heart, secretly said a bad cry.

He really has no problems here.

But then, it was a little exciting.

The Master Puhui came, isn't this just the staged scene of snatching the baby?

"No matter, take a gamble, how can you let him fly with what you get!"

With that, Lin Tian quickly increased the speed of the spell.

In an instant, the relic rushed directly into Lin Tian's body.


Lin Tian was slightly shocked because he noticed it.

This relic actually rushed into his body.

This speed is too scary.

And, it's so fierce.

Then, I stopped in my dantian and bloomed with the glory of Buddha nature.

"Do not!"

The Master Puhui roared, showing no usual kindness.

He looked at Lin Tian with a cold expression.

"Mr. Nameless, please spit it out."

At this moment, the Pratt & Whitney Master spoke directly.

Lin Tian laughed at this request.

"Master Puhui, you're afraid of misunderstanding, I didn't know what happened just now? That thing rushed into my body, I couldn't take it out at all."

Lin Tian looked embarrassed and said helplessly.

When everyone listened, they were taken aback.

There is this kind of operation.

The relic did not want the Buddha himself, but rushed into the body of a stranger.

I'm afraid I didn't believe it when I said it.

However, this is the case.

"Mr. Wuming, can you let me check if you have any injuries?"

At this time, Master Puhui proposed this idea.


For an instant, Lin Tian refused directly.

Just kidding, how could it be possible to check him?

Let this old bald donkey check on himself, if he finds out that he has any secrets, this guy will not go to heaven.

"Mr. Anonymous, don't be nervous. I just want to test it out. I can get the relics out. Nothing else."

At this moment, the Puhui Master looked at Lin Tian again, his eyes full of sincerity.

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