I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 885: At least fifth order

Listening to the words of Master Xiangyang, Lin Tian felt helpless.

Good guy, actually threatened myself.

But for Lin Tian, ​​it is still acceptable.

"Okay, Master Xiangyang said the benefits, I don't know what is needed? Actually, I can make alchemy. How about I make alchemy for you?"

Lin Tian looked at the leader of Xiangyang with a smile on his face.

I just scolded my mother.

Children without strength are passive wherever they go.

However, how can one grow without touching it?

"Okay! Since you can refine alchemy, you can refine it for me, but my requirements are not low, the lowest level, can you?"

Master Xiangyang looked at Lin Tian with blinking eyes.

The formation is already very powerful.

He can still make alchemy. Lin Tian looks like he is middle-aged at any time, but possessing these methods is also remarkable.

"The level is no problem, I promise to satisfy you."

Lin Tian smiled and vowed, looking full of confidence.

For this, the leader of Xiangyang was taken aback.

This guy is really confident.

Anyway, for Lin Tian, ​​the leader of Xiangyang is not optimistic.

After all, if there are too many things, it will be mixed but not refined. This is the truth.

"Okay, it depends on my mood. I hope you didn't lie to me."

As the leader Xiangyang said, he continued to look around.

"Absolutely not."

Lin Tian looked happy.

This means that Master Xiangyang is willing to shelter him.

At this moment, Ying Xing looked at this scene with inexplicable anger.

Now that Lin Tian has changed camp, what does this mean?

Is the City Lord's Mansion bad?

"Father, Mr. Wuming..."

Ying Xing looked at Lin Tian angrily.

This guy, he wasn't in the city lord's mansion just now, so why all of a sudden he was mixed up with the ghost clan.

Unfortunately, the leader of Xiangyang agreed.

Such a scene makes people helpless.

Listening to this, Ying Fengxing gave Lin Tian a cold look.

He said casually: "It's okay to leave, there are too many things and upset."

Ying Xing was taken aback.

Ying Fengxing seemed not at all emotional about Lin Tian's departure.

It seemed extremely calm.

And he didn't know that Lin Tian's departure was caused by the prevailing attitude.

Whether Ying Fengxing asked Lin Tian's safety, anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

He is a person seeking asylum.

How can you continue to work for you if you can't get the guarantee of safety.

However, Lin Tian was able to obtain the asylum of the leader of Xiangyang, which was beyond Ying Fengxing's expectations, and everyone else was the same.

Everyone began to look for the next channel, all seemed to be extremely hardworking.

For them, this will make them want more treasures. As for going back, it is like a dream.

A recessed corner, once a white light spot.

Everyone looked at them, slightly taken aback.

"this is……"

For a while, everyone came over.

Some strong people are surprised.

Because of this white light, there is a strong breath on it.

Unconsciously, the fifth floor,

Everyone still wants to continue.

"Everyone, if you want to go back now, you can go back. There is no Yuan Emperor realm on the way up, and going up is to die."

Master Xiangyang spoke very positively.

Some experts in the Yuansheng realm hesitated after seeing this situation.

"If you want to die, just continue to follow, I won't stop anyone."

With that, the leader of Xiangyang directly attacked the white light spot.

This time, without any hindrance, the passage was opened directly.

In response to this situation, the strong man at the peak of Emperor Yuan's pupils closed.

It was very difficult to open before,

Today, it is so simple.

What does this show?

It can only explain that the passage in front of you, and the next level that is coming, is very difficult.

Everyone wants to rush out, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.


Master Xiangyang took the lead and moved forward.

Lin Tian followed behind.

But from time to time I can feel some eyes looking at myself.

Needless to say, those who hate must be those monks.

And some eyes, full of peeping, should be the people behind him.

"Boy, have you ever thought about it, you got a little apart from me, and after going out, I was said to be an evil spirit."

Master Xiangyang spoke while advancing.

"It's okay, the evil spirits are evil spirits, the world and the ancient people, there is no good and evil in this world."

Lin Tian sighed casually.

"What a worldly mind."

Lord Xiangyang smiled, thinking Lin Tian was quite interesting.

As for Lin Tian, ​​in fact, he just felt it.

The people behind followed, seeing that Lin Tian had a good conversation with the leader of Xiangyang, and they were suddenly surprised.

"This guy is a lively dog!"

"Yes, that's right, flattering is really good."

"Don't say that. Others also want to survive. What's wrong with being like a dog."

The people of the Huang family are just unbearable irony.

For this, Lin Tian in front naturally heard it.

This group of people speaks really ugly.

But currently, Lin Tian has no time to spend with them.

Because of him, he still has his own things to do.

At this moment, a strange force struck.

"The power of the formation is a bit terrifying, so be careful, the leader of Xiangyang."

Lin Tian's voice sounded.

The leader of Xiangyang was taken aback for a moment, when Lin Tian reminded himself.


At this moment, a red lightning flashed madly.

This situation is shocking.

No one had expected that so many things would happen.


At this moment, everyone in Lin Tian just teleported out of the channel, and greeted them with nothingness.

And some people are also brought into nothingness,

At this moment, everyone is different.

For them, this is full of passion.

However, he did not expect that they would be greeted by ruthless thunder and fire, and countless arrays.

Everyone in the ghost race is caught in the formation.

Lightning rushed from time to time.


Red lightning came without life.


Everyone kept avoiding the exploded void.

"Master, this lightning attack is too strong!"

A strong ghost domain spoke.

For this, the leader of Xiangyang frowned slightly.

"Just hold on, I'll break it!"

In an instant, the leader of Xiangyang went to the void, expanding with infinite strength.

Once the black power pellets formed crazily in his hands.


Lin Tian looked at it, slightly surprised.

Good guy, is it so powerful?


"Break for me!"

The power of Guanghua, the limit of strength, and the power of darkness rushed directly to the thunder, mixed with monstrous momentum.


There was a loud noise, and the space vibrated.

In the understanding of Master Xiangyang, if this space is broken, everything is broken naturally.

Then, everything is over.

The void was bombarded, a trace of space aura, flowing unscrupulously here.

Lin Tian frowned and looked at him with surprise in his heart.

This Xiangyang leader is so strong, but it seems that it has not been resolved yet.

Because the space still exists.

And just now, I smelled the aura of the space formation, which is absolutely not wrong.

"Xiaodu, distinguish, what order is this?"

Lin Tian can only ask Xiaodu.

"Master, at least Tier 5, do you want to get it done?"

Respond slightly.

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