For this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, people are cheap.

This guy came out before, his face was not convinced.

Was beaten up.

Now convinced.

It seems that in the future, he has the strength, so he can speak directly with his fists.

Lest you see these people get cheesy.

Not convinced one by one, just go up and smoke.

For Lin Tian, ​​he likes the behavior of pumping when he is not convinced.

Immediately, everyone reluctantly handed the Lingshi to Lin Tian.

They still want to survive. So I don't want to provoke Lin Tian.

Lin Tian just looked at everyone with a smile.

"Find me again next time, thank you..."

In the face of everyone, I repeat these words.

What everyone heard about this was that they wanted to hit someone.

Still looking for him!

This time I was miserable.

Therefore, how could they still look for it.

At this moment, everyone is continuing to look for the next channel.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian smiled mysteriously.

Everyone looked for a passage, and he sat cross-legged here before.

It's not because he is not in a hurry.

All of this is naturally not.

It was because Lin Tian knew that panic was useless.

"Everyone, don't look for it anymore. This is a huge formation, you want to go out unless you break the formation."

Lin Tian's voice resounded loudly.


In an instant, everyone stopped their work.

In the battle?

It's another formation.

"How come there are so many formations?"

"It's endless, we have died so many people, and in the end there are still formations."

A group of people just fell apart.

When Lin Tian looked at them, he naturally understood what everyone was thinking.

It's just that he understands very well, what everyone thinks before him.

Because of the terrifying formation of the light ball, almost half of the casualties were injured.

Now here, the rest are experts in the Yuandi realm.

They all add up, but 70 or 80.

From three or four hundred, two hundred at the beginning, to seven or eighty now.

This is the sorrow of this Lingbao battle.

Therefore, everyone can only get used to it.

Because of any anger, nothing can change at all?

Lin Tian at this moment has a smile on his face.

"Since the unnamed donor said so, it must be broken."

At this moment, the Puhui Master looked at Lin Tian with a smile on his face.

The intent to kill just now is endless, this will be an anonymous donor.

This kind of face change is admirable.

To Master Puhui, Lin Tian just smiled.

"What Master Puhui said is natural and reasonable, but now, I have a problem, that is, I have to solve it before I can crack this formation."



Everyone looked at Lin Tian in doubt.

Inexplicably, all the attention was focused on Lin Tian.

They want to know, what exactly is Lin Tian's so-called problem?

"An unknown donor, but it doesn't matter."

Master Puhui spoke, with a slightly ominous premonition in his heart.

Ying Fengxing also looked at Lin Tian, ​​wondering what Lin Tian wanted to do?

"Now my strength is limited, I want to break the formation, I am afraid I still need to improve another level, so I need the help of the Pratt & Whitney Master."


Everyone was surprised, Lin Tian asked Master Puhui to help him break through.

"The unnamed benefactor is joking, and the poor monk He Dehe Neng can help you improve your level of strength.

The Master Pratt & Whitney said he could do nothing.

"No, no, you did it, Master Puhui, have you forgotten, what's in my body?"

Lin Tian invisibly reminded the Puhui Master in front of him.

When Master Puhui heard this, his face instantly changed.

Lin Tian, ​​why did he suddenly say this?

"I heard that the relics of Buddhism can be refined and can definitely break through a realm. I guess it should be true, and it also needs the power of Buddhism. I think Master Puhui should be willing to help me.

Lin Tian smiled.

Kill the heart.

The words in front of Lin Tian were inexplicably suitable for them.

Everyone looked at Master Puhui, this request was too difficult for Master Puhui.

His own relic is his Buddhism.

It was a coincidence, since it was in Lin Tian's hands.

At this moment, Lin Tian asked the Puhui Master to assist him in refining.

This is undoubtedly more uncomfortable for the Buddhist people.

"Hey, if it doesn't work, then everyone will continue to be trapped in this formation. Maybe one day, we can also go out. Maybe, I will slowly refine it."

Lin Tian sighed helplessly.

For this, everyone suddenly wanted to beat him.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy is coveting the Buddhism power in front of him.

The refining speed of that relic is very fast.

So, I want to make this convenient.

Unexpectedly, this method was used.

"Master Pratt & Whitney, you think about it slowly, I have time."

With that said, Lin Tian sat cross-legged and immediately began to practice.

Many strong men looked at this scene, directly dumbfounded.

Lin Tian is now practicing.

It seemed that everything around him had nothing to do with him.

The leader of Xiangyang was a little angry.

Lin Tian, ​​in order to achieve his goal, really does not scrutinize any means.

Master Puhui did not agree, and everyone was trapped here.

In addition, all the attention of all people in the virtual is focused on the body of the Puhui Master. This puts a lot of pressure on the Buddhist disciples.

"Bald donkey, you can't get this relic anyway, so what if he is perfect?"

Master Xiangyang spoke.

"Yes, Master Puhui, think about it. In fact, it's not a bad idea."

"Master Puhui, I think everyone is right..."

A group of people began to persuade the Puhui Master in front of them.

Master Puhui was so gloomy.

I didn't expect that one day, I would be tricked by a junior.

This junior in front of him is still so rampant in front of him.

But now, he is tantamount to cutting people's way of making money and killing people.

Lin Tian's move can be described as high.

Everyone can see clearly, what does Lin Tian want to do? But they can do nothing to change.

It can only be said that at the last moment, Lin Tian won't be used anymore, they just want to kill Lin Tian in their hearts.

"Okay, I promise you."

Master Puhui agreed.

Looking at Lin Tian's eyes, he once again revealed infinite murderous intent.

For Lin Tian, ​​he couldn't tolerate it at all.

He swears that from here on, as long as there is a chance to kill Lin Tian, ​​he will definitely do it without hesitation.

At that time, it was Lin Tian's death.

But Lin Tian naturally didn't care anymore.

The Pratt & Whitney Master in front of him had already been murderous.

Since you want to offend, you should offend directly to the end.

"Master, your move is really ruthless, and you can save a lot of power points."

A small voice came.

Because the refining of relics does require a lot of power points.

Therefore, Lin Tian directly let the Pratt and Whitney Master in front of him come.

Help yourself improve, so why not do it?

"Yeah, you have become smarter, Xiaodu."

"Hey, it's all the master's credit."

Xiaodu flattered directly.

Immediately, Lin Tian stood directly with the Puhui Master in front of him.

The two sat cross-legged.

Lin Tian is naturally not afraid, the Pratt and Whitney Master in front of him is not good to him.

Once this guy is unfavorable to himself, the consequences can be imagined.

If everyone can't get out, then he is the same.

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