Because it was the four great Tianyuan experts who came in.

Only at this time can they clearly feel that this Tianyuan strong man speaks.

Unexpectedly, they were already close to this Tian Yuan powerhouse.


The speed of everyone is actually quite fast.

Looking at the surroundings of this sixth floor, there are a bunch of heaven and earth treasures, among which there are many heaven and earth spiritual weapons.

"Everyone, whoever gets it?"

In an instant, everyone shot, and quickly scared.

"Chaos Wings!"

At this moment, Lin Tian was also frantically snatching, directly driving the speed to the extreme.

"Xiaodu, act!"

"Okay, master!"

I saw where Lin Tian had arrived, or hadn't arrived yet, that day the material treasure just disappeared.


"Livestock! How can it be so fast!"

Some people are very unconvinced.

However, it was of no use, because Lin Tian had already got it.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian looked happy.

"Everyone, you just said that whoever gets it is whoever gets it. You don't have to look at me like this. I'll be embarrassed."

Not to mention, except for the two of Xiangyang Guru and Puhui Mage at the same speed as Lin Tian, ​​no one else could catch up with Lin Tian.

Therefore, the two leaders of Xiangyang just took two spiritual weapons at will, but they didn't act.

As for the others, they were looted frantically by Lin Tian, ​​and everyone just cried beside them.

For Lin Tian, ​​this is still merciful.

Otherwise, Lin Tian would have finished taking everything in front of him.

As for the Master Xiangyang and Master Puhui, there was a burst of surprise on their faces.

The reason why they didn't make a move was because there was no Heaven-Rank Spirit Tool, or the existence of Earth-Rank Spirit Tool.

For their realm, naturally there is no attraction.

Otherwise, the two would have fought.

But I didn't expect that Lin Tian, ​​this guy, would suddenly become so fast.

This inexplicable makes people think that Lin Tian may have been hiding his strength before.

But in fact, this is not the case, this is actually just Lin Tian, ​​who has not broken through before.

But after Master Puhui helped him break through, his strength was soaring.

In this case, I still have to thank Master Puhui.

If you let Master Puhui know, I'm afraid that in my heart, I just want to pinch Lin Tian's heart.



Only heard the vibration from the Temple of Martial Arts.

The battle among the four powerhouses above seems to be getting fiercer.

As everyone listened, their eyes were full of shock, and they felt a terrifying force invisibly, destroying the Martial God Temple unscrupulously.

However, Wushen Temple is still indestructible.

Although everyone heard a lot of vibrations before, they didn't seem to be too shocked. The Temple of Martial Arts was still as solid as gold.

The four powerhouses shot, and the result is that there is no break, which shows the horror.


At this moment, the sound of vibration came again.

"Are the four powerhouses working together to blast this Martial God Temple?"

Lin Tian guessed in his heart.

"Everyone, are we still going up?"

At this time, the leader of Xiangyang spoke.

Hearing this, everyone was silent for a while.

Going up again is the seventh floor, the eighth floor, and the ninth floor of the Wushen Temple.

And they, on the sixth floor, had already begun to die a lot of Yuan Emperor peak powerhouses.

Rush up again, I'm afraid there will be death or no life.

"Poor monks go ahead. If you want to go up, just go."

At this moment, the Puhui Master walked towards the retreating mark behind him.

Many of his Buddhist disciples died this time.

Now with him, there are only four people.

And the other three, the wounded, the broken, the broken, this kind of situation goes up, that is to really bring their own people, and die in madness.

"I'm not going, you go."

With that said, some Patriarchs also stepped back.

They will all go the way back.

Go up again at this time, that is really, seeking a dead end.

"Qingyue Sanling!"

"Kendo will last!"

"The Long River of Annihilation!"

In the above, the four powerhouses shot again.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Qiang Qiang..."

The sound of countless collisions sounded extremely pleasant.

When everyone heard this voice, it was a moment of depression.

"This battle of the strong, I waited for no fate after all. I originally thought that I could break through to choose when I came in. Hey, it is a fantasy after all."

An old man spoke.

That person was the old man at the peak of the Yuan Emperor. From the very beginning, he seemed more active, not at all like an old person.

Thinking about it, this old man also concealed a heart that wanted to be a strong Tianyuan.

Almost all those who came in thought this way.

As long as the Yuan Emperor peaked, it was basically for Tian Yuan.

In the realm of the Yuan Emperor peak, he had very few things to shake them.

Breaking through the shackles of the realm is undoubtedly what they want, breaking this realm and going to a stronger realm is everyone's wish.

However, all the way, after all, nothing happened.

There are many treasures of heaven and earth, but they can be counted as extremely, but there are not many.

Some belong to the ghost clan and Xishan Lingzhou.

But the Buddhist relics of Lingzhou in Xishan were robbed by Lin Tian, ​​which undoubtedly increased the anger of the Buddhists.

It was just facing Lin Tian, ​​who had many means, and the blessing of the leader of Xiangyang, that is, the crocodile of Pratt & Whitney could not completely punish Lin Tian.

This time everyone can only say that there is little gain.

However, he also saw the terrifying side of this Martial God Temple.

There are still three layers that have not been involved, and the upper layer is most likely the battlefield of the Tianyuan strong.

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang looked at Lin Tian, ​​and stopped talking.

"Mr. Wuming, are you going to follow me to leave? I don't plan to go up here, do you still want to go up?"

Obviously, those strong men at the peak of Emperor Yuan had all left.

But Lin Tian wanted to go up again, which seemed unrealistic.

"I just want to wait and see."

Lin Tian said lightly at this moment.

Everyone left, and he also knew that outside the Martial God Temple, there must be people who wanted to kill themselves, waiting for him.

"Huh, life and death."

Huang An next to him immediately looked at Lin Tian sarcastically.

In his eyes, there was a strong killing intent, and there was no doubt that Huang An in front of him wanted to kill Lin Tian.

However, there is the leader of Xiangyang next to him, and he can't do it.

"Really? Patriarch Huang hasn't left yet, is it because he wants to die."

Lin Tian said casually ironically.

For this, Huang An was angry.

"Don't be crazy, do you think someone can protect you all the time? It's really ridiculous. Going out of this Martial God Temple is your death date."

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled happily again.

"Patriarch Huang, I remember that you have said this before, and now to say it again, it really makes me feel ridiculous."

Lin Tian said nothing.

"Hmph, I'm waiting for you to come out, don't let me down."

Huang An said, just to leave here.

Lin Tian smiled faintly, regretting how he didn't kill this guy before.

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