I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 902: Space barrier

The secretly reminded that he just wanted to tell Lin Tian that this was beyond his control.

As for Lin Tian, ​​the curiosity in his heart just couldn't help it.

"Senior, I want to save the person who spoke just now. I don't know if there is a way."

Lin Tian tried to ask.

"Hmph! If you can save it, that's your ability. I won't interfere with you. It's just these four people who are dying immediately. I hope you don't regret it."

The strong man in the dark spoke.

People who are dying!

Lin Tian was shocked.

Tianyuan strong, it seems that it is not worth mentioning here, secretly the strong will die if they die.

It was the first time Lin Tian heard of this situation.

Could it be that in this world, Tianyuan is not the existence at the peak, the real horror is that there is another person.

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly thought of the Great Emperor.

This Valkyrie is a great emperor.

However, Lin Tian immediately got rid of this idea.

Since ancient times, the people of the great emperor have almost stayed in the history, and they have nowhere to be seen.

"Okay, senior, let me think about it."

"Well, who was the one who spoke just now?"

Lin Tian asked at this moment.

"I am... Venerable Qingyue, if you save me, I will repay you."

Venerable Qingyue?

Isn't that the strong Tianyuan, Qingyue?

Lin Tian immediately figured it out.

"I can save you, but you have to swear to God, you will be loyal to me in the future, you think about it."

Lin Tian made his request.


Qingyue in the golden light was silent.

She could feel that Lin Tian was just a person in the realm of Emperor Yuan.

Isn't this a great wonder to let yourself be loyal to him?

"You only have three minutes to think about it. I don't have much patience waiting for you. You can talk about it when you think about it."

Lin Tian spoke very casually.

The Tianyuan powerhouse is indeed terrifying, but for him, it is not out of reach.

Moreover, he still has to figure out how to rescue Venerable Qingyue from the golden light.

"Xiaodu, how many power points does it take to rescue that guy?"

Whenever there was a problem, Lin Tian basically handed it to Xiaodu.

Because Xiaodu basically knows it.

"Master, I'm afraid this is a bit too much. It is estimated that it will require 100 million power points."


I go!

Lin Tianxin was so excited that he almost shot.

One hundred million exercise points, this really overturned his old bottom.

You know, you only have more than 100 million in yourself.

Paid again, back before liberation.

"Hurry up and think carefully. I don't have time to spend with you, so forget it if I don't want to."

Lin Tian spoke impatiently.

Thinking of 100 million exercise points, he felt it was better to give up the treatment.

"I promise you!"

At this time, Venerable Qingyue actually agreed.

I just agreed, actually because Venerable Qingyue wanted to survive.

The other three, because they were trapped too much, couldn't speak.

Just right, Venerable Qingyue can still communicate with Lin Tian.

Actually, telling Lin Tian about this, she just wanted to try her luck.

"Okay, swear."

Lin Tian spoke casually,

"You will save me out."

"Sorry, I like to make arrangements in advance, you didn't swear, I won't save you."

Lin Tian said very indifferently.

With these words, Venerable Qingyue almost died in it.

"In case you can't save me, then I don't swear in vain."

"Are you still choosing?"

Lin Tian asked back.

For an instant, Venerable Qingyue was silent.

Indeed, this golden light power was consuming her a little bit, and she was seriously injured unknowingly.

If this goes on, you can only wait to die.

"You, a strong Yuan Emperor, how could you have saved me? I am also naive."

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue laughed at himself suddenly.

Even at the realm of Tianyuan, there is no alternative to this golden light. She actually pinned her hope in a realm of Emperor Yuan, which is too idiotic.


Lin Tian was taken aback, this guy didn't believe in his abilities anymore.

"Okay, then you swear to save, if I save you, you must be loyal to me."


Venerable Qingyue's eyes were full of anger, and to be honest, she was extremely unwilling.

Normally a Yuan emperor like Lin Tian, ​​she wouldn't even look at it. At this moment, she was threatened.

"If you believe me, there is still a chance, but if you don't believe me, then wait for death in it, and you can choose by yourself."

Lin Tian said the pros and cons.

For a moment, Venerable Qingyun was silent.

Lin Tian seemed to have seen through her inner thoughts and understood her current situation very well.

So, every place is very deadly.

"I believe in smart people's choices. You shouldn't belong to the stupid kind either. Think about it."

Lin Tian added again: "By the way, you only have one minute this time. If you don't agree, I will go on my own. You have no chance to beg me again."

This time, Lin Tian said very firmly.

Some people are like this. If you don't give them thorough words, they won't be able to believe you.

In other words, people are so cheap.

Things that are too easy to get are full of not cherish.

The things that are not easy to get are full of treasure.

This is human nature, which makes people feel a little unbelievable.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Venerable Qingyue at this moment, full of gritted teeth, agreed to Lin Tian.

Thinking of her being a strong Tianyuan, she was actually driven by a person in the realm of Emperor Yuan.

But in this kind of life and death, it is better to believe that it is there than to believe it is not.

If Lin Tian rescued her, it would still be okay, but no, she didn't lose anything.

"My Sovereign Qingyue, swear to heaven today..."

At this time, Venerable Qingyue swears.

Lin Tian listened, very satisfied.

"Hey, boy, I'm very curious, how do you save her? These four people disturbed the rules of the Martial God Temple, so they were covered by the Martial God Light. Since ancient times, this Martial God Light is terrifying. It's helpless, how can you save it."

The strong man in the dark opened his mouth, thinking that he would become more curious about Lin Tian.

For these words, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"Senior, you don't have to worry about that, I have my own way."

With that, a distress flashed in Lin Tian's eyes.

"Huh! It's equivalent to buying a subordinate."

"Xiaodu, exchange, get her out for me immediately."

"Okay, master."

Xiaodu was very happy about the exchange, which meant that Lin Tian had to spend some work on it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the shuttle space barrier once."


In an instant, Lin Tian took out one hand in an instant.


"This is impossible!"

Horror from the strong in the dark.

"Come out!"

In an instant, a cyan figure was fished out of the golden light by Lin Tian.


The cyan figure carried a golden light attack.

As a result, Lin Tian and her were both knocked to the ground.

"Puff puff!!!"

The blood splashed between the two, the golden light was terrible.


Lin Tian took a breath, and a pain came.

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