"Xiaodu, show me a check, the way back to Jilin Academy must be safe."

Lin Tian told Xiaodu to go back and navigate things like that. Of course, he relied on Xiaodu.

"You eat, I will go down to find a map."

At this time, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and stood up proactively, actually going to look for a map.

This made Lin Tian slightly surprised. This Venerable Qingyue slowly lowered his position and posture, which was very good.

"No, you eat with me, I already know how to go back?"

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

Venerable Qingyue was taken aback, do you know? This guy said just looking for it. Isn't this teasing me? Maybe he has been here before.

Thinking of this, Venerable Qingyue felt a burst of anger.


Feeling unhappy, Venerable Qingyue sat down directly.

This situation puzzled Lin Tian, ​​he had offended her, and the woman became irrational, as if she did not have the age and cultivation level to participate.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian felt helpless for a while.

It seems that he is still too young after all, and still can't understand a woman's heart.

No wonder some people in the previous life said that a woman's heart, a needle on the bottom of the sea, it seems that all of this is true.

After a while, the two of them finished eating, and Lin Tian took Venerable Qingyue down.

"Have you heard? Lin Tian is back!"

"Really? What's the matter?"

"Just last night, Lin Tian teleported back to Beibing Lingzhou. It is said that this time he is going to come back and kill the Quartet and destroy the people who bullied him before."

"It's so powerful, it's not like a river of blood."

The discussion of a group of people can be said to be very crazy.

Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at Lin Tian with squinting eyes, with a look of suspicion.

Lin Tian, ​​the enemy in Beibing Lingzhou, seems to be no less than Donglin Lingzhou.

"How many enemies do you have? If this continues, will we both be hunted down every day?"

Venerable Qingyue spoke, and an invisible barrier appeared beside them.

This way it won't be heard by others.

Regarding this, Lin Tian said slightly embarrassed: "Actually, there are not many. My enemies are only six forces."


At this moment, Venerable Qingyue opened his mouth wide.

It seemed that I was astonished and didn't know what to say.

Lin Tian in front of him had enemies with the six major forces.

In the entire Arctic Lingzhou, it seems that there are only six major forces.

This guy, have you offended everything?

So crazy?

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue suddenly felt that he was a different person.

A person who has carried countless enemies on his back.

She regretted it and thought that she could follow Lin Tian and be quiet for a while, but at this moment she was wrong too far.

"Hey, it's actually not all the six forces, and finally one or two are insignificant."

Lin Tian said it very casually, it seemed that there was really no pressure.

"Have you heard? The person Lin Tian offended has already been chased to North Bing Lingzhou."

"No? Those people are so crazy."

"I heard that he deceived everyone in Donglin Lingzhou with a false identity, and turned everyone around, so some people can't stand it. Now it's time to come to Xingshi to ask the crime."

A group of people are discussing, even if they are walking on the street, they still hear Lin Tian's name occasionally.

Inexplicably, Venerable Qingyue felt that following Lin Tian was like becoming famous.

When I was once the Venerable Qingyue and the strong Tianyuan, I didn't seem to be famous now.

"You are really good. You don't need to wait for you to break through to the realm of Tianyuan. I suspect that if I follow you, I will be chased and killed soon."

Venerable Qingyue stared at Lin Tian's eyes viciously, and spoke in despair.

For this, Lin Tian said casually: "Don't worry, you see I am not alive now. As long as I am fine, I will definitely not hurt you."

This is a bit of a man.

However, Venerable Qingyue still couldn't forgive Lin Tian. There were so many offended people that they couldn't kill them at all.

"Where are we going now?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a helpless expression.

In an unfamiliar place, she naturally can only follow Lin Tian, ​​in fact, she has actually recognized the existence of Lin Tian.

"Master, if you go back from you, it will only take about fifteen days to fly alone. If you use the teleportation array, it will be ten days."

"Has it been reduced by five days? Is this distance so far?"

Lin Tian asked helplessly.

In fact, he still wants to arrive at Jilin Academy in a day or two.

Going back to the Extreme Spirit Academy, there are still Elder Mi and the Vice President, and some people who want to kill him should also be a bit restrained.

For this, Xiaodu's voice came.

"Master, this is already very short, you decide."

With that said, a line appeared in Lin Tian's mind.

"Have you heard? People from the six major forces are said to have started to act. Someone was guarding the teleportation formation this morning."

Lin Tian and the two were walking on the street when they heard the sound from the teahouse.

"Oh, it seems that Lin Tian is really doomed this time. The six major forces attacked together, even if he is powerful, I'm afraid he will die."

"Don't tell me, the six major forces have spoken. This time it is sending out the strong Tianyuan, and it will also make Lin Tian die without a place to bury him."

"Remember? Once Lin Tian escaped the pursuit of the six major forces, and this time, the pursuit is not as simple as the surface." An old man who knew the news looked at everyone mysteriously.

"Brother, talk about it, it's not easy."

There was a group of people who were very curious, the people walking on the street. When they heard this, they all stopped slightly.

The old man looked at the crowd and said: "It is said that the six major forces have joined hands with a mysterious force, the mysterious force that once required Lin Tian's clone technique, and behind him, there are still many forces involved."

A group of people took a breath for a moment.

It was too exciting. Regarding Lin Tian, ​​I never thought that there would be so many questions.

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with inexplicable sympathy.

There are too many secrets in this guy, so wherever he goes, it seems that someone will hunt him down.

This is probably it. Every husband is not guilty of guilt.

"Let's go, let's fly back, don't you mind."

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue with a calm expression.

He naturally heard the discussion of the people just now.

It's just that for him, he has become accustomed to the pursuit of everyone.

Since everyone still wants to chase him, just let it go.

Lin Tian is not afraid.

He is now, but much stronger than before, and there is a Venerable Qingyue next to him.

And this period of time, Lin Tian intends to break through.

"I don't care."

Venerable Qingyue also spoke indifferently.

The two people in front of them all accepted from their hearts, and then they will face many chase situations.

The most important thing is that there is a powerful force in the dark that seems to be hunting down Lin Tian.

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