I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 936: Mozong is in trouble

"Oh, I know her and the relationship is pretty good, so I asked, is she in the sect?"

Lin Tian just spoke casually.

What this said, Zhao Shicheng in front of him was happy.

Such a strong person has a good relationship with Zhao Jianrong? This is great.

Thinking of being able to have a relationship with such a strong man in front of him, Zhao Shicheng was inexplicably surprised. He also saw Lin Tian's performance just now, powerful and scary.

One by one, it shocked everyone.

The disciple of the Demon Sect next to him looked at Lin Tian for a moment, and his whole person was full of worship.

Because Lin Tian is too good, if they were as good as Lin Tian, ​​then that would be fine.

But at their young age, just think about it, and think too much and it's very unrealistic.

"Since it's a friend of the eldest lady, our Demon Sect, I implore the unnamed seniors to sit in our Demon Sect. Do you have time?"

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Zhao Shicheng was a kind invitation.

For a strong man like Lin Tian, ​​he just wants to make good friends, otherwise, there will be no chance. Some people will miss it, and I am afraid that it will be very difficult to meet in the future.


Lin Tian looked at Zhao Shicheng with a smile on his face.

This time, he had a crazy idea in his heart.

It started with Demon Sect.

Although he said that he wanted to go back to the Extreme Spirit Academy quickly, but at this time, he still had another plan in his heart.

"Okay, please, Senior Unknown."

Zhao Shicheng was very excited, but Lin Tian agreed to it unexpectedly. This wine proved that there is still a good chance for the two to have a good relationship.

"Oh, you can just call me nameless in the future. I'll call you Zhao Shu. You are older than me and you are Jianrong's elders."

"Ah! How does this work? Your cultivation base is higher than mine."

Zhao Shicheng looked embarrassed. In the world of cultivation, the strong are naturally respected. Lin Tian in front of him, the strong should be right.

To this, Lin Tian smiled slightly and said: "If there is nothing, we will come like this. By the way, Uncle Zhao, I still have a maid. You should wait for her to come later."

At this time, Lin Tian let Venerable Qingyue come down in the dark.

When Venerable Qingyue listened to Lin Tian's words, he wanted to beat him, and even said that he was his maid. Is this talking human? It seems very irritating.

"Well, then I'll call you nameless, then wait for your people before we leave."

Zhao Shicheng looked helpless, but in this way, it seemed to be more cordial, and he was willing in his heart.

With happiness in her doubts, when did Zhao Jianrong meet an unknown powerhouse?

Moreover, still so young, does this young man and Miss Zhao Jianrong have anything else? Zhao Shicheng was a conjecture.

Thought of something. There was a burst of happiness in his mind.

Lin Tian looked at him with some doubts, as if he made Zhao Shicheng in front of him a little misunderstood.

However, he can only think of one way at the moment, which is to use Zhao Jianrong to top the bag.

Obviously, this result is still very good.


A figure struck from a distance, appeared directly behind Lin Tian, ​​did not speak, it was Venerable Qingyue.

Looking at Venerable Qingyue, Zhao Shicheng showed a shocked face.

Because he found that he couldn't even see the Venerable Qingyue in front of him.

The Venerable Qingyue in front of him seemed to be a mystery, and this speed came too fast.

This nameless maid is so uncomfortable. Then he, who just shot, is at least in the realm of Emperor Yuan, right? Thinking of this, Zhao Shicheng was even more shocked.

If such a strong person comes to his own Demon Sect, it simply adds light to his own Demon Sect.

"Senior Anonymous...You are here to be anonymous, our Demon Sect is not very far away."


Therefore, under the leadership of the second elder Zhao Shicheng, Lin Tian and the two went to the Demon Sect together.

During the journey, Venerable Qingyue didn't say a word, and didn't like to talk at all.

For Lin Tian, ​​she just didn't understand, wasn't she anxious to go back to the Extreme Spirit Academy?

Why is this happening? I want to go to the Demon Sect again.

And Lin Tian didn't bother to answer Venerable Qingyue's doubts. After all, he did things for his own reasons, and sometimes he didn't need to report to anyone.


From time to time, around everyone in the Demon Sect, there are strong people leaping by.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tian said slightly puzzled: "How come there are so many people who seem to be in a hurry?"

And Zhao Shicheng's hand immediately looked at Lin Tian with surprise, and said: "You may not know the namelessness. It is said that the Hengduan Mountains shook and the Qilin Sacred Egg was taken away by Venerable Void Spirit. At present, everyone is looking for Venerable Void Spirit. "


Listening to Lin Tian, ​​he suddenly couldn't help but feel a little humorous. Are these people covering the pot directly on Venerable Void Spirit?

"Oh, is that so? How is the specific process? I heard that Venerable Ethereal didn't seem to have it either?"

Lin Tian deliberately pretended that he knew something, but didn't.

Zhao Shicheng said helplessly again: "How can we know about this? It is said that Venerable Ethereal used space power to transfer the sacred egg of the unicorn, and then pretended not to exist, and then it caused many powerful people to chase him. kill."

"Oh, that's it, it's really not impossible."

Lin Tian heard a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

Oh, the Venerable Venerable Spirit has become the one who bears the pot.

That group of guys are really rich in imagination, and they directly think that Venerable Ethereal is the beneficiary.

In fact, everything is the beneficiary existence of Lin Tian.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian felt inexplicably at ease. Venerable Venerable Void Spirit was backed up. Everyone must be chasing Venerable Void Spirit, so that he could rest for a while.

The turmoil of the unicorn sacred egg must not have passed so easily.

I believe it will take a long time, I am afraid that the entire Arctic Lingzhou can completely calm the turmoil.

"These people are chasing after the strong Tianyuan, isn't this just killing themselves? Even if they are chased, it will be futile."

Venerable Qingyue on the side spoke lightly.

Zhao Shicheng next to him was taken aback.

"It is said that Venerable Void Spirit was injured from the void by a powerful shot, and then fled. I don't know where he went?"

Zhao Shicheng replied that he did not dare to neglect the maid beside Lin Tian.

"It's a pity, the Qilin Sacred Egg was taken to me like this, hey!"

Lin Tian looked a little sad, but in fact he was extremely happy inside. This expression made the Venerable Qingyue next to him see a burst of doubt.

This guy, it's not that I didn't see the scene of the war at the beginning, don't be a pity, it is impossible for the two to enter.

If you rush into everyone's battle, you will be crushed.

And unconsciously, they soon came not far from the Demon Sect.

However, at this moment, I saw the fireworks ahead and the clouds were everywhere, and the terrifying power in them was turbulent and shaking.


The screams echoed throughout the entire Demon Sect.

In such a situation, Lin Tian was shocked, and the Demon Sect was in trouble?

Zhao Shicheng's expression on the side changed dramatically, and he never thought that it would be like this when he came back.

Originally thought it was necessary for Lin Tian to come here as guests.

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