I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 948: Spirit Bone Formation

Lin Tian was strange to Xiaodu's eagerness, Xiaodu was too excited and a little abnormal.

"Hey, Xiaodu, what are you doing so excited? What's your purpose?" Lin Tian asked with an evil smile.

For this, Xiaodu's helpless voice came.

"Master, I just remind you that because of your thinking like this, it seems that the predecessors have not succeeded, you may try it, and finally create your own strength and practice."

"Oh, is that right?"

"Of course, Master, what are you thinking about all day? I'm all for your good. The stronger you are, the happier I will be."

Xiaodu's helpless voice came again.

For this, Lin Tian just laughed.

"All right, I will believe you once, don't lie to me."

"Of course not, Master."

At this moment, Zhao Hong looked at the valley in front of him for a moment, because it was so dim that people couldn't see the situation clearly.

Even in the realm of Zhao Hong, he couldn't see clearly what was going on below?

It is conceivable that the strangeness of this ghost sect is still surprising.

Lin Tian's eyes lit up at this moment, and he immediately said, "This ghost sect has such a formation to protect it, not bad."

The formation in front of him is a three-level formation.

For Lin Tian, ​​it is not difficult.

But this formation is very well arranged, and it would be impossible for someone with a strong formation foundation to crack it.

Hearing this, Zhao Hong, who was next to him, was slightly surprised and said: "You can break the nameless brother? This formation is probably a bit weird, we can't get in at all."

"It's okay, this formation will be broken a bit, there should be no problem, you back a little bit, lest you encounter danger in a while."

As Lin Tian said, he moved forward.

And behind him, Venerable Qingyue naturally followed him all the time.

For this situation, Lin Tian smiled slightly.

Venerable Qingyue naturally doesn't need to step back, because the power that can hurt Venerable Qingyue shouldn't exist in this kind of place.

And the elders who surrendered to the Demon Sect were surprised by the situation.

Zhao Hong, the master of the demon sect, was so polite to a young man, it seemed unbelievable, something extraordinary!

But they are just guessing.

They were curious about Lin Tian's identity. Zhao Hong was respectful of Lin Tian along the way. Those who didn't know thought Lin Tian was some powerful offspring, so Zhao Hongcai fawned like this.

However, at this time, Lin Tian shot. They were very curious and didn't know what Lin Tian had.


At this moment, a bone frame rushed out from the front, madly killing Lin Tian.

"This is? Ghost Sect's spirit bone!"

A group of people were surprised. It seemed that the people of this ghost sect were also ready.


Lin Tian snorted and waved casually.


It was just an attack, and the bone was suddenly broken.

When everyone looked at this situation, they were shocked. What happened?

Lin Tian in front of him is too powerful, he seems to be more terrifying than Zhao Hong, the inexplicable Ghost Sect elder just took a breath.

What happened?

It suddenly occurred to them that if they were unfamiliar with Zhao Hong, they would defeat Zhao Hong.

Then meet another strong man who is more powerful than Zhao Hong?

Thinking of such a scene, everyone's hearts trembled, and they didn't dare to imagine what happened. It was too scary.

For them, dealing with a strong man like Zhao Hong is extremely difficult, let alone dealing with Lin Tian.

"Listen to the ghosts. I am Zhao Hong of the Demon Sect. Your Sect Master is already dead. If you come out and surrender a little bit more wisely, I will not attack, otherwise it will be a situation of death and destruction. You can see for yourself."

Zhao Hong's voice resounded coldly in the valley.

However, there was no voice from the ghost sect.

To them, it seemed that they didn't even bother to speak.

It's still a gloomy piece, which makes people especially surprised. I don't know what kind of power is hidden in it?

Lin Tian, ​​who was in front of him at this moment, was still curious about everything in this valley. In his mind, he already had an idea to use the power of this ghost sect to see.

There is also the practice of ghost sect, Lin Tian also wants to use it.

For others, his idea may be crazy.

However, in Lin Tian's view, it is still possible.


At this time, I saw a pile of ghost sect spirit bones rushing out, this was preparing to kill Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled faintly when faced with this situation.

"Well, I also want to have a good contact, Qingyue, just look at it."

Lin Tian had a look of excitement. Just now he was reckless and didn't feel the power of the ghost sect's spirit bones. This time, he must feel it well.

In an instant, Lin Tian was fighting with a dozen spirit bones.

These spirit bones are actually not strong.

Venerable Qingyue naturally didn't think about making a move, just to give Lin Tian a roll of eyes, but what made her a little strange was that Lin Tian seemed a little overly excited.

"What are you so excited about?"

Venerable Qingyue at this moment was a little speechless.

Lin Tian was so excited and scary.

"Qiang Qiang..."

Lin Tian's physical body is extremely powerful, so when he fought with the spirit bones in front of him, it was as if the **** soldiers were fighting with the **** soldiers. No one allowed anyone to fight with them. The fight was very fierce.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The power of the roads madly impacted.

At this moment, Lin Tian just felt the ghost power of this ghost sect, it was too weird. It's just that every time he hits himself, he will be directly blocked by the power of the flesh.

A few minutes later, Lin Tian was happy and said: "Enough playing, let's break it!"


In an instant, those spirit bones shattered without any resistance.

This situation is shocking, and Lin Tian at this moment is too terrifying.


The formation is still shaking, this is to implement the human sea tactics against Lin Tian.

However, how could Lin Tian allow it?

"Hmph, let me see, what is hidden behind this formation?"

In an instant, Lin Tian flew away towards the formation.

And Venerable Qingyue also followed Lin Tian, ​​where Lin Tian had arrived, the spiritual bones were directly broken, without any resistance.

The ruthless Lin Tian, ​​ruthless power, looked terrifying.

Looking at the elders in the distance, the whole person was shocked. Lin Tian in front of him was too terrifying.

For them, really don't know what to say?

Lin Tian is really scary.

At this time, Lin Tian had already rushed into the formation, ready to break the formation, Venerable Qingyue also rushed in and followed him.

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