I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 973: Mysterious Associate

When Venerable Qingyue heard this, his body trembled slightly, and Lin Tian in front of him was not the same as usual.

There is also no usual attitude of taking advantage, which seems to be explaining the funeral.

"Don't say that, the scourge remains for thousands of years. I don't think you will correct the evil and return to the right."

Venerable Qingyue was a rare joke.

"I'm not joking, what I said is true. In fact, if I am willing to open the agreement between us, you can be free at any time, but I still need you now, so I'm sorry. If that happens, hope If you leave quickly, even if I don’t owe you anything, you will pay my life."

This was something Lin Tian hadn't expected, and a Tianyuan powerhouse was subdued in the Martial God Temple.

As a result, I accompanied myself to the present, as if it were destiny.

And at this moment, Venerable Qingyue heard these words, inexplicably moved, and his hard heart for so many years was slightly touched at this moment.

It was this guy who looked a little foolish.

For her, it can only be said that Lin Tian is really hard to understand sometimes.

"Don't talk about this, I believe the Extreme Spirit Academy will not ignore it. The big deal is that we will come back to the end of the world. With your talent, in time, it is unknown."

When Venerable Qingyue said these words, Lin Tian was taken aback for a while.

"Hahaha, Qingyue, do you think I really will die? I, Lin Tian, ​​won't die. The space debris didn't kill me, how could these people?"

Lin Tian opened his mouth with a smile at this time, breaking the dull atmosphere.

Venerable Qingyue was full of anger when he heard this, looking at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes were full of anger.


She felt that she had been played by Lin Tian all the time.

"Hey, cultivating cultivation, being angry is bad for your body, it is easy to get wrinkles, Qingyue, I have practiced, you can do it yourself."

With that said, Lin Tian just started to cultivate, so that Venerable Qingyue gritted his teeth, wishing to kill Lin Tian directly.

But when this thought appeared in his heart, there was a tingling pain in his heart, and the effect of the heart lock was immediately brought into play.

The news about Lin Tian's arrival in the Heshou Mountain Range was also spread wildly across the five major forces. People from the five major forces rushed to the Ji Ling Academy not far away overnight, just squatting in the distance to guard Lin Tian.

They are waiting for Lin Tian to appear, and then take it in one fell swoop.

For them, killing Lin Tian meant that this competition was finally over, and the shame of the five major forces was officially over.

It was time to say goodbye to the chase that lasted for almost two years. It can be said that in the past two years, the reputation and image of the five major forces have been completely dragged down by Lin Tian.

Regarding Lin Tian, ​​the rumors everywhere are different, and about the five major forces, almost all of them are useless. They can't chase and kill a person, and this shows it.

The highest peak in Ji Ling Academy.

At this moment, the deputy dean was looking into the distance, as if he saw the Heshou Mountains, Blizzard City, and even further away.

And Elder Mi is standing behind the vice president.

Elder Mi looked at the vice president at this moment, with a trace of complexity in his eyes.

"Associate Dean, that kid heard that he is coming."

"Well, I also heard, can you say he can come in?"

The vice president had something to say, as if he was asking Elder Mi Lin Tian if he could enter the college smoothly.

And listening to this, Elder Mi smiled, and then said: "Maybe you can, you know that kid, but he has a lot of methods."

"Really? I don't think it's necessary this time."

"Let's take a look. It's been a long time since I saw this kid, and I don't know how far he has grown.

At the moment, Elder Mi had a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

For this, the deputy dean was also silent, looking into the distance, looking forward to Lin Tian's appearance.

In the Ji Ling Academy, Qiao Lang, Lin Heng, Mou Yan, Feng Xue Old Ghost and others knew that Lin Tian was coming back, and everyone was agitated.

They waited for this day for a long time.

"What, Brother Lin is coming back, I know he is fine. Those who have been added before are just jealous of Brother Lin's talent..."

Feng Yang was in Lin Tian's yard with a burst of joy and madness.

Regarding this situation, the rest of the people are similar. For Lin Tian, ​​they are waiting anxiously, just want to know when Lin Tian will return.

Now they are finally waiting.

Lin Tian is coming back, and still has such a big momentum to come back, many forces are besieging him outside, this situation makes people worry about him.

"Have you heard? The Tianyuan powerhouses of the five major forces have set up a heavy killing array and wait for the boss to return. What can I do?"

Qiao Lang spoke anxiously, as did Mou Yan next to him.

The five powers of the Tianyuan realm are terrifying thinking about it. Lin Tian is facing it, but the Tianyuan strong, not a random strong on the street.

"Hey, this kind of thing is really tricky, but have you heard? It is said that Brother Lin has a strong guardian of the Tianyuan realm, this should be no problem."

Feng Yang opened his mouth very uncertainly.

What this said, the other people were speechless for a while.

"Feng Yang, what do you think? The boss has only one Tianyuan realm powerhouse, and the five powers are five Tianyuan realm powerhouses. Maybe there are several ambushes, the boss is dangerous."

Mou Yan spoke with worry for a while.

What this said is very realistic, and several people are very clear that Lin Tian is indeed at stake today.

If there is no strong person to help Lin Tian, ​​even if he reaches the gate of the college, Lin Tian will not be able to enter.

"You said, Elder Mi will stand by? There is also the deputy dean."

Qiao Lang at the moment is a guess.

And Feng Yang frowned and said: "Elder Mi shouldn't be able to. The former elder Mi was killed directly to the Holy Spirit Island for Brother Lin. This time he will definitely come forward, but the vice president is not necessarily."

"It is rumored that the deputy dean has always been optimistic about the boss. Maybe the deputy dean will act because of the boss this time?"

Mou Yan next to him is guessing.

However, this kind of speculation seemed a little illusory.

At this time, the old ghost Fengxue said: "If the deputy chief speaks, no one can hurt Lin Tian."

Several people did not refute this.

Because what Old Ghost Fengxue said was indeed the truth, no one had seen the deputy dean take action.

But as for the deputy dean, everyone knows that it is very mysterious and powerful. In the entire school, it is no surprise that the deputy dean is the biggest.

As for Lord Dean, it was even more mysterious and terrifying, as no one seemed to have seen it before.

For everyone, this leaf is just a guess.

"What should I do? The boss is coming tomorrow, and there is nothing we can do?"

The few people at this moment are very anxious.


At this time, the door of Lin Tian's courtyard opened in an instant, and Ouyang Breaking Ice came in from outside.

It seems that Ouyang Breaking the Ice is still the same icy cold, like ten thousand years of ice.

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