I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 981: do it again

As for Lin Tian, ​​he can only use this description now.

Even if Elder Mi in front of him misunderstood him, Lin Tian could not help it.

If he didn't say that, Elder Mi would have broken the casserole and asked to the end. At that time, Lin Tiancai really couldn't say clearly.

"Since you have your own secrets, I won't say more, so let's do this."

Elder Mi said it is understandable.

"Thank you Elder Mi."

After Lin Tian said this, he immediately found that Elder Mi looked at himself as if staring at a monster.

"What's wrong with me?"

Lin Tian said strangely, there doesn't seem to be anything to attract him.

"You kid, how could it be so perverted, Yuan Emperor seventh order."

Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian, ​​how long had it passed, and finally Lin Tian in front of him turned out to be the seventh-order Emperor Yuan.

If you say this, I'm afraid how many people will be shocked.

"Hey, if you accidentally broke through like this, don't be too surprised, Elder Mi."

Lin Tian said embarrassedly.

For him, he was really embarrassed, because this feeling seemed to be a bit abnormal.

But this seems to be quite slow, because if Lin Tian is faster, it is estimated that he is directly at the peak of Emperor Yuan.

At that time, it was estimated that Elder Mi in front of him was truly shocking, or could not accept it at all.

"Well, you kid really shouldn't use common sense to calculate, I have seen your level of horror."

Elder Mi looked helpless, he should really be used to Lin Tian in front of him, otherwise, he would be surprised and sick.

Lin Tian in front of him always surprises people.

"Okay, let's talk about it for the two of us today. Now you have to meet with the deputy dean with me."

Elder Mi stood up and looked at Lin Tian in front of him with a smile on his face.

For this, Lin Tian smiled faintly and said: "Okay."

Lin Tian also wanted to see the vice president for a long time.

He clearly remembered that the deputy dean still had a promise that had not been fulfilled, and that promise would scare a bunch of people to death.

"You kid, are you still thinking about that promise?"

At this moment, the elder Mi looked at Lin Tian and suddenly spoke like this, because the elder Mi knew the promised person very well.

For this, Lin Tian smiled slightly and said: "Of course, the vice president once gave me a promise, how could I forget it?"

Lin Tian will not forget the pursuit of the five major forces.

In his plan, it would be great if the deputy dean was involved. He believed that the deputy dean would definitely let the five major forces suffer a severe loss.

And in Lin Tian's thoughts, it is not just that the five forces suffer.

The five major forces can be said to have listed him as a person who must be assassinated, and if Lin Tian is more merciful, it would be an act of seeking death.

"Well, you are such a crazy kid. I hope you are stronger before thinking about the promise, otherwise even if the deputy dean helps you, you will not be able to complete it."

Elder Mi's suggestion.

"Well, I will, Elder Mi."

Lin Tian knew that the elder Mi in front of him meant to let himself have the power to deal with the power of Yuan Emperor peak, and then think about this promise.

However, Lin Tian now has this strength invisibly.

It's just that he should really be stronger now, at least when he reached the peak of the Yuan Emperor, he could challenge the five forces.

The two didn't have any hesitation, Elder Mi took Lin Tian directly, and hurried to the highest peak.

At this moment, Lin Tian was flying fast.

For Lin Tian, ​​following Elder Mi, he still occasionally felt a little pressure.

Because the elder Mi in front of you is, after all, a strong man in the Tianyuan realm, that kind of power can't be described in words, as if the person in front of you is just an old man.

But if you study carefully, you will find that this old man is like a giant dragon, so you have no way to resist his coercion.

The highest peak of the entire college seemed to stand forever.

Looking at it, Lin Tian reached the highest peak in an instant.

"Your kid's speed is indeed much faster. It seems that this year, you did not leave the college in vain. On the contrary, I think you should stay outside for a while, maybe this will be better."

Elder Mi in front of him looked at Lin Tian and said so.

For this, Lin Tian was speechless for a while, did he make him suffer again outside?

He was exhausted when he was hunted down by the five major forces.

For Lin Tian, ​​if no one from the academy took action this time, he would really be wandering around the world.

This world is so big, there must be a place for him, but since then, he has no stable abode.

And the elder and deputy dean of the college were undoubtedly Lin Tian's support before.

If they didn't make a move this time, it meant that Lin Tian's reliance was gone. Then Lin Tian would have no meaning to come here.

Therefore, Lin Tian has already figured out all the future.

It's just that when he comes here, he needs to check it, and it turns out that his idea is not wrong.

And this time the academy did make a move, and fortunately it made a move, otherwise Lin Tian would really not come back this time.


Above the mountain, the deputy dean turned and looked at the two people in front of him with a smile on his face.

It has been a long time since he saw the deputy dean. Lin Tian noticed that the deputy dean in front of him still looked harmonious, although sometimes he felt very majestic.

But more often, it still feels very good.

"Vice Dean is good."

Lin Tian looked at the deputy dean with a smile on his face.

Elder Mi smiled faintly, Lin Tian, ​​this guy is still so passionate.

"Sit down both of you, don't be so strange, it's not that you haven't been here."

As the deputy chief said, he had already sat down. As always, he started to heat the tea directly, and a spiritual fire appeared at the bottom of the tea, which looked very luxurious.

It is estimated that the use of spiritual fire to heat tea is a routine operation of this type of powerhouse, which Lin Tian thought.

"When you come back this time, your progress is still very fast."

The deputy dean looked at Lin Tian in front of him with a smile on his face.

"It's okay, the vice president praised it."

Lin Tian looked humble, and Elder Mi next to him was embarrassed to say something wrong.

This guy, now at the seventh level of Emperor Yuan, actually said it was okay. How could those geniuses survive?

Speaking of it, Lin Tian might want to blow others up.

"Haha, your kid is still as humble as ever. Tell me about what you have experienced this year? Let me also have a long experience."

The Deputy Dean said so, which caused Lin Tian to be astonished for a while.

This is a bit exaggerated. After all, the deputy dean is the real boss, and Lin Tian should say that he has a long experience with him.

"Uh, well, then I'll talk about it."

Lin Tian felt helpless for a while. He had already talked a lot with Elder Mi in front of him just now, but now he came here and said it again. This feeling is really scary.

"Actually, I was not killed by the space debris, but later..."

Lin Tian said this time, it was much more concise and clear.

Because he found that talking too much was too tired.

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