I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 989: I teach you avatar

When Lin Tian and the two were leaving, at the highest peak of the college, Elder Mi stood behind the deputy dean, looking into the distance.

But it seemed that the eyes of the two saw the place where Lin Tian and the two had left.

"Elder Mi, what is there to appreciate about this kid?"

The vice president spoke at this time, using this question to ask Elder Mi in front of him.

As for this, Elder Mi smiled slightly and narrowed his eyes and said: "Maybe there is none, or maybe there is, it's this kid's spirit of love, which is really good."

"Oh, are you talking about the spirit of love for girls too?"

At this time, the deputy dean asked back.

"Haha, of course not, he also has a lot of brothers."

At this time, the vice president also smiled, and the smiles of the two of them were silent.

"This kid has run away, but none of the others can run. Elder Mi, you are optimistic about it, and cultivation will soon begin."

The vice-president spoke at this time. This is telling Elder Mi to do things.

For these words, Elder Mi had a serious face and said loudly: "The deputy dean can rest assured, I will definitely not let go of any genius."


But Lin Tian didn't know, he had escaped.

His departure was under the nose of the vice president and elder Mi.

If the two don't want him to leave, I'm afraid he can't leave the college.

"It's really thrilling to leave this time."

Venerable Qingyue at this moment is said to be broken.

"Well, why do you say that?" Lin Tian was slightly puzzled, he felt it was quite relaxed.

For Lin Tian, ​​there is really no way to relax.

To talk about the real thrill, I'm afraid it is going to the land of Jiuyou.

"You know when we came out just now, I could feel two sharp eyes watching us come out, one of them, as long as he wants, none of us can leave."

Venerable Qingyue said so, she was very shocked.

Lin Tian was surprised at this.

Two glances were very sharp, and finally Ha let himself go.

He roughly, already knows who it is?

Those two should be Elder Mi and the vice president. Lin Tian felt that he had not guessed wrong.

Thinking of the two, Lin Tian felt a little embarrassed, because he had lived up to their expectations.

However, he had his own way to go, so he couldn't follow the route specified by the deputy dean.

Perhaps the deputy dean arranged the safest.

For Lin Tian, ​​it was not the most correct.

"Let's get out of here quickly, I feel someone is coming."

Venerable Qingyue at this moment spoke.

"Swish swish..."

There was a voice in the distance, Lin Tian was slightly surprised, this group of people really lingered.

He just came out, and he wanted to follow himself.

It seems that the people of the five major forces said they were calm, but they were only calm on the surface.

The real peace is actually waiting for the next crazy outbreak.

Lin Tian thought, he couldn't help the anger in his heart. He was really used to bullying like this. One day, he would definitely fight back.


Venerable Qingyue took Lin Tian, ​​just a hundred miles away.

The people behind want to chase her, and that is the powerhouse who has attained the Tianyuan realm.

However, since the last time, the strong in the Tianyuan realm has been crippled here, and almost no strong in the Tianyuan realm dare to come here to go wild.

Because they will always remember that there is a horrible existence staring at them, and if there is any disturbance, they may be unlucky.

The once strong in the dark is a lesson from the past, and people have to guard against it.


A strong wind blew through, and Venerable Qingyue led Lin Tian, ​​swiftly moving forward in the void.

At this moment, Lin Tian, ​​looking at the sun on the distant horizon, slowly rising, this feeling is really amazing.

Unexpectedly, I would still have the opportunity to see the magical scene of the rising sun. Inexplicably, the two forces in Lin Tian's body were surging.

For him, this is an indescribable magic.

"It's a wonderful feeling."

Lin Tian muttered to himself and closed his eyes, carefully feeling that the power of the sun could actually resonate with the two forces in his body, that is, ghost power and Buddha power.

"Master, this is a good omen. You can absorb the power of the sun based on this feeling in the future, so that you will have three powers in your body."

Xiaodu's voice came, and Lin Tian felt inexplicably that his body had become a melting pot after hearing this.

"Xiaodu, are you sure this practice is right?"

"Master, I don't know if it's wrong, but I remember someone did it once. He combines five powers. It is extremely terrifying. It can be said to be earth-shattering. You can try it."

This was Xiaodu's suggestion, and Lin Tian sank into thinking.

"Well, I try to try, if it doesn't work, forget it."

Lin Tian tried to come with this mentality.

If it is unsuccessful, he has nothing to do.

Thinking like this in his heart, Lin Tian just started to take action, so pulling the power of the sun from afar into his body.

Lin Tian at this moment seemed to be a melting pot of three forces.

The addition of the power of the sun did not cause the other two forces to fluctuate, but there was a feeling of faintly suppressing the other two forces.

This surprised Lin Tian, ​​the power of the sun was so magical that he had never felt it before.

"Xiaodu, I suddenly felt that what you said is fine."

There was a trace of joy in Lin Tian's heart.

"Master, you can figure it out. You still have to rely on yourself for cultivation."

With that, the Venerable Qingyue at the moment felt that Lin Tian was slightly different. He felt that a strange power appeared in Lin Tian, ​​but she couldn't tell what was going on?

This feeling really makes Venerable Qingyue feel weird.

But at this time, Venerable Qingyue could only continue flying, because she felt that those people were still chasing behind her.

"It's okay, I'll just let my clone go away."

Lin Tian said lightly at this time.

With that said, his clone disappeared here in an instant, heading in another direction.

And the people behind were really attracted by Lin Tian's breath.

Because they tracked them for a long time, it was entirely based on their feelings. Now there is a trace of breath leaking out, and they are naturally chasing after them.

"You didn't take it out earlier."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a complaining expression. If Lin Tian took it out earlier, she might not have to fly all the time.

"Look at it or not, I will teach you the avatar technique."

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue in front of him, and said suddenly.

Venerable Qingyue listened to this, and immediately looked at Lin Tian in shock.

"what did you say?"

Venerable Qingyue was a little unbelievable, Lin Tian taught himself the avatar technique, thinking about it, it was an exciting thing, or Lin Tian was joking.

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