Listening to Xiaodu's analysis, Lin Tian was speechless for a while.

Stopping this way, it seemed that this was the case, but Lin Tian still couldn't accept it.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll still practice hard."

"Well, Master, you are right to think so."

"what happened to you?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just that there was a question about cultivation, and I didn't understand it now.

Lin Tian said with a smile on his face, bitter in his heart.

In the face of absolute strength, no matter how terrifying your talent is, no matter how good your chances are, it will ultimately be useless.

Only with strength can you have the most basic capital against the sky. It seems that your clone technique is still very against the sky.

If it is obtained by a stronger person, it is equivalent to that person has two lives, and they are exactly the same.

As long as he himself does not expose his body, which is himself, then he will never die.

"That's good, we must set off. The Nine Nether Lands should not be far from here."

"Well, I hope Teacher Han is okay."

There was a trace of worry in Lin Tian's eyes, and he felt guilty about Han Shuangyue.

"I found a problem."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian at this moment and suddenly said this.

"Oh, Qingyue, what's the problem?"

"You have good luck, there are too many women."

Venerable Qingyue said that he did not evade in the slightest. I don't know if it is the reason for the heart lock or what reason.

For this, Lin Tian was stunned.

This is too straightforward, it's just that he has good luck with it.

For Lin Tian today, he is now very annoyed by the women around him, because they are all missing.

And some were in danger, saying that he had committed Peach Blossom, and Lin Tian found out that it should be Peach Blossom Tribulation.

"Hey, Qingyue, you just saw the surface, let's continue walking." Lin Tian sighed helplessly.

What this said, Venerable Qingyue just looked down at Lin Tian, ​​and others couldn't help it if they wanted to. Lin Tian was fine, and seemed to be distressed.

The two continued to move forward, and the tracker behind also disappeared.

This situation made Lin Tian feel a little more comfortable in his heart, otherwise he would be chased and killed all day, and the whole person would be on the run. I believe no one would be in a good mood.

And everyone at Ji Ling Academy came to Lin Tian's yard, just staring at the letter above.

In this case, they don't know what to say?

What Lin Tian left to them was basically that he would go out for a while and then come back.

And what is left to the vice president and elder Mi is to explain their choices, and hope they will not blame them.

"Huh, this kid, I want us to forgive, no way."

Elder Mi was a burst of anger.

Although when the two of Lin Tian sneaked out, they already knew Lin Tian's choice.

However, when he saw this, the whole person couldn't help being angry.

"Boss, how can you leave alone?"

Qiao Lang and the others were angry, and Lin Tian left them quietly, making them very sad.

"Lin Tian, ​​you better not come back, otherwise I will beat you!"

Fengyang is naturally uncomfortable.

For Lin Tian's leaving without saying goodbye, I'm afraid no one here is happy.

For them, this feeling is really sad.

But Lin Tian had indeed left, and it was basically impossible for them to re-enter and find it back.

"Hey, don't be too sad, because next, your task is coming."

In response to the anger of everyone, Elder Mi's voice came.

For these words, everyone had an ominous hunch, as if what was going to happen?

"Elder Mi, what mission?"

Lin Heng was not afraid of death asking.

"Lin Tian left, that is because he has absolute strength, and you look at yourself and see how weak you are now, so the academy has decided to let a group of you stay closed for two years. You have no opinion, right."

What this said, everyone was shocked.

What happened? After two years of retreat, it sounds a bit scary.

"I know that some of you may not want to go, but this time of cultivation, it is up to you. Five years later, there will be a shock in the Lingzhou, so you must be strong or you will be abandoned by the times."

The roar from the elder Mi.

When everyone heard this, they felt blood boiled inexplicably.

"Well, in order to chase to the footsteps of the boss, we will practice in retreat." Mou Yan's blood was boiling.


Lin Heng is the same.

The few people next to him did not speak, but the enthusiasm in their eyes made everyone feel that they really wanted to cultivate.

As for the news about Lin Tian's going out, everyone tried to keep people from knowing.

Otherwise, people outside know that Lin Tian is out, they will definitely chase Lin Tian.

However, they didn't know that Lin Tian had been exposed outside.

People who have been lurking in the academy for a long time naturally know that someone has come out, and in the process of being a son-in-law, Lu Chen also used his own breath to seduce, so everyone naturally understood.

This was another tipping point for Lin Tian.

The five major forces, from the so-called silence from the beginning, slowly started to act.

Lin Tian came out, for their shame, will the five major forces willingly let go? Naturally it is impossible.

In the North Ice Sword Palace, in a palace, Gu Shaohan looked forward with disbelief in his eyes.

"Lin Tian, ​​he is so powerful!"

For Lin Tian, ​​Gu Shaohan can be said to be a person who had a very deep contact with Lin Tian, ​​who should have left and died.

In the end, under the chase, he survived miraculously.

Moreover, following the chase, Lin Tian did nothing, but became stronger and stronger, something Gu Shaohan couldn't accept.

"Holy Son, the strength of this man has exceeded our expectations."

An elder spoke at this moment and appeared outside the palace of the North Ice Sword Palace.

"He must die. Such a person will avenge the North Ice Sword Palace in the end. He must be killed this time. There is no shelter from the academy around him. There is only one strong in the Tianyuan realm. Kill him. ."

Gu Shaohan's eyes were full of endless killing intent and madness. In order to kill Lin Tian, ​​he could do anything now.

Today, he is already a fifth-order powerhouse of Yuan Emperor, but he found that the distance between himself and Lin Tian still exists.

"I must be stronger."

Gu Shaohan muttered to himself and looked ahead, and then disappeared here. For him, Lin Tian became the most threatening enemy inexplicably.

There are also many people like Gu Shaohan, who are young and powerful men of the five major forces who have offended Lin Tian. They all feel desperate at this time.

Regret once, why offend Lin Tian.

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