I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 999: Yuan Emperor Eighth Stage

After killing Lin Tian, ​​he didn't expect that the golden lion would actually do things in his own body, and he didn't expect that the golden lion, who looked respected and respected, would be so mean.

It is reasonable to call him a senior, he will not start.

But Lin Tian found that he was still too tender.

"I know that you will resent me now, but one day you will understand everything I do now when you become a parent." The golden lion spoke indifferently, not afraid of Lin Tian's resentment at all.

"Senior is very eager, I can understand, believe that I don't have any bad thoughts about it, naturally, seniors will not do anything to me?"

Lin Tian smiled.

"Don't worry, I will feel the sense only if it involves my son. As for the privacy in the body, and every aspect of yourself, I am not interested."

"Okay, then thank you senior."

"I still have something for you, close your eyes."


Lin Tian was puzzled for a while, he should have given everything he should give. Does this golden lion want to do something to himself again?

Many thoughts and thoughts flashed through Lin Tian's mind.

"Don't worry, I am not so shameless, I will shoot you twice, after all, my only concern is my child."

The golden lion dispelled Lin Tian's concerns.

Lin Tianzhong's half-believing way, at this moment a powerful force suddenly poured into his body.

"Run your own practice and absorb this power."

The voice of the golden lion came, full of seriousness.

"This is to let myself absorb the power in the body, and I am helping myself." Lin Tian looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, the golden lion wanted to give him a big gift.

The Primordial Profound Heavenly Art works directly, Lin Tian feels the endless power is coming, and the whole person feels about to break through.

"This power is terrible, did the golden lion pass all of its power to himself?" Lin Tian secretly guessed in his heart.

In a blink of an eye, the golden lion imparted golden powers, forming an energy ball, directly enveloping Lin Tian, ​​circulating in his pubic area, bones, blood, and limbs.

Lin Tian was also absorbing frantically, breaking through the shackles in his body one by one.

For him, this is like an opportunity. If you can grasp it, it is naturally the best. If you can't grasp it, you can only ask for more blessings.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed,


The strength in Lin Jian's body melted into Lin Tian's body time and time again.

Lin Tian could feel the pleasure from the increase in body strength.

That kind of feeling, as if he could break through at any time, it is conceivable that the golden lion must be the blood, otherwise he would not have such a breakthrough feeling.


In an instant, the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth poured into Lin Tian's body like a flood.

Lin Tian practiced harder.

"Flush me!"

This time, he had already felt the stage of reaching the eighth stage of Emperor Yuan, so Lin Tian must break through, no matter what?

"It's extraordinary, indeed a talented person, but this physique, I have never seen it."

The Golden Lion looked at Lin Tian with his eyes wide open, his eyes were very puzzled, because he could not see what physique Lin Tian was.

Regarding Lin Tian's physique, the Primordial Eucharist of the Desolate Ancient Era, in this era, it can be traced back even longer, without leaving a trace in the mark of history.

Naturally, everything is unchecked.

Another day passed. Venerable Qingyue, who was on the periphery of the forest, looked worriedly in the depths of the forest.

If it weren't for Lin Tian's breath still exists, I'm afraid she has already rushed in.

However, Venerable Qingyue knew very well that even if he rushed in, it would be of no avail.

"Don't worry, Qingyue, what would Senior Jin do to him? Senior Jin is a good person."

Han Shuangyue comforted Venerable Qingyue at this time. She was very clear and familiar with the golden lion. This was the result of years of getting along with each other.

"Well, I hope he comes out soon."

Venerable Qingyue still couldn't rest assured.

But Lin Tian, ​​under the expectation of the two women, still did not wake up.

In an instant, another day passed.

There is no wave of peace here, and there has been an uproar in the outside world.

The five great strengths surged again and sent people to chase Lin Tian, ​​but this time it was carried out in secret. There was no news from the Northern Bing Lingzhou, and everyone went secretly.

Regarding Lin Tian, ​​some people say that Lin Tian didn't actually come out, just for fear of being hidden by the snow of Ji Ling Academy.

As for the Lin Tianxi that everyone has chased, it is just a blindfold. Some people say that Lin Tian will be active in the entire Arctic Lingzhou again. People from the five major forces must be careful.

Because of Lin Tian, ​​it is likely that he is already carrying out revenge operations.

In the deep mountains and forests of Jiuyou Land, a terrible breath radiated from Lin Tian.

"Huh? Really broke through. I only wanted you to get close to the breakthrough, but I didn't expect to break through directly. It's really a rare genius in a thousand years."

The Golden Lion looked at Lin Tian in horror, and was shocked by Lin Tian's talent.

Lin Tian opened his eyes and immediately got up to feel the powerful force in his body.

The feeling of being overwhelmed by the mountains is so comfortable.

Looking at the golden lion, Lin Tian said with a grateful expression: "Thank you, senior, for helping me break through. The junior is grateful."

"Actually, I don't have much credit. It's all because you have a strong talent, so you can break through. Your kid should be the second person I have ever seen to practice such a pervert." The Golden Lion had to sigh.


Lin Tian didn't know how many times he heard this term, but he could only accept it.

"Who is the most perverted person I have ever seen before?" Lin Tian asked curiously.

"Well, that's a long time ago. That person is also of the human race, named Aoki." The golden lion said with a look of memory.

"Senior is talking about Emperor Aoki."

Lin Tian said in surprise. He had entered the tombstone of Emperor Qingmu. Naturally, he couldn't tell the degree of horror one by one, but now thinking about it, he is still very lucky that he can escape from the dead.

"Well, it is indeed him. I believe in your future achievements. Don't be under him. Come on." The Golden Lion is very optimistic about Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was embarrassed about this.

Although the Great Aoki is the emperor of the last days, the appearance of the emperor is frightening to think about.

It's just that everyone doesn't know why the former emperor was buried in the Arctic Lingzhou. It seems that he had to die because of his life span.

This is a curse, and the cultivator who has reached the end of life is undoubtedly the saddest. The golden age of ascension seems to have been cut off in time and space.

Today's cultivators, who want to reach the heights they once were, are undoubtedly talking about dreams and dreaming.

At this moment, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"Senior, you gave me strength, will it harm you?" Lin Tian looked at the golden lion with some debt.

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