
It's really a demon!

Unexpectedly, it inspired a sentence, the golden bell hood can still strive to be strong, isn't this simply a personal essence?

If it weren't for the fact that these martial arts couldn't speak, Su Yun really felt that they were people.

Now it feels more like a pet to him.

I am raising pets, and different martial arts are different pets.

Abilities, potentials are not the same.

If you mutate the golden bell hood, when you reach level 6 understanding, you feel that there is no difference from an obedient golden retriever.

What about the Yi Tendon Sutra?

Su Yun couldn't wait to click the understanding upgrade.

[Tip: Do you consume 4,000 Reiki to improve your understanding?] 】


Su Yun couldn't help but scold.

Level 1 to level 2 costs 4000.

Why don't you go and grab it?

"Am I... Pointed! "

What a fragrance.

The mutated version of the Yi Tendon Sutra is really fragrant!

Su Yun rose to level 3 in one breath.

And to upgrade level 3 to level 4, you need 6000 aura.

Obviously, the 2 small levels are divided into one stage, and after the 5th level, it is another large stage.

"No change?"

Level 3 comprehension didn't feel anything, Su Yun hesitated, and continued to point to level 5.

[Easy Tendon Sutra Mutation Enlightenment Improvement, Current Enlightenment 5, Current Martial Arts Level: Integration].

[Tip: Your easy tendon meridian understanding has rapidly improved, your qualifications have skyrocketed, and you have entered a state of epiphany. 】

[Tip: Your Admiralty Hood is affected by the Yi Tendon Sutra and enters an epiphany state. 】

[Tip: Your Mighty Vajra Palm is influenced by the Yi Tendon Sutra and enters a state of epiphany. 】


Under the leadership of the Level 5 Yi Jian Sutra, the other two doors also entered the state of enlightenment.

And this state, according to Su Yun's experience, the longer it lasts, the greater the benefits!

Su Yun didn't care about anything else for the time being.

Just thinking that if Yi Jianjing could break through to the stage of transcendence, then he could basically walk sideways in Dongguang City!


Su Yun glanced at the system panel.

Host: Su Yun

Age: 21

Registered martial arts:

Hercules Vajrayana Mutation, Mahayana Perfection, Enlightenment 6

Admiralty Hood Mutation, Mahayana Perfection, Enlightenment 6

Easy tendon meridian mutation, integration and penetration, understanding 5

Reiki Value: 2000

"This aura is simply not enough!"

27,000 looks like a lot, and the result is not enough to raise the understanding to level 6.

Su Yun's gaze moved away from the bookshelf regretfully.

He was now refining these three martial arts enough.

Of course, the main thing is that there is not enough Reiki.

Taking advantage of the fact that martial arts were all in an epiphany, Su Yun sorted out the current situation.

There are three things he has to do now.

One is to try to find more aura, that is, to find ghosts.

The second is to determine the stage of strength.

Third, nature is to find the guy named Black Dog.

Improving his strength is a top priority, but he is now too vague about his own strength, and he doesn't know what extraordinary stage he is in.

It stands to reason that dealing with C-level transcendents is definitely not a problem.

But how big is the C-level to B-level cross-server?

Can he handle it with his strength?

How strong is the guy who caused the large-scale supernatural event in Tangshan District now?

These are all things that Su Yun needs to consider.

He wants revenge, but he can't be blinded by hatred.


"I'm hungry again."

Touching his stomach, Su Yun shook his head helplessly.

Since his physical fitness improved, his meal volume has also increased.

After ordering a few takeaways, Su Yun ate and drank enough and rested for the night.

The next day.

[Tip: After one night of epiphany, your realm has improved, and the current martial arts level: out of the ordinary].

[Tip: Your Admiralty Hood has greatly improved your proficiency after an epiphany overnight.] 】

[Tip: After one night of epiphany, your Mighty Vajra Palm has greatly improved your proficiency. 】



Very hot!

In Su Yun's body, there is a volcano that is erupting!

And the gushing power flowed through Su Yun's body, washing every part of his body.

Black materials are excreted from the body.

Su Yun thought of one word: wash the essence!

Unexpectedly, the Mutated Easy Tendon Sutra still has this effect!


When this stage reaches a certain level, the power also bursts out instantly.

Su Yun's internal strength has more than doubled!

The strength of this internal force alone was already several times stronger than the aura in the body of a C-level transcendent.

Not to mention, he also has a strange power that can scare people to death!


Su Yun let out a turbid breath.

Then I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Looking in the mirror again, at this moment, Su Yun's skin is as clear as jade, his face is angular, his temperament is charming, and his spirit has reached the peak ever!

Don't look at Su Yun's fine skin and tender flesh, in his current state, he is going all out to urge the golden bell hood, even a large-caliber bullet can't hurt him!

Moreover, his current strength is also terrifying.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

This is the benefit of Hard Qigong!

Su Yun smiled at himself in the mirror.

The oppression that was released was quickly relented, and it returned to the original harmless state of humans and animals.

"So... Let's find a few more guys and ask. "

Tangshan District was so big, Su Yun didn't know where to find that black dog.

Therefore, I can only find a few more 'friendly' ghosts to ask.

[Tip: Your Yi Ji is very happy in the sun, is absorbing the sun's qi, and your proficiency has increased. 】

Just out of the house, facing the fiery sun, the system suddenly remembered a prompt.

The corners of Su Yun's mouth raised.

The other side.

Yeosuyuan Community, outside that villa.

A group of people from the Paranormal Authority stood in the courtyard.

At the head is a middle-aged man.

Beside him, Zhao Qian stood quietly, looking extremely restrained.

The man squatted down and looked solemnly at the big pit that was stepped on by Su Yun.

For a long time, four words came out of his mouth: "Grandmaster is strong." "

The faces of the people around changed instantly!


ps: second more! Let's get some flower tickets, add more flowers for every 1,000 more, add more for every 100 more evaluation votes, rush!

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