In Mingde Village, it became lively all of a sudden.

Li Ercha led a group of villagers and ran back from the entrance of the village in a panic.


The villagers tore open their voices and shouted.

The sound traveled far away, and at this time in the evening, almost half of the village of Mingde heard it.

Suddenly, families came out of the house to inquire about the situation.

Originally, everyone was wondering how it fogged up, but in a blink of an eye, they saw Li Ercha and they ran back to the village.

"What's wrong?"



The village chief, accompanied by everyone, came out to take a look, and saw a large amount of black gas pouring out of the mist.

And in those black gases, there are still roaring grimace faces hidden.


A villager shouted.

"Ghost! There really are ghosts!"

"Village chief, what to do?"

"What else can I do, run!"

"Everyone go to the ancestral hall!"

There is chaos in the village!

"Interesting~ interesting. "

"Just like this, human beings dare to say that they are the masters of the world?"

"Haha~ scare them first and let some imps play with them. "

In the mist, a group of ghosts laughed wildly.

With a wave of the greedy wolf's hand, countless ghosts suddenly poured into the village.

For him, eating these ordinary people does not help him much, but it is better to enjoy more fun.

Since the Paranormal Administration hunted ghosts on a large scale, they simply did the other thing in turn, so that those transcendent people knew that they were not easy to mess with.

So, the chaotic scene began.

After almost half an hour, a ghost suddenly shouted: "Boss, a group of transcendent beings have come outside!"

"What?" the greedy wolf was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "How is the strength?"

"I don't know, but there are not those C-level transcendent in Tangshan District. "

When the greedy wolf heard this, his heart suddenly became relieved.

Regardless of what happened to the villagers, they turned their heads and said, "Go, go and meet these transcendent beings!"

Compared to ordinary people, the blood of transcendent people is a great supplement to them!

Eat a few more transcendent people, maybe you can break through to the B-level ghosts.

People hunt ghosts, ghosts kill!

Outside the village, a team of transcendent beings who had received a notice from above stopped.

"It's so ghostly. The first man wearing the uniform of the Paranormal Authority frowned, "It said that there may be ghosts here, and it seems to be true." "

Before the two dogs called the police, according to the feedback, the vigilante quickly contacted the Supernatural Administration.

Exactly, because of the ghost hunting operation, there are squads active here.

"Captain. A young transcendent looked worried, "Our squad is too far away from the other teams, in case something happens..."

"What's this. The man waved his hand, "Now that the entire Tangshan District is carrying out a great cleanup, those ghosts are too late to hide, and they dare to trouble us?"

As soon as the words fell, a dark wind blew from the village.

Then those fogs instantly flooded the place.

"Be careful, there are ghosts!"

"The people of the Paranormal Administration are really idiots, and they actually took the initiative to send them to death. "

"Everyone be careful!"

"Ten thousand ghosts erode!"

Countless unjust souls instantly surrounded this squad.

The face of the man at the head changed: "It's not good, it's a C-grade ghost!"

There are only a few C-level ghosts in the entire Tangshan District, but let them encounter one!


"Haha! just want to run now?" the greedy wolf laughed, "kill them!"

Taking advantage of the fact that the people in the squad were trapped by unjust souls, the other ghosts pounced one by one.

At this moment....

"Toot! ——


A car horn sounded.

"What people?"

Greedy Wolf frowned slightly.

I saw that in the distance, Su Yun was parking the car and sticking out his head to look at this side.

"Here, this is Mingde Village, right?"

"Another one?"

The captain of the Paranormal Administration shouted: "Little brother, get out of here!

"Are there really C-class ghosts?"

Su Yun was overjoyed in his heart.

He originally thought that it would be good to have a maximum D grade.

D-level ghosts, combined with some imps, can kill a handful of aura values.

But I didn't expect it to be the existence of C-level strength.

For a while, Su Yun looked at the greedy wolf's gaze.

"What fragrant blood!"

The greedy wolf's eyes also lit up, and he smelled the fragrance of blood on Su Yun's body from a distance.

In his eyes, Su Yun was simply more attractive than a big beauty without clothes!

"Don't think about leaving when you come!"

The greedy wolf turned into a cloud of ghost fog and pounced.

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving. "

The corners of Su Yun's mouth raised.

A huge slap hit the face of the greedy wolf.

"Scared!?" the greedy wolf was shocked, trying to hide, but found him locked by a breath.


Mighty Kong slapped his palm and drained the greedy wolf into the mound.


An object fell to the ground, Su Yun walked over and looked, isn't this the ghost embryo found in the basement?

"Cough, cough~"

The greedy wolf has a good strength, and he was not directly slapped to death by Su Yun.

Of course, because of this blow just now, Su Yun just used the power of the powerful Vajra palm.

"Let me ask you, where did this thing come from?" Su Yun walked over and kicked the greedy wolf.

"Boy, you are looking for..."

Kick down.

I'm a black dog..."

Keep a kick.

The soul body of the greedy wolf immediately became bleak.

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

The greedy wolf knelt down and begged for mercy, and quickly explained clearly.

When Su Yun heard this, he secretly shook his head in his heart.

This ghost fetus was actually attacked by ghosts five times over and over again.

The Paranormal Administration is really unreliable.


Su Yun touched his chin and suddenly thought of a question.

"You just said that black dogs would be interested in this thing?"

"Yes, yes. "

The greedy wolf's head broke out in a cold sweat, he was actually not sure, but it stands to reason that something as important as a ghost fetus, even a black dog would be interested.

"Good, you can die. "

An anode true qi was emitted, and the greedy wolf was quickly burned to the slag by this domineering energy!

Immediately, taking advantage of the fact that the others were not paying attention, Su Yun picked up the ghost tire and threw it into the car.

He decided to use this as a 'meeting gift' when the time came, and then-

Funeral for the black dog!


ps: The guests who came to the house drank some small wine, now dizzy, can only send out what was written in the afternoon, today it will be 5 more, originally wanted to 6 more, sorry, wait for the shelf to explode more, please support ~~~

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