The four words of the Eastern Ghost King, Su Yun heard it for the first time.

He had no clue for a while, and could only continue to oppress the black dog.

But this guy really doesn't know anything.

In other words, with his level of strength, it is estimated that he can only touch this level.

Su Yun didn't care if it was true or not, and once again popped out a wisp of anode true qi.

Under torture, he pried out a little information.

It seems that 13 years ago, after the ghost fetus was refined, the mysterious figure inadvertently said the words コ Shigemi Oni King-sama.

If it weren't for the black dog being burned too badly, it is estimated that he would not have been able to think of these four buried in the depths of his memory.

"My lord... Adult I really... I don't know anything else, just give me a pain...

The black dog lay dying on the ground.

The anode true qi also has a limit, and it can't burn this B-grade ghost.

He can only be devoured without limit.

That is to say, if the Jiuyang Divine Skill is not refined further, continue to burn with the Anode True Qi, no matter how long the black dog burns, it can maintain the last trace of breath.

This is where the power of B-class ghosts lies.

But at this time, it became the culprit that made him unhappy.

Looking at the black dog with a miserable face and no longer having a human form, Su Yun did not have any sympathy in his heart.

This evil spirit, how many times to die is not enough.

17 Of course, Su Yun didn't have the heart to spend time with him here.


A bang.

[Tip: You have gained 32,000 Reiki points.] 】

A qualitative leap!

C-level ghosts, judging from Su Yun's experience, provide up to 15,000 aura values.

But B-level ghosts can be above 30,000.

If it's Grade A...

Su Yun couldn't help but get excited in his heart.

But when I thought of those big stomach kings, I couldn't help but sigh.

Leaving the place, the ghost lady soon came to Su Yun's side.

She didn't know what happened to the black dog, but she had just heard the black dog's screams.

You know, the other party's end must be miserable

"Where to go now, my lord?"

Su Yun stared at her for a while.

To be honest, he had planned to kill the ghost lady after this incident.

But at first, the ghost lady is quite reliable.

Second, if you want to go to Foshan House next, it is more convenient to move with a real ghost around.

"Big, my lord?"

The ghost lady felt a chill in her heart.

She didn't have the heart to resist at all.

If Su Yun wanted to kill her, it would really be just a nod.

"You follow me for now. "


The ghost lady is not shocked and rejoices.

She is just a D-class ghost, and she may be killed by the Paranormal Administration at any time.

But if you follow Su Yun, it will be much safer in the future!

"However, you better not appear in 100 million"

Su Yun groaned slightly, thinking about how to place the ghost lady.

"My lord, in fact, you have a treasure on you that allows me to shelter.


Su Yun thought about taking out the token given by the black dog.

"You're talking about this?"


The ghost lady nodded repeatedly.

"What the hell is this thing?"

What can be used as a token for a black dog is certainly not an ordinary thing.

It may even be a treasure to the ghost.

"I don't know, but I can feel that it contains a very pure ghost qi. "

The ghost lady's eyes showed a deep longing


Ghost qi, like aura, is also divided into quality.

The purer the ghost qi, the more attractive it is to ghosts.

Because they absorbed high-quality ghost qi, their advancement would be much easier.

"In that case, you go inside. "

The ghost lady's strength is too weak, and her help to him is limited.

Anyway, the other party's life soul is still in her own hands, and Su Yun is not worried about what she has any different intentions.

With Su Yun's consent, the ghost lady turned into a ghost dance and couldn't wait to get in.

Su Yun observed for a while, and saw that there was nothing abnormal from the outside, so he was relieved.

The night is getting darker.

He returned to Jinglin Community overnight, cleaned it simply, and couldn't wait to open the system panel.

Host: Su Yun

Age: 21

Registered exercises:

Mighty Vajra palm mutation, reaching the pinnacle of enlightenment 6

Admiralty hood mutation, peak of achievement, savvy 6

Easy tendon meridian mutation, peak to the extreme, understanding 9


Tai Xuan Sutra, First Glimpse of the Door, Enlightenment 1

Explosive Spirit Technique, Integration, Enlightenment 1

Self-created exercises:

Mixed element gong, quality e, understanding 1

Reiki value: 134000

"Gee~ Exceeded 100,000 aura values!"

"It's time to take care of it. "

Su Yun touched his chin and thought.

He now had to determine the exercises.

Greedy and chewy, Su Yun still understands this truth.

Therefore, now that he had these exercises, he did not plan to continue cultivating anything else for the time being.

Unless, encounter something more special, such as the Spirit Explosion Technique.

Other exercises, Su Yun did not think much of it.

Of course, in order to evolve the mixed element gong, it is still necessary to select some simple exercises to fuse it.

"Let's improve the Yi Tendon Sutra first. "

After thinking for a moment, Su Yun chose to take the lead in improving the understanding of the Yi Jian Sutra.

[Tip: Does it consume 40,000 Reiki points to prompt enlightenment?]

Depend on!

Seeing this number, Su Yun's little heart was smacked fiercely.

"Ascension. "

What a fragrance!

Indeed, the pinnacle of the Yi Tendon Sutra is really fragrant.

And now, the understanding of the Yi Jian Sutra has also reached 10 points!

[Hint: Your easy tendon meridian understanding has improved.Current understanding 10. 】757

[Tip: Your Yi Ji Sutra is advancing to 100 million]


A hot sensation welled up in all parts of the body.

The internal force in Su Yun's body began to operate rapidly!

In fact, he has always had doubts in his heart.

Doubts about the Yi Tendon Sutra exercises.

It is clear that it has reached the pinnacle of the realm, but it is far from the description in the book.

According to the records in the book, he should be in the sixth day stage of the Yi Jian Sutra.

The Yi Ji Jing is divided into a total of seven major weekly days

From the third stage, they are red, yellow, blue, white and black.

After the second Sunday, there is a qualitative change.

He has been stuck in the sixth week, that is, the white level stage, and cannot continue to break through.

But now, because of the advancement of the exercises, he has appeared in the situation described in the seventh week.


As the surge of internal force became bigger and bigger, Su Yun's skin began to redden, heat, and even began to contract!

At the same time, three mysterious battle patterns appeared on his face.

On the seventh day, Black-level Floating Tu - Three Battle Emblem Realms!

Rumble rumble!


A force that continued to vent swelled in his body.


Su Yun instantly jumped out of the villa.

The next moment, with the surging internal force like the tide of the sea vented out.

A barren mountain in the distance of Jinglin Community was blasted off half of the mountain by his palm!


16. To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fly Novel APP!

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