"Strange, there are no zombies in this?

After going deep into the tomb, Su Yun walked all the way inside

He found that the space inside was much larger than he had imagined.

It's strange, I haven't seen a single zombie

This made him very depressed.

He came here, firstly, to save people, and secondly, to search for spiritual energy values.

People are not saved, and the aura value must not be less.

As for the people of the Paranormal Bureau and the Guhua Sect, he didn't have the heart to pay attention to it.

"There are a lot of pitfalls, but... It didn't work for me. "

Inside the cemetery, the most troublesome thing is poison gas

However, Su Yun had the Nine Yang Divine Skill Protective Body, and the poisonous gas could not erode him at all.

The more large the tomb, the more complex the structure inside.

There can't help but be the main coffin room, and there are places like the front room side room.

There are many traps in between.

The headache is that Su Yun does not understand the tomb, and can only touch the stone to cross the river.

But he didn't do anything

Through the Qi Hope Technique, Su Yun could see the direction of the scorching air flow accumulated inside.

Therefore, as long as you go along the place where the anger is heaviest, you will definitely gain something.


Su Yun stopped by a wall.

Reached out and touched the wall, gathered his strength and smashed it down without a fist.

With a bang, a big hole was smashed out of the wall.

Woohoo! ~~

A cold air blew in the face.

The air was cold and lacked with a rancid smell

Su Yun stepped into this secret room, and a sharp silver light suddenly shouted in his ears.

"I already knew you were there!"

Su Yun easily dodged over.

"Mighty Vajra Palm!"


The golden light exploded, and the zombie that attacked him was slapped out with a palm.

"Huh? You're not dead yet?"

Su Yun walked over to take a look and found that this zombie was a little different from what he had encountered before.


Black, with a hint of purple.

The black zombie did not die with one blow, but several times he tried to struggle, but failed.

The True Qi in Su Yun's body moved, transforming into a flame with the Qi of the Supreme Yang to the Strongest on his palm, and then slammed on the black zombie.


Rao is the black zombie's body strength is amazing, and it also shattered under this blow.


More importantly, the flame attached to the black zombie, instantly devouring it.

[Tip: You have gained 18,000 Reiki points.] 】

"Sure enough, it is the strength of the C-level, but it exceeds the ordinary C-level ghosts, and the aura value is really much. "

"However, this guy's physical strength is also far more than the average zombie... Strange, there is no spiritual intelligence. "

Su Yunmo clenched his chin in thought.

He has encountered a lot of zombies, and the low-level zombie spiritual intelligence is very low, but when it reaches the C level, it can derive spiritual intelligence.

If it is a human who becomes a zombie after death, the C-level strength can awaken part of the previous memory.

The higher the Zhi Qi, the higher the spiritual intelligence.

But at the moment, this zombie has a C level than Ming, and it should break through to B level depending on the situation

But he could only fight according to instinct, which surprised Su Yun.

"Forget it, it's not bad anyway. "

C-class zombies, a fundamental threat to him.

Su Yun focused his attention on this secret room

There are some murals carved on the surrounding walls, but the light is too dim to see clearly, and it feels like a picture of a certain school.

There was a coffin in the middle of the secret room, but there was no one living inside.

In addition to that, there is a little thing.

Su Yun took it out and took a look.


There is a saying in the tomb robbery world that the coffin rises to make a fortune, which means that there is a treasure when the coffin is opened.

So, this ring should be a funeral item or something.

If it is an antique, it is certainly unlikely, after all, for the strong, antiques have no meaning at all.

Su Yun thought of a baby.

Na Ring.

As the name suggests, it is a ring that holds items.

This thing Yujiu has it, and she usually keeps her weapon in the Na Ring.

The things were placed in it, and they could be taken out at any time when they were about to be used, which made Su Yun quite envious.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to enter True Qi into it.

Soon, the ring became connected with Su Yun's consciousness.

"Really. "

Su Yun's eyes lit up.

This is a real treasure!

With this thing, you don't have to bother bringing things in the future.

Su Yun looked inside the ring.

Two books.

"Legs of the Wind"

"Pai Yun Palm"

In addition to this, there is a bottle of elixir.

"This is..."

Tonic elixir.

Good stuff.

He was lacking this elixir, and as for the secret of the exercises, he couldn't look at it at all.

Although these exercises can really be cultivated, Su Yun has a system, and those martial arts secrets that others cannot cultivate can be cultivated, but they are more incense than these.

After cleaning up, Su Yun left the secret room and continued to go deep into the tomb.


The other side.

The Paranormal Authority and the Guhua faction chased in, but soon lost their target.

"Damn, that purple zombie is also too cunning"

Although ghosts do not have the same intelligence as humans, they have instincts.

Just like animals, if you can't fight, you can run away, and use your geographical advantages to fight.

At the moment, purple zombie is like this, in this cemetery, it has a great advantage.

"Can't go on like this anymore. "

Li Yueshan waved his hand.

"We don't even know the situation of the tomb, we don't have the corresponding equipment, it's too dangerous to continue to go deeper.Elder Zhao, what do you think?"

Zhao Qingyun nodded: "Indeed, although the ghost zombie does not have too high spiritual intelligence, but the battle instinct is terrifyingly strong, just in case, it is better to be prepared to come in again." "

"That's what I thought. "

The little brothers on both sides looked at each other.

They all know that their boss is afraid.

After all, any of them alone against the Zi Zombie, I am afraid that there will be death or no life.

Now it is in a dark tomb.

The two sides hit it off and immediately began to return along the same road.

But soon, a rumbling sound suddenly came

"Not good!" Zhao Qingyun's face changed.

A group of people hurried back, but the huge bronze door fell, blocking the way back


In the darkness, a roar came.

"Suffered. "

Li Yueshan's face changed drastically: "Quick!

Zhao Qingyun used the technique to take a look, and saw a black-pressed figure rushing towards this side in all directions.


At this glance, there must not be more than a dozen ghost zombies?

"Retreat, retreat!"

The people on both sides didn't want to think about it, and hurriedly turned around and ran.

The road to the grave was complicated, chasing and going for ten minutes, and in the end even they didn't know where to run.

"Here it is?"

With a wide line of sight, Li Yueshan looked around and found that this tomb was more spacious than the one he had encountered before.

"Main Tomb?"

"Captain, they're coming!"

That group of black zombies rushed in under the leadership of purple zombies!


The purple zombie roared and pounced.

The other black zombies quickly followed one by one.

"It's over!"

Zhao Qingyun's face turned pale.

"Elder, elder. One of his men grunted and pointed to a huge coffin behind them and said, "The one in the back... The timber cover doesn't seem to be able to suppress Ya. "

Everyone looked back.

I saw that the huge bronze coffin lid was suddenly blown out by a strange force.


The heavy coffin lid smashed to the ground with a loud noise, and even the zombies were startled.

"Well, it turns out that this is not a secret passage?"

In full view of everyone, Su Yun jumped out of the coffin.


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